Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Now, we (the US) could grow our economy the same way. We could have Biden create a new stimulus program which would put rural Americans back to work in state-supported solar and wind and electric bike, etc., factories.

But will we do that? Probably not. The US government is heavily influenced by people who watch Fox News and Fox News is funded by men who own very polluting industries. Clean energy is not in their interest, so Fox shits on Biden’s stimulus packages and that c***sucker Manchin enables it.
The last time the Democrats controlled the presidency and Congress, do you remember what was passed? We got a massive subsidy to health insurance companies in the form of the ACA which was designed by Republicans. Meanwhile, that President's cabinet was chosen by Citibank. Why do you believe that Biden's handlers intend to do half of what they campaigned on? The Democrats promise the moon and stars, but when it's time to deliver their proposals always manage to be defeated by Republicans...or by a rotating cast of "conservative" Democrats...or a proposal just isn't sent forth in the first place. It's miraculous how consistently they're thwarted! What do they have to do before you realize they don't give a shit about you or anyone who doesn't pay them? The state of California shows what Democrats are really like: Republicans there don't control anything. Largest homeless population of all the States, it's sold out so completely to the wealthy that middle-class Californians are flooding the rest of the country, and despite having the fifth largest economy in the world you'll notice it doesn't have universal healthcare. Federally, these last two elections they tilted the scales in favor of a war criminal; next a walking corpse who was a segregationist and one of the principal architects of the prison-industrial complex in this country -- all to stop Bernie Sanders, the only candidate they had anyone even liked (I still have yet to meet IRL, or even talk online to anyone who likes Joe Biden, let alone Harris!). The only meaningful difference between them and Republicans is that Democrats tend to represent the interests of finance, real estate, and media goons; Republicans represent agriculture, heavy industry, and small-business tyrants. What they say they want to do is theater; I think everyone knows this on some level, even you.

When Biden campaigned on the promise that "nothing will fundamentally change," I for some reason don't think he meant that "Republicans will disrupt my agenda to ensure that nothing changes; darn them!"