Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
What's istaphobia?
Y'know, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe, etc. Basically, they say you have a phobia/fear of anything and everything different or whatnot just because you don't agree with things like letting men who claim to be women to be put into the women's prison system. Look at California to see how that's turning out. You won't see that shit on CNN lemme tell ya.

Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
Out of curiosity, what wouldn't you consider to be a 'demonic' political ideology?
It'd be better to say it to be demonically influenced rather than just outright demonic. I'm no priest/theologian so I cannot offer up a 100 percent kosher Catholic political ideology. I can say that wokism/communism is demonic however. I am getting more and more partial to some form of Monarchy if you asked me what I'd like to see happen. At least then the common folk have a clear person to blame over failures and bad decisions. It has been theorized (and I agree with this one) that the PTB made the switch to democracy because they figured out how to maintain control over it by and large and because it enabled them to muddy the waters in regards to shame and blame.

After all, "Just vote the bums out if they fuck up" and/or "We all voted for this!" Whereas if you got a King and an Aristocracy it's "Rise up against the tyrannical Counts!" and "Kill the false King in the name of our true Lord and King Jesus! Viva Christo Rey!" The blame for bad decisions is very clearly delineated in such a system and nowadays we got sniper rifles and calibrated scopes. Yeah, no wonder the PTB made the switch. Of course, with modern tech and surveillance that threat can be theoretically totally mitigated so now they're trying to switch back because it is an easier system to manage (so long as kings and nobles can't get sniped by disgruntled peasants). Dumb fools place too much trust/faith in tech however. That last point assumes it always works 100 percent of the time.

Has any technology, especially complex and advanced technology, that you use on a regular basis ever worked every single time you've used it? Hell, the self-checkout machines at the grocery are a prime example. Have any of them been shut down, closed, or broken in your life? If you answered yes than you see the PTB's problem as the shit they're thinking will work 100 percent of the time is way more complex than even that. Thankfully they don't because sin makes you stupid and boy oh boy do they sin mightily and with glee in their hearts to boot.