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Thread: Finally, a proper member questionnaire (Stryl)

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    What are ghost-like qualities to you? Do you believe there are any situations in life where it's helpful to feel ghost-like because then the outer "noise" can't touch you?

    I wonder if this is a reflection on extroversion vs introversion, something straightforward like that.

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    @Stryl Commenting to let you know I've seen this, and I'll reply in depth later. I'm very busy, so I might be a bit though!
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Being treated like a ghost translates to, well, being treated with complete indifference by those around you. You may share the same physical/virtual/metaphorical space with someone frequently, but in their mind you're just as interesting and valuable as that one passer-by they've seen once. Once you leave the place you're forgotten. Completely neutral opinion. No desire from them to talk to you or get to know you. "Oh, I guess they're alright" or "I don't know". I think different kinds of people can end up in this situation, it's more of a phenomenon and less of a set of traits. Of course there are situations when this is useful though, I wouldn't want to be in the spotlight if I'm simply going to go out shopping.

    This could point towards an extraverted function, but I'm no expert.
    Thanks, you have explained this in relatable un-complicated way. A widely experienced phenomenon that manifests differently depending on your own type/lens.

    It's one of the greatest things in life to feel dear to someone and to know that you have your own unique value to them, that is not interchangeable with other things that they like.

    Your response got me thinking about recognition as an antidote to treating someone with indifference.
    That is - the more you come into contact with a person, the more associations you form that are unique to them and the effect they have on your state of mind.

    Maybe there's something to this too: what you take note of, the things that make a person "distinct" to you, also hold the potential to change something inside you. Because they hold value.

    Taking an indifferent stance can be a way to manage expectations. The closer you bring something to you and make it significant, the greater chance it has of overwhelming you or causing you to feel loss. Over-concern can burn you out and weigh you down. If your expectation bar is set low perhaps it is easier to achieve satisfaction because more things have the potential of bringing you happiness, and you are not scrutinising as much.

    Going back to being recognised, and there being certain things you would like to be remembered for:
    I personally place a lot of value in being creative and resourceful, so that is the area in which I would most like to be visible - if I was shown indifference toward my efforts, that would make me feel deflated and want to shrink away. I think the super-ID may be responsible for the feelings of wanting to be seen and acknowledged.
    Last edited by thistle; 11-25-2021 at 07:58 AM.

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    @Stryl sorry this is taking so long, but I'm more than halfway through though. I'm writing in bursts when I get the time lol

    My tentative conclusion is EII thus far
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Here’s my bestattempt. Conclusions I come to here I don’t consider final, butsimply “best fit” based on the material you provided. Ultimatelyyou know yourself better than I know you, but since my process isdeductive, I believe it to be reasonably accurate (at least asaccurate as the information you provided is true and representativeof you anyways). Sorry for the wait, but I wanted to do a good job,and have either been too busy or too tired to write this well untilnow. Enjoy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What do you study ordo for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like ordislike about it?
    I’m majoring inDigital Media and Communications, which is a pretty good choice forme since work in this field is varied and creative. Most of the jobsaren’t the 9-to-5 kind, there’s always something new going on,they generally match my interests, every time I learn stuff it feelslike I’m growing as a person. I enjoy influencing others through mywork and getting appreciated for my effort. How did I get here? Well,back when I was still a kid I thought money was the most importantthing to me and that I should repress my desire to go after what myheart wanted, so I went into the wrong major telling myself I couldtake it. Turns out I don’t have the endurance to do that, and Ialso need to feel satisfied with what I’m doing to some degree.
    You seem inclined tonovelty. Some evidence of valued intuition and/or irrationality.Enjoy having an impact on others, so potentially some evidence ofbeing an ethical type. Kids want all kinds of things when they’relittle, so I’m gonna ignore the last bit for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What else do you doon a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you dothem?
    Tough to answer thissince I’m unpredictable.I basically wake up every morning sayingI’m going to do something useful today. I do have my usualactivities like eating, relaxing, playing games or watching TV, butin the end what truly matters to me is those parts of the day whenI’m working towards my end goal - becoming my best. Sometimes thistranslates to doing something big like picking up a new skill, orsomething smaller like figuring out that I like my fries withoutketchup. Everything in my world revolves around this idea; every newhobby/interest is seen as a way to improve myself and become a morewell rounded individual than I was before. I’m not necessarilygoing to go deep into a hobby - in most cases I end up moving tosomething else in a matter of a few months - but everything I gathercomes together to form my own impression of how the world works. Iwant to experience everything that interests me and find ways to showthe world how capable I am.
    Unpredictable –more evidence for irrationality. Focus on long-term end goals isgenerally an Ni thing. The focus on “becoming my best” leads memore to thinking Ne though since Ne is what sees and valueshidden/unknown potential, so I’m more inclined to call thisevidence of valued Ne. Considering finding out whether you like frieswith or without ketchup to be contributing to your personaldevelopment is evidence of valued Si. Si likes to build up personalaesthetic palettes like that. Proving your capability comes across asTe or Se to me, and I can’t quite decide which. Probably Te though,since I’ve seen very little evidence of Se elsewhere so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What are yourvalues, and why?
    In no particularorder: logic, independence, loyalty, adaptability, authenticity,intelligence, curiosity, fairness. I probably missed a few, but thepoint is that the further we distance ourselves from our primitivenature, the better. I expect others to do their best the same way Iam, making use of what’s inside their heads. I despise hedonisticactivities and short-sightedness. An optimist could say that I’m anold soul who just wants to see the best humanity has to offer,whereas a skeptic could say I’m just being a selfish d*ck who wantseverything to go my way. Take it as you will.
    This is once againpretty good evidence of Ne valuing I feel. There’s a lot of focuson human potential in this paragraph and imagining what we mightachieve as a species if we could “distance ourselves from ourprimitive nature” (something I would be inclined to deem asinescapable). The disgust you show towards hedonism soundspotentially like devalued Si, but I think many Socionics enthusiaststend to associate Si with hedonism a little too closely. I’ll leavethis alone for now because it feels more like a side-effect ofNe-valuing and you wanting to see people’s potential achieved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Describe yourrelationships with family and friends. What do you like and dislikeabout them?
    There’s quite abit of conflict between me and my family, we always run intosomething that causes our personalities to clash. Lots and lots ofannoyances that sometimes make me want to just pack my things up andleave, but despite all this I’d say our family is relatively stablenonetheless. I may not like my dad as a person, but as a parent he’spassable - he plays the parent role just fine (with lots of room forimprovement, but I won’t go in detail) and provides the physicalcomfort I need. My younger brother may be the kind of person Iwouldn’t even talk to, but as his older sibling I do try to helphim out with advice sometimes. It’s sort of a contract between us,you know.
    Sounds rather coldto me, and your description of a relationship as contractual isinteresting to me. This all sounds like Fi-Te. In general you don’tseem to value Fe much at all as near as I can tell (not just pullingthat from this paragraph, but in general I think valued –particularly 4th/3rd dimensional – Fe can betotally ruled out). In my mind there’s simply no way you’re anAlpha or Beta feeler, and I think it’s unlikely that you’re anyAlpha or Beta type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    My relationshipswith friends are rather cold and distant. If you asked me how manyfriends I have I could write you a list and maybe put 4-5 names onit, but in reality it feels I’ve got zero. We’ve known each otherfor half a decade but we talk to each other pretty rarely, like oncea month. I wish we could get closer, since I’m tired of feelinglonely, but that probably wouldn’t work out. It’s hard for me todo something about it, so why don’t they do it instead? Do theyeven care about me that much? It always feels like I’m not reallythat significant to them, so instead of trying to work with what Ihave I’d rather look for new opportunities elsewhere. For now I’mjust glad I’ve got someone I can hang out with in case I feel likeit. I don’t think we’re anything alike, our thought process isradically different, but we’re just compatible enough in order tohave fun without having any sort of serious disagreements.
    I’m gonna leavemost of this alone. Not having many close friends isn’t necessarilytype related. Some more evidence of upper dimension Ne towards theend there though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What do you look forin friends? In romantic relationships?
    Someone who gets meand appreciates me for who I am, shares the same interests andopinions. I need someone who I can trust and isn’t too shy aboutshowing their affection towards me. Consistency. I need to know theywon’t get bored of me in a couple weeks/months and abandon mewithout saying a word, like in most cases.
    I’m not real surewhat you’re alluding to with the “like in most cases” bit, butcombined with the not having a lot of friends bit and sort of coldfamily dynamics, you sound like you might be (understandably) alittle depressed. This could be a confound in typing you, so it’llbe good to keep in mind (depression and other significant mentalillnesses/syndromes or even just rougher life circumstances can muddythe waters sometimes).
    The first bit seemslike standard stuff that most people like in relationships. Youemphasized consistency though, and I wonder what that might indicate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What conflicts haveyou encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen?Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Can’t think ofanything too recent or relevant. I usually get in conflict with thekinds of people I dislike (because I can’t hold back from showingmy annoyance with them), those who won’t listen to what I say andignore the facts right in front of them, people who try to make me dosomething without explaining why, anyone who doesn’t mind theirbusiness and reads too deep into things so they can “cancel” me.First one’s on me because I’m not very accepting of others unlessthey fit my criteria, the rest because they were being dumb.
    More – and fairlyobvious at that – evidence of devalued Fe and valued Fi. Te as wellsince you assume everyone sees the same externally “obvious”facts you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What are yourstrengths? What do people like about you? What do you like aboutyourself?
    What I like aboutmyself: I’m smart, I can do a lot of things, I look okay, I givegood advice, I can spot an opportunity and take it, I have good tastein media, my values, I can think clearly without letting my emotionsor instincts get the best of me, very determined under the rightcircumstances. I think those who know me appreciate the same thingsmore or less. Ironically I’ve heard I’m easy to get along witheven though I’m unwilling to be friends with 9 out of 10 people.
    More valued Ne withregards to spotting opportunities. Good taste in media is a weird oneas I can’t personally imagine thinking highly of myself because ofmy media tastes (I tend to think the idea of there being such a thingas “good” or “bad” taste is silly cause it’s just taste.There’s nothing objective there. That’s not a judgment of you oranything, I’m just thinking out loud), but I’m not sure whatfunction this would count as. Probably Fi though as it sounds likesomething my EII friend would say, and you followed it up immediatelywith values. Determination is Se I think, but this isn’t crazy goodevidence for Se. I think most people can be determined “under theright circumstances”.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What are yourweaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do youdislike about yourself?
    Self criticism: I’mnot sometimes not patient enough and I want to get things done assoon as possible, I can’t stay focused on one thing for too long,somewhat lazy, I can get greedy and even a bit jealous,jack-of-all-trades but master of none (again, yes), my health isn’tthe best. Criticism from others: I’m arrogant and act like aknow-it-all, I’m too quiet and unfriendly, too pretentious, bad atphysical tasks, unemotional, can’t enjoy the small things in life.I feel like I’m lagging behind a bit in life because of mylaziness.
    Lack of focus and“laziness” leads me to thinking Te is almost certainly notdominant for you, though you definitely seem to value it. Lots ofpeople are capable of feeling greedy or jealous, so that’s notreally type related I’d say. Disliking criticism may or may not betype related. Ti valuers, especially Alpha NTs I think could be saidto be generally more accepting of criticism though depending on theform in comes in. Maybe this is evidence of Ti devaluing, maybe not.This next part is interesting, “quiet and unfriendly, toopretentious, bad at physical tasks, unemotional, can’t enjoy thesmall things in life. I feel like I’m lagging behind a bit in lifebecause of my laziness.” This is evidence for a number of thingsincluding introversion, Fe-devaluing, aristocracy, PoLR Se, andperhaps lower dimension Si (might still be valued). Lots of goodreasons to suspect EII typing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    In what areas oflife can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your lifewould you like help?
    I can manage well onmy own when it comes to anything work related or personal, like myfeelings/thoughts on something. I don't need others to tell me whatto do since I can always come up with something on my own. "Iwant to do X, so I'll go through A and B. If B doesn't work, I'llconsider C". Obviously I might need a hand when it comes toactually doing A, B, C, which is fine. Asking others for theirthoughts on my Socionics since they understand it better is part ofthe process, for example.
    Right off the batthat’s valued/strong Fi-Te. The last bit sounds like Te is theweaker of the two, which makes sense with everything else you’vesaid up to this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    I’d appreciatehelp when it comes to housework and smaller physical stuff. Cooking,taking out the trash, cleaning. I’m too lazy to do these. I couldalso use some help from someone with a stronger presence in the realworld, since I have plenty of ideas but can’t always put them intopractice. I lack connections and power, so certain goals can’t beachieved (yet).
    Sounds like moreevidence of lower dimension, valued Si and Te.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What things do youdislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don’t know, Ithink at this point you can already get an idea about what I like anddislike. You definitely will by the end of this thing, so I don’twant to repeat myself.
    Yeah, I think I’vealready got enough to type you anyways.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What goals,aspirations, or plans do you have for the future, and why?
    I want to find a wayto become financially independent so I can live my life to itsfullest. I want to leave my mark on the world somehow so I can proveto myself, and to others, that I’m something special. The leastthing I’d want to do is end up with a mediocre life.
    Lots of people wantfinancial independence. The second half of that first sentence ismore Ne-valuing. Recurring theme of living up to potential.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    If you won thelottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
    I’d use that moneyto accomplish my dreams, and as a bonus, get a taste of what it feelslike to be part of the upper class. I would buy expensive things,travel around the world, start my own business, focus onself-improvement. I’d still need something to keep me moving afterall, I don’t think I could just sit still for the rest of my life.
    Starting a businessis definitely more of a Te-valuing thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What traits do youfind endearing that others might dislike? What traits are consideredpositive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I appreciate thosewho have the balls to act in an unconventional manner, despite thesocial norms (to some degree). Rude behaviour is endearing when it'sjustified, since it could mean that the other person shares the samevalues as me. I'm annoyed by those who try too hard to fit in, peoplepleasers, small talk, topics that get brought up a lot but don'tinterest me, passivity, indecisiveness, certain small details likestarting every sentence with "like" or using some slangwords.
    Devaluing Fe infavour of Fi real hard here. Pretty straightforward evidence of thatI feel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What kinds of thingsdo you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, yourhouse, etc.)?
    I'll clean my roomif it gets noticeably dirty, maybe replace a piece of furniture ifit's exceptionally ugly, but aside from that I won't do anything.Everything looks fine enough as it is.
    Definitely what I’ddescribe as weaker Si, but not necessarily devalued.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    How do you behavearound strangers?
    I simply actreserved, try to be as neutral as possible and show a hint ofpoliteness just so I can go through the crowd without causing myselfor others any problems. It's all rather draining and awkward, so Ifeel relieved once I get back home.
    Sounds likeintroversion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    How do you react toconflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I'll let them knowwhat my stance is on the problem and try to talk it out. Severalattempts will be made, but if I see that nothing's going to be solvedI'll either hit them back with a couple of verbal punches or simplyleave… depending on how important that said conflict is to me.Conflict makes me feel restless either way and I wish to resolve thesituation quickly. I need some sort of closure so I can stop thinkingabout it and move on to the next thing.
    Non-combativeness isgonna be lower dimension Se. Whether it’s valued or not is unclearfrom this paragraph alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Would you ever beinterested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role wouldyou play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I'm interested,mainly because I like doing things my own way and I wouldn't be ableto work too well if I had to deal with a bad boss or coworkers. I'lltry to do everything myself, but if that's not possible, I'd go for aleading role or anything that'd give me some control over the othersso I can make sure the results are good. I don't know what kind ofbusiness this would be, I'd be willing to try a lot of things ifthey're profitable.
    Definitely some Tevaluing here, as well as Fi too of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    How do you dress ormanage your appearance?
    I’m not interestedin fashion but I do want to look passable when I’m in public. I’lltake great care of my hair (to the point where it’s a littleobsessive) and keep switching between the same 3-4 shirts that Ithink look good and are comfortable, though I won’t do much elseaside from that. Anything more would be excessive. I’ll followdress codes if I have to, maybe wear something more formal in orderto show that I’m serious, but following trends is a big no sinceI’m not willing to conform to such a degree. Clothes are more likea tool - a set of rules I gotta follow so I won’t be treated like aclown - rather than something that’s part of my life.
    Very practical.Sounds like like the EIIs I know. I think Fe-valuers tend to be morelikely to express a lot in their dress. More evidence against Feisn’t really needed at this point though lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Do you like kids?Why or why not?
    Pretty indifferenttowards them, but if I had to pick a clear answer I’d say no.They’re annoying and cause trouble. At their best they’re justless developed adults.
    I’m hesitant tothink of this as type related, so I won’t bother.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    In what situationsor times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?
    Right afteraccomplishing something hard or important, like when I found my firstjob or entered university. Such events make me feel like I’madvancing in life, they keep things moving. I’m at my worst when Ifeel stuck - everything is static, boring, hopeless.
    Very much a combo ofNe and Te here I feel. Moving forward and accomplishing clearexternal objectives. I’m IEI and don’t care about this stuff atall really.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    How do you feelabout attention? Do you seek it out?
    I don’t activelyseek attention, but I enjoy it. It gives me some validation and makesme feel less like a ghost.
    Lol more unvaluedFe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    How do you approachresponsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I take myresponsibilities seriously and I expect others to do the same.
    Fair enough. Veryshort Te-sounding response to this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    If you were to raisea child, what would be your main concerns, what approach would youtake, and why?
    I would try my bestto turn my child into a prodigy - I would make sure they get anoutstanding education, introduce them to different activities so theycan find out early on what they’re good at and what they love todo, make sure they’re on the right track. I wouldn’t be so goodat physically taking care of them, as in cooking or cleaning. Mybiggest fear is that the child won’t end up the way I want them to,like they’d reject everything that I showed them in favour ofsomething lesser. This is a huge dilemma for me. I valueindividuality, but would I resort to authoritarian methods if thingsdidn’t go properly? I wouldn’t stand it if that happened, so eventhough it may seem somewhat hypocritical, it’s likely.
    The Ne valuing ofpotential is off the charts here. As though we even needed moreexamples of this. Combined with your specific ideas of how you’dwant them to turn out though, it sounds like it may be in service toFi-base. I’m quite confident in an EII typing at this point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Your friend burstsinto tears. What do you do? How does it make you feel?
    It’d make me feelbad and a bit uncomfortable, though I wouldn’t be pissed about it.I’ll comfort them and see if I can do something about the causebehind it. I know I’m going to be rather stoic throughout the wholething but that doesn’t mean I’m unconcerned. If nothing can bedone about it I’ll try to distract them, lighten up the mood, etc.
    Ahh stoic concern inthis situation definitely sounds Fi to me. Concealing your ownemotions, and just trying to comfort them. I would definitely show myemotions quite visibly because I want my care for them to beimmediately apparent. That’s one way to distinguish between Fi andFe in this situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is your biggestaccomplishment?
    Answering thisquestionnaire.
    Lol it’s probablylonger than it needs to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What was (or is)your high school experience like?
    High school was bothpainfully boring and frustrating. A few classes were interesting, butthe main idea is that I was stuck in school for over 6 hours a daydoing almost nothing significant, surrounded by people who irritatedme. Didn’t have anyone to talk to. Everything was stagnant, Icouldn’t wait to graduate and go out in the real world. Probablythe worst stage in my life so far.
    Sorry it sucked
    Sounds like moreevidence of lower dimensional valued Te as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Ever feel stuck in arut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Happens quite often.I spend a good chunk of my time dealing with college/work relatedstuff, then all of a sudden I get a realisation: “Wait, oh sh*t,I’ve been doing nothing but write papers for weeks. These areimportant in the short-term, but pretty useless in the long-term. Igotta start focusing on my long-term goals!”. This will get me outof my auto-pilot mode for a while.
    I don’t think thisis particularly type related.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is somethingyou regret?
    Vague question,vague answer. I regret an action if I know that the present/futurewould be better if I had done something different.
    Vague question,vague answer, vaguely type related at best lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Who do you admire,and why?
    I’ve got some sortof admiration for anyone who’s ever contributed to the world in oneway or another. Artists, philosophers, CEO’s, creators andprofessionals from most fields. Anyone who has the same values I do.
    Emphasis on valuecongruence makes me think valued Fi evidence.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What's been on yourmind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problemshave you encountered lately?
    I’ve been thinkingabout Socionics a lot, trying almost obsessively to get things rightand figure out what type I am. Not a good set of questions though, itprobably just makes a certain part of your personality more obviousthan it should be.
    Turning to otherpeople for this is probably some evidence of Te. Me being Te PoLR, Idon’t trust people’s opinions about things until I myself know abit about what they’re talking about. I much prefer figuring thingsout myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What are yourspiritual or religious beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I respect spiritualand religious beliefs for what they are, but I don’t reallyintegrate them in my daily life. They’re more like a fun thing Iwould explore in my free time, after all the higher priority thingshave been dealt with. I would adopt such beliefs as a way to copewith how boring and meaningless the world is.
    Not really typerelated I feel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What are yourpolitical beliefs, and why? How much do you care about politics?
    I always jokinglysay I’m too individualistic for politics. Different parties mayhave slightly different ideologies, but in the end they’re allfundamentally the same. For most people politics are part of theiridentity, not a way to solve real world problems. I go with whatevermakes sense to me at the moment, without aligning myself with acertain ideology. If I absolutely have to pick a label I’ll justsay “centrist”.
    Not really gettingan obvious element from this either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What kind of workenvironment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I prefer workenvironments that don’t force me to be around others for too long.Working on my own is great, working in a team is okay, but having tostay next to my coworkers for no good reason is just painful. I wantto focus on our work and leave the small talk for later. I want a jobthat recognises my effort and rewards me for it. Organisedenvironment, competent boss and coworkers, growth. The last thing I’dwant to do is be stuck in a poorly organised dead-end job where Ihave to follow absurd orders.
    More devalued Fe andvalued Te. Also a bit of Fi-Te independence in there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is or was yourfavorite school subject and why?
    I don’t know, Igenerally liked humanities. I’m bad at picking favourites.
    Feeling probably.

    What is one commonmisconception that people have about life? Explain why it is wrong.
    I’ve noticed a lotof people following an oversimplified optimistic vision of the world:“Graduate, find a career, have a family and you’ll be happy.Everyone is equal, we are all the same. Everything happens for areason. Learn to love yourself and you will be loved”. There may bea tiny bit of truth in these statements, but no. You’re on your own- life is cruel and unfair. Truly being yourself will do you moreharm than good if you’re too different from the norm.
    I’m getting those“disappointed idealist” vibes from this that EIIs tend to giveoff, but I don’t think disenchantment with the status quo isnecessarily type related.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Where did you go onyour most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like itand why?
    Dunno. I tend toonly go to places that interest me, so I can see what they’re likeand what they have to offer. Like I’ve visited Rome because I findits history fascinating.
    Not really getting alot from this. Rome sounds cool though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Talk about asignificant event from your life.
    [Insert irrelevantstory that says absolutely nothing about my socionics type]
    Lol Really isn’tnecessary at this point anyways.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    How do you see otherpeople as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem?Name one.
    You can already tellI’m not a people person, what else is there to say? Stupidity isthe biggest problem.
    That’s a rathercategorical negative judgment. I think generally rational Gammas andDeltas are more prone to those.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What do you do ifyou're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    I insist on gettingit and put up a fight for a bit, but I get burnt out rather easily.So I’ll just cool down and find a way around it. Go on a 3 hourslong search for answers, dozens of browser tabs open at the sametime. Ask for advice if I can’t find a solution on my own.
    Other than evidenceof not being high dimensional Se, I’m not getting that much fromthis.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Are you comfortabletaking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    It was more of anacquired taste, but I’m okay with leading. I’ve had to step inmany times because no one else was willing to do it, or because theyweren’t good at it. Ideally I’ll go for some second-in-commandkind of role so I won’t have to awkwardly speak in front of toomany people. I like being in charge because it allows me to make sureeverything’s done properly.
    This definitelysounds like the kind of reasons introvert NFs give for taking thelead on things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is one unusualtrait or ability you possess? What makes you special?
    I can think formyself, wow!
    Good job

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is your senseof humor like? Do you joke around a lot?
    I joke around a lot,see above. Irony, mockery, absurdity, saying the opposite of what I’mthinking, total non-sense.
    My EII sister has avery nonsensical style of humour as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What were you likeas a child? How have you changed since then?
    I’ve always been abit precocious, though I think my main problem was not being tooin-tune with both myself and what the world is actually like. I hadto figure it out through some trial and error. I used to seekexternal approval and had low self-esteem because I wasn’t gettingit, but the older I grew the more self-sufficient I became. In myteenage years I did a total flip from “I’m the worst” to “I’mthe best”. Finally figured out how things worked and what myidentity was.
    Again, this soundslike the EIIs I’ve known. Not sure how best to break this down intoelements though (and also don’t feel like I need to lol).

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is thebest/worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Do you? I don’tkeep track of such things.
    Lol alright.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is the purposeof life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    No real purpose, wejust gotta find our own. I’ll keep going on the path I am right nowand become my best. Prove to myself and others that I can do whateverI set my mind on.
    Fi and Ne with a bitof Te thrown in for spice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    What is the mostinteresting place you have been, and why?
    Somewhere in mydreams, but I didn’t write it down as soon as I woke up so we’llnever know.
    Lol very NFsounding.

    Okay, well that wasa lot of work, but fun hearing how you think. My conclusion from thisis that you are most likely EII. I’m very tired of writing now, soI won’t say too much more, but I hope that helped you out, even ifyou don’t end up agreeing with me! I am quite sure you aredefinitely not an Alpha or Beta though. I’ll bet my tail on it.Meow.
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    You'll have to excuse the screwed up formatting. This site really doesn't like when I copy/paste from a word processor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Base Fi? That's an interesting take, I've been told by others that my Fi is very weak. Curious to see how you're getting to that conclusion.
    Other's likely have a better understanding of Socionics than I, but from what you wrote your Fi seems quite strong to me
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    I also suspect anyone's Fi, in general, may appear more pronounced here than it actually is in the real world. It's the nature of those questionnaires and typology in general - they require you to reflect upon deeply personal matters and talk about them. It's not the cold logic you'd normally associate with Te.
    Hence why I add so many caveats when I type people. I don't trust typing via internet to be particularly reliable. It's not completely useless, and it works better for some people than others, but I'm not willing to state categorically that my assessment of you is correct. All I am saying is that given the amount of Fi in your post it was the conclusion I naturally had to come to. I trust you to know best if you feel that doesn't represent who you are though
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    I would also rule out creative Fi because I just can't see it as my preferred method of feeding Ne (assuming Ne is my base).
    I don't think you can rule it out if we assume Ne is your base or creative. Again, via simple deduction if your Ne is ego then you must also have Ti or Fi ego, and I haven't seen any reason to think Ti, therefore in some way or another you must be Fi. This feels supported by the Fi I was getting from your post as well. The only ways for this to not be the case are either if Ne is not in your ego stack after all (in which case I would suggest it simply has to be the Hidden Agenda given how much emphasis there is on it in your questionnaire), or if you're somehow hiding Ti really well / I'm completely blind to it. I think in this case it is more likely that Ne is your HA and you're an LSE.

    Summary: EII/IEE are the types most evident by your questionnaire answers alone. If you are truly not either of those types then LSE seems like the only other type one could reasonably suggest based on your posts on the forum taken as a whole. I think your Ne is too developed for SLI, and for you to be Gamma NT there would have to be a huge side of you that's not coming out in these posts. Still... if we really really stretch it I could begin to maaaaaaaybe see SLI, but Gamma seems rather unlikely to me.

    What do you think?
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    @Stryl, if your Fi is between an ESI and an EII, I vote for EII. ESIs don’t give people a pass on moral transgressions just because they know them. The Fi that you described is a Delta’s Fi.

    The choice between an EII and an IEE is a harder call so far.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-26-2021 at 02:12 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    So yeah, certain things just don't stick to us even if we're aware of them- our brains are programmed to work a certain way and it takes some serious effort to override these parts. Like I keep telling myself to buy some new clothes, and I could even write you a 1000 words essay on why this is important, but in the end I'm just gonna wear the same two shirts over and over again because that's in my comfort zone and I don't truly see it as a top priority. I'm going to need some external factors to motivate me to do this. I do wonder how this fits in Socionics. Could be the super-ID as you said.
    Ah this is so true! It's like we are treading the same well-worn brain pathways over and over again like obedient machines.

    I wonder how you would feel if someone said to you "I think x shirt would really suit you because of y". Would that be a motivating factor or would you find it more manipulative (because you'd prefer to have free reign). It's not a top priority for you as you mentioned, but does outside encouragement help you out of your comfort zone, or make you cling to it even more?

    Keeping to the topic of clothing, I have a closet of clothing that I no longer wear but the individual pieces are collectable and worth selling to help me build up my savings. To achieve that I will need to launder and steam/iron the clothes so they are presentable for photographs, take their measurements and create descriptions for eBay (or something similar). I haven't used the post service for a while so I would need to look into the prices to be able to quote customers upfront. There are practical reasons why it would be important for me to carry out these steps and move the clothes on, but money is not an external factor that is motivating me to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Is this your actual thought process in action, or are we simply being philosophical? I can see myself coming up with something similar if I had to sit down and think about it, but I'm also self-aware enough to tell that if someone treated me with indifference this very moment I would probably assume the worst about them. One thing that happens very often to me - I befriend someone and talk to them for a few days/weeks. Then they suddenly stop talking to me, giving me various excuses if I confront them. I'd attempt to be understanding at first and keep repeating ideas like "Oh, maybe they're just busy. Maybe they're not in the mood. Maybe they just need some distance. Nothing to worry about." in my mind, but sooner or later my own self-doubts are going to win anyway. Their actions just don't make sense to me. Why would someone who cared about me do this? If they truly did, why aren't they making any kind of effort to come back at me? I prefer straight forward relationships so this really frustrates me.
    It's my thought process, but the links are made in hindsight and more in the service of communicating ideas to someone else. I wanted to show my idea to you in this thread so I wrote it in long-form.

    When you say that you would also arrive at this thought if you sat down and really wanted to, that might indicate that you see less merit in this type of problem solving/analysis than I do. Maybe I prefer to problem solve in isolation and then present my ideas, and you prefer to problem solve in company? It's interesting to think about.

    Does preferring a straightforward relationship mean that it works best for you if you're made aware of your friend's state of mind, whatever that might be?
    e.g. What do you think about friends who vent their feelings to you about anything at all that is bothering them; would that be preferable to observing your friends bottling up and distancing themselves? Do you think one of the most helpful aspects of a relationship is being able to vent to each other?

    When people seem friendly toward you upon meeting (and this ends up being short-lived) I think it's because there are some mutual/convivial rules built into first establishing rapport. Later on it becomes clearer to this person that there is less mutual ground than initially thought, and that they do not want to experience the change that your friendship presents. By change I mean who they might become in the process of getting to know you, by making space alongside their own concerns for yours. Your convictions, opinions, interests, requests will affect them and they are deciding where they are willing to make concessions.

    Perceived discrepancy between how someone behaves externally toward you and how uncomfortable they truly feel inside can lead to them disappearing on you, in my experience. Especially if one person finds it difficult to identify what they actually need from the relationship and also finds it difficult to tell you when they feel stepped on. I've been that person.

    Communicating the truth could help bring you closer together in the long-term, but if doing so presents more discomfort than it is "worth" that can lead to someone making excuses and avoiding you instead. On the other hand, if you leave a friendship undefined and don't develop it further but also don't end it, you have greater flexibility. When you make excuses you don't have to sit with the uncomfortable guilty feeling of knowing that you're willfully ignoring someone. It's easier then to turn a blind eye to how that person might be feeling about being ignored.

    I think it is terrible to treat someone that way, like you are discarding them and they are not worthy of an explanation - leaving someone with their doubts. That being said, I also can't think of someone who would be able to do this and not have it eat away at them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stryl View Post
    Could you maybe elaborate on why you think my Ne is that big of a deal? Why Ne and not Ni, for instance? I'm still open to the idea of it being part of the ID rather than the Ego, since I think demonstrative can be powerful too if a certain situation requires you to use it. It's one of your top 2 if you take dimensionality into account. Demonstrative Ne gives you an insane amount of possibilities and then tries to pick one of them with creative Ni. Wouldn't this look super scattered and explosive in the process, if the goal hasn't been reached yet? Someone else I talked to said it can be seen from the outside quite easily. Ni/Ne ignoring is, well, probably less likely in my case. IEE would also imply demonstrative Fe, which would be weird since I'm almost sure that's one of my weaker functions.
    I'm not really sure what more you want me to explain. I wrote that step by step breakdown up there and almost all the evidence points towards Ne rather than Ni. As per Ockham's Razor, it would be strange to start positing Ni as the real hidden mechanism behind all that when Ne explains things fine on its own. Perhaps you are Ni, but I've seen no reason to think so this far and feel I was thorough enough in explaining why
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