Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Even if you completely trust the integrity of elections in this country (which both sides attacked the last two elections when the opposing side won): The ACA, Libya, selling weapons to al-qaeda (the real scandal of Benghazi, which even Republicans either ignore or never learned from their media), California's current condition; all of this is what you get when Democrats are given control. Voting for Democrats doesn't fix shit. At least ten years ago you could say they were better than Republicans in the sense that, standing for nothing, they weren't aspirant theocrats, but now that Republicans and evangelicals are decoupling, there's nothing fueling the Republican voter base but rage and spite. So now we have two completely ideologically vacuous factions facing off against each other, frenzied by the media telling them how important it is for one side to win so they can accomplish...what?
That all may be true, but the United States still has a primary system. And a determined electorate can use that to change the shape of the political parties themselves.