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Thread: The disintegration of the American empire

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  1. #16
    End's Avatar
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    Because I think it relevant to this conversation I shall post two vids by a Youtuber that I think actually demonstrates my points. That is, that people on both sides are failing to maintain any sense of objectivity. A very clear symptom of late stage Empires in decline where it's all about the short term to the detriment of the long term.

    Ask any ancient Chinese Scholar who deserved that designation as they pleaded with the emperor to not go down the path literally every last other late stage emperor did as they uttered the most expensive words history has to offer. In one form or another that decadent emperor who was about to get wasted told that earnest scholar (probably a Gamma NT) "this time it's different" and had him executed for daring to question his decisions:

    I will say that if Kyle "traded" with his assailants I'd have just cynically accepted it ceteris paribus. That is, if the politicians didn't try to enact a crackdown on gun rights and the like using it as the justification. If the dude that killed Kyle in this alternate universe walked after Kyle took out one or two of his friends I'd have just accepted it and moved on. Sad Kyle died but he died a warriors death and I gotta hand it to the dude who landed the killing blow with a handgun.

    That was a crack shot. Whether guided by the divine or demonic it was still all part of God's plan. Hopefully Kyle died in a state of grace (if he died there) and his assailants did as well. I pray for the salvation of my enemies. Would that they earnestly did the same. Sadly, their dark faith knows only condemnation over forgiveness and redemption...

    The Woke Cultists of the Death variant are the most pitiable creatures on the planet. They vehemently reject those who would save them. They've already rejected a hand offered so freely they'd even die upon a cross for a stranger...
    Last edited by End; 11-30-2021 at 04:31 AM.

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