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Thread: The disintegration of the American empire

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    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Cute. If you think there's any real difference in regards to who holds power and that "Minority Republicans" are the problem, well, I got this amazing bridge in Brooklyn I just acquired and am very willing to sell to you at a price so low you'd easily mistake me for a con man!

    Yeah, the gerrymandering can, will, and does ensure few if any seats in the House are actually "up for grabs" as it were. The deeper question is whether or not that actually matters. Primaries are a thing and as a macro-level presidential election was rigged successfully, well, a greater justification of my pessimism you'd be hard pressed to find.

    After all, if I can rig the biggest election of a "democratic" nation and institue an administration damn near half (if not more) of the people who voted will swear upon the graves of their forefathers was rigged? And actually get shit done for the PTB?

    Yeah, that recent trial in Kenosha was a major bullet dodge for the woke cultists. You don't want to see what happens when right wing Gammas rightfully conclude they got nothing to lose. Hell, you're a Gamma NT yourself. Surely you were at least secretly relieved when that verdict got handed down. The next Civil War is coming but now we got the next year or two to prepare over the next few weeks or months.

    Your wording is confusing to me. Would you rather operate under the aegis of the "woke" or the aegis of their so called opponents? I ask because this is a very relevant data point for me. Are you an "istophobe" protean right wing austrian painter or are you instead a proud wielder of the hammer and sickle who is, was, and always shall be on the "right" side of history?

    Inquiring minds wish to know .
    that Rittenhouse trial was a fckin woke joke...that kid never needed to be arrested or put on trial. It was not even a close call....only a complete tard could draw the conclusion that Rittenhouse was not acting in self-defense. That prosecutor's license needs to be stripped for that sham kangaroo circus he attempted to orchestrate, and that Judge deserves a medal for not letting that cunt prosecutor turn that trial into a political shit show .

    leave it to Cokehead Al Sharpton to try and turn it into a racial issue, because it happened during the protests of the Jacob Blake shooting.

    This whole "woke" culture thing is gay as fck. Watch Aaron Rodgers speech when he made fun of the woke culture wanting to stick him into a "cancel culture coffin", not long after the Woke Pink team cheered on the firing of the Raiders head coach Gruden, after like so many black guys, athletes, coaches, including the great coach, Tony Dungy, came out and said the guy was absolutely not racist. but the woke culture is fast asleep when a so obviously white girl like Meaghan Markle delusionally claims that, as a black woman, she is the victim of racism when in fact that is impossible because she is so obviously NOT BLACK or the woke culture is comatose to Racist Joe's segregationist policies back in his KKK heyday that even his own VP called him out for and the Woke culture is comatose to the delusion that Poop for brains Kamala Harris perpetrates of her being a poster-girl of the black struggle in America in spite of her upper class Jamaican-Indian decent. It is ironic how ASLEEP the WOKE culture actually is

    Woke means Broke. Loser. To be Woke means to be as Broke as a Joke because that's what woke represents....the rise of the jobless shitbum aka Bernie Sanders' hero, whose woke to not what losers they are but to the fact they are not being thrown enough free handouts
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 11-27-2021 at 01:08 PM.

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