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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Yeah, Japan was forbidden from having aircraft carriers but was allowed to have "helicopter carriers" (it has four, IIRC).
    It only has two, the Izumo, and the Kaga. They are both being renovated to allow for the F-35s to take off and land on them. The US has agreed to continue recognizing them as "helicopter carriers" though because aircraft carriers have been judged unconstitutional, and remain so. They are getting around this for now because the JSDF will not be operating the F-35s stationed on the carriers, the USMC will. Meanwhile, all of the JSDF's new F-35s will be operated out of land bases. Functionally none of this really makes any difference though. Japan operates basically in tandem with the US in military affairs, and all the weirdness is just to get around their constitution which prevents them from fielding a force which could be deemed capable of invading other countries
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Both major parties suck here. The conservatives might not be so bad if the Democrats weren't so stupid. The Democrats will admit the problems in this country but manage to make them worse by trying to make a Nanny state.

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    I love paying $4.50 a gallon.

    Senile muppet.

    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    I live in California. Because of housing prices we have to commute and now we can barley afford to drive to work.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    This place is a shithole getting shittier. I don't care about the fall of the American "empire", I just want intact bridges, a reliable electrical grid, and clean drinking water. These are the things that we may not have in the future.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Adam Strange is right- both sides being bad for damn sure doesn't mean both sides are equally bad. A world of barren nothing ((wrong-wing Faah the Laaawd ignorant dumbfucks)) vs an actual world albiet with some complicated, messy problems we will all figure out with time and effort. I'll take the actual world, thanks. The SJW gays vs straights/blacks vs whites thing is a red herring - nobody is a big strong man for making fun of that as any 2-year-old toddler could. It's about a barren no-world versus an actual world and I'll take the real world for $500, Alex.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    My greatest fear is the gerrymandering that will keep minority Republicans in power forever.

    They wouldn’t gerrymander if they believed in Democracy, but they don’t. They only say that they do. Their actions tell a different story.

    I’ve said it before, but about 40% of the population does not feel comfortable living in a democracy. They want strong rulers who will crush their enemies by any means possible, because the ends justify the means. Mostly crushing the people who don’t look like them.
    Cute. If you think there's any real difference in regards to who holds power and that "Minority Republicans" are the problem, well, I got this amazing bridge in Brooklyn I just acquired and am very willing to sell to you at a price so low you'd easily mistake me for a con man!

    Yeah, the gerrymandering can, will, and does ensure few if any seats in the House are actually "up for grabs" as it were. The deeper question is whether or not that actually matters. Primaries are a thing and as a macro-level presidential election was rigged successfully, well, a greater justification of my pessimism you'd be hard pressed to find.

    After all, if I can rig the biggest election of a "democratic" nation and institue an administration damn near half (if not more) of the people who voted will swear upon the graves of their forefathers was rigged? And actually get shit done for the PTB?

    Yeah, that recent trial in Kenosha was a major bullet dodge for the woke cultists. You don't want to see what happens when right wing Gammas rightfully conclude they got nothing to lose. Hell, you're a Gamma NT yourself. Surely you were at least secretly relieved when that verdict got handed down. The next Civil War is coming but now we got the next year or two to prepare over the next few weeks or months.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Adam Strange is right- both sides being bad for damn sure doesn't mean both sides are equally bad. A world of barren nothing ((wrong-wing Faah the Laaawd ignorant dumbfucks)) vs an actual world albiet with some complicated, messy problems we will all figure out with time and effort. I'll take the actual world, thanks. The SJW gays vs straights/blacks vs whites thing is a red herring - nobody is a big strong man for making fun of that as any 2-year-old toddler could. It's about a barren no-world versus an actual world and I'll take the real world for $500, Alex.
    Your wording is confusing to me. Would you rather operate under the aegis of the "woke" or the aegis of their so called opponents? I ask because this is a very relevant data point for me. Are you an "istophobe" protean right wing austrian painter or are you instead a proud wielder of the hammer and sickle who is, was, and always shall be on the "right" side of history?

    Inquiring minds wish to know .

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Cute. If you think there's any real difference in regards to who holds power and that "Minority Republicans" are the problem, well, I got this amazing bridge in Brooklyn I just acquired and am very willing to sell to you at a price so low you'd easily mistake me for a con man!

    Yeah, the gerrymandering can, will, and does ensure few if any seats in the House are actually "up for grabs" as it were. The deeper question is whether or not that actually matters. Primaries are a thing and as a macro-level presidential election was rigged successfully, well, a greater justification of my pessimism you'd be hard pressed to find.

    After all, if I can rig the biggest election of a "democratic" nation and institue an administration damn near half (if not more) of the people who voted will swear upon the graves of their forefathers was rigged? And actually get shit done for the PTB?

    Yeah, that recent trial in Kenosha was a major bullet dodge for the woke cultists. You don't want to see what happens when right wing Gammas rightfully conclude they got nothing to lose. Hell, you're a Gamma NT yourself. Surely you were at least secretly relieved when that verdict got handed down. The next Civil War is coming but now we got the next year or two to prepare over the next few weeks or months.

    Your wording is confusing to me. Would you rather operate under the aegis of the "woke" or the aegis of their so called opponents? I ask because this is a very relevant data point for me. Are you an "istophobe" protean right wing austrian painter or are you instead a proud wielder of the hammer and sickle who is, was, and always shall be on the "right" side of history?

    Inquiring minds wish to know .
    that Rittenhouse trial was a fckin woke joke...that kid never needed to be arrested or put on trial. It was not even a close call....only a complete tard could draw the conclusion that Rittenhouse was not acting in self-defense. That prosecutor's license needs to be stripped for that sham kangaroo circus he attempted to orchestrate, and that Judge deserves a medal for not letting that cunt prosecutor turn that trial into a political shit show .

    leave it to Cokehead Al Sharpton to try and turn it into a racial issue, because it happened during the protests of the Jacob Blake shooting.

    This whole "woke" culture thing is gay as fck. Watch Aaron Rodgers speech when he made fun of the woke culture wanting to stick him into a "cancel culture coffin", not long after the Woke Pink team cheered on the firing of the Raiders head coach Gruden, after like so many black guys, athletes, coaches, including the great coach, Tony Dungy, came out and said the guy was absolutely not racist. but the woke culture is fast asleep when a so obviously white girl like Meaghan Markle delusionally claims that, as a black woman, she is the victim of racism when in fact that is impossible because she is so obviously NOT BLACK or the woke culture is comatose to Racist Joe's segregationist policies back in his KKK heyday that even his own VP called him out for and the Woke culture is comatose to the delusion that Poop for brains Kamala Harris perpetrates of her being a poster-girl of the black struggle in America in spite of her upper class Jamaican-Indian decent. It is ironic how ASLEEP the WOKE culture actually is

    Woke means Broke. Loser. To be Woke means to be as Broke as a Joke because that's what woke represents....the rise of the jobless shitbum aka Bernie Sanders' hero, whose woke to not what losers they are but to the fact they are not being thrown enough free handouts
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 11-27-2021 at 01:08 PM.

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    My greatest fear is the gerrymandering that will keep minority Republicans in power forever.

    They wouldn’t gerrymander if they believed in Democracy, but they don’t. They only say that they do. Their actions tell a different story.

    I’ve said it before, but about 40% of the population does not feel comfortable living in a democracy. They want strong rulers who will crush their enemies by any means possible, because the ends justify the means. Mostly crushing the people who don’t look like them.

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    America's best days were behind it as soon as the Globalist pigs highjacked the thanks to that Globalist Pig Biden (aka dementia joe the creepy molester) and really the history of Globalist Piggery beginning with that Garbage Nafta Deal orchestrated by the worst and dumbest president in history, Bill Clinton...even just scoring a deal on a used 4 x 4 (winter beater) so I can throw my car into Storage for the Winter is a pain in the fckin ass, as the Supply Chain has been astronomically fucked due to US dependence on other countries to supply electronics necessary for building more trucks. People blame the pandemic...its not the pandemic stupid, its globalism and oh the pandemic, another ingenius result of globalist pig exploiters like "Oink Oink" Kathie Lee Gifford bending over for China.

    Basically the globalist pigs sacrificed America's Standard of Living in order to increase the standard of living for other countries and especially China...that's what the fuck it came down to. Now thanks to the globalist pigs the middle class is on the verge of extinction....These robots being churned out by colleges are now 100+ grand in debt and have an earning capacity between 60-85k a year. That's a fckin joke. 85k a year, better learn to starve and cohabit apartments with paper thin walls and cheap floors. 150k a year still gotta starve a bit. Standard of living fckin skyrocketed while the job salaries and opportunities really went the fck nowhere. As globalism took greater hold of the democratic party the democratic party morphed into the identity politic cesspool it is now and the average american consumer turned into an impractical as fuck retarded spender. Kiss the middle class goodbye.

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    Republicans are questioning the integrity of the system because they lost the last election. Questioning the legitimacy of elections, doctors, and legal scholars, however rightly or wrongly, is the strategy that's deployed by the weaker side. COVID restrictions, vaccinations, immigration, and globalization are all deployed as fodder — indiscriminately — to insinuate the predominance of some nebulous liberal establishment, as though the 'globalist elite' is only comprised of liberals and not also conservatives that have conservative cultural beliefs.
    Last edited by xerx; 11-27-2021 at 09:56 PM. Reason: clarification

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Republicans are questioning the integrity of the system because they lost the last election. Questioning the legitimacy of elections, doctors, and legal scholars, however rightly or wrongly, is the strategy that's deployed by the weaker side.
    More specifically, conservatives perceive themselves as the weaker side. Way too many conservatives are professional victims, especially of alleged cancellation. They make SJW's seem like rugged heroes from Norse mythology.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    More specifically, conservatives perceive themselves as the weaker side. Way too many conservatives are professional victims, especially of alleged cancellation. They make SJW's seem like rugged heroes from Norse mythology.
    Or as a recent podcast that Father Chad Ripperger was a part of put it, conservatives/Devout Christians are in an abusive relationship with their partner and they're acting like a basic bitch abusee. See, for instance, the abuser (i.e. liberals and SJWs) accuse them of istaphobia or being a racist and they then respond by saying "What? I'm not a racist/istaphobe! What the hell gave you that idea!"

    EXACTLY what they ought not to say. To break the abuser's hold over you you must never address the issues they bring up. Instead, address them. Don't defend yourself for the very act legitimizes their accusations. Instead, ask them a relevant question pertaining to them. For instance, if someone calls you a racist or something you clearly aren't ask them "Have you always had a problem with convicting people of something they're not guilty of?" and/or "Have you always had a problem with lying to people?" over trying to prove to them how you're totally not a racist or whatnot. Put the focus on them instead of yourself. They want the focus to be on you so they can assert control over you. NO! Fuck em'! Put the focus on them so you get to assert control over them! Watch with glee as they recoil in pain and horror at the fact you've figured them out and they have no way of countering it in any way that matters spiritually.

    Hell, in an abusive relationship the circle of lies is essentially complete. You know (if you're smart) that they're lying about/to you, and they know you know they're lying, but hey, if they can force you to labor under that false assertion and to act as though it's true anyway then hell, what does that fact matter? Outcome's still the same as they want so what's it matter that you know they're lying about you? The enemy is demonic and operates under demon logic. The "conservatives" don't get this because they too don't like the implications and obligations God's existence entails. Like I've said elsewhere they don't really oppose the liberals in any way that truly matters. Their morality is the same, but the conservatives only disagree on what, to both of them, are superficial matters (e.g. whether or not children should be involved in Pride parades or if the age of consent ought to be 18 instead of 14).

    If demons are real, so is God. If God is real, well, that means quite a lot more...

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Or as a recent podcast that Father Chad Ripperger was a part of put it, conservatives/Devout Christians are in an abusive relationship with their partner and they're acting like a basic bitch abusee. See, for instance, the abuser (i.e. liberals and SJWs) accuse them of istaphobia or being a racist and they then respond by saying "What? I'm not a racist/istaphobe! What the hell gave you that idea!"
    What's istaphobia?

    EXACTLY what they ought not to say. To break the abuser's hold over you you must never address the issues they bring up. Instead, address them. Don't defend yourself for the very act legitimizes their accusations. Instead, ask them a relevant question pertaining to them. For instance, if someone calls you a racist or something you clearly aren't ask them "Have you always had a problem with convicting people of something they're not guilty of?" and/or "Have you always had a problem with lying to people?" over trying to prove to them how you're totally not a racist or whatnot. Put the focus on them instead of yourself. They want the focus to be on you so they can assert control over you. NO! Fuck em'! Put the focus on them so you get to assert control over them! Watch with glee as they recoil in pain and horror at the fact you've figured them out and they have no way of countering it in any way that matters spiritually.

    Hell, in an abusive relationship the circle of lies is essentially complete. You know (if you're smart) that they're lying about/to you, and they know you know they're lying, but hey, if they can force you to labor under that false assertion and to act as though it's true anyway then hell, what does that fact matter? Outcome's still the same as they want so what's it matter that you know they're lying about you? The enemy is demonic and operates under demon logic. The "conservatives" don't get this because they too don't like the implications and obligations God's existence entails. Like I've said elsewhere they don't really oppose the liberals in any way that truly matters. Their morality is the same, but the conservatives only disagree on what, to both of them, are superficial matters (e.g. whether or not children should be involved in Pride parades or if the age of consent ought to be 18 instead of 14).

    If demons are real, so is God. If God is real, well, that means quite a lot more...
    Out of curiosity, what wouldn't you consider to be a 'demonic' political ideology?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    What's istaphobia?
    Y'know, homophobe, transphobe, xenophobe, etc. Basically, they say you have a phobia/fear of anything and everything different or whatnot just because you don't agree with things like letting men who claim to be women to be put into the women's prison system. Look at California to see how that's turning out. You won't see that shit on CNN lemme tell ya.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Out of curiosity, what wouldn't you consider to be a 'demonic' political ideology?
    It'd be better to say it to be demonically influenced rather than just outright demonic. I'm no priest/theologian so I cannot offer up a 100 percent kosher Catholic political ideology. I can say that wokism/communism is demonic however. I am getting more and more partial to some form of Monarchy if you asked me what I'd like to see happen. At least then the common folk have a clear person to blame over failures and bad decisions. It has been theorized (and I agree with this one) that the PTB made the switch to democracy because they figured out how to maintain control over it by and large and because it enabled them to muddy the waters in regards to shame and blame.

    After all, "Just vote the bums out if they fuck up" and/or "We all voted for this!" Whereas if you got a King and an Aristocracy it's "Rise up against the tyrannical Counts!" and "Kill the false King in the name of our true Lord and King Jesus! Viva Christo Rey!" The blame for bad decisions is very clearly delineated in such a system and nowadays we got sniper rifles and calibrated scopes. Yeah, no wonder the PTB made the switch. Of course, with modern tech and surveillance that threat can be theoretically totally mitigated so now they're trying to switch back because it is an easier system to manage (so long as kings and nobles can't get sniped by disgruntled peasants). Dumb fools place too much trust/faith in tech however. That last point assumes it always works 100 percent of the time.

    Has any technology, especially complex and advanced technology, that you use on a regular basis ever worked every single time you've used it? Hell, the self-checkout machines at the grocery are a prime example. Have any of them been shut down, closed, or broken in your life? If you answered yes than you see the PTB's problem as the shit they're thinking will work 100 percent of the time is way more complex than even that. Thankfully they don't because sin makes you stupid and boy oh boy do they sin mightily and with glee in their hearts to boot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Republicans are questioning the integrity of the system because they lost the last election. Questioning the legitimacy of elections, doctors, and legal scholars, however rightly or wrongly, is the strategy that's deployed by the weaker side. COVID restrictions, vaccinations, immigration, and globalization are all deployed as fodder — indiscriminately — to insinuate the predominance of some nebulous liberal establishment, as though the 'globalist elite' is only comprised of liberals and not also conservatives that have conservative cultural beliefs.
    Yeah, and Democrats questioned the integrity of the system when Trump won, pretending that Russians somehow pull the levers of American elections, while ignoring the foreign state politicians have to swear allegiance to before being even considered for federal office in this country.

    If you think elections here are fair and/or transparent I have a bridge to sell you. People question the elections because they're crooked. Every election should be questioned -- or, better yet, people should just realize their votes don't matter, because the fact that they're crooked isn't even the real problem. Though to someone who subscribes to liberal ideology and therefore believes the only problem with democracy is when it's "unfair," the deafening silence of politicians on the problems with our voting systems should be raising alarms that we don't have a "real" "democracy." Yet as soon as it's the Democrat winning every liberal ideologue is talking about how stupid conservatives are for believing in a deep state. What I don't understand is that even establishment media occasionally acknowledge the problems with voting machines, but believing any interests are actually taking advantage of them -- you must be stupid! Yeah, the CIA once infiltrated mass media disseminators or began their own outlets to spread propaganda, and sure, there's no indication they ever stopped, but believing they didn't is the mark of a crazy person. The FBI killed political radicals a few decades ago, but they wouldn't now; why don't you trust the experts?
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 11-28-2021 at 08:05 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Yeah, and Democrats questioned the integrity of the system when Trump won, pretending that Russians somehow pull the levers of American elections, while ignoring the foreign state politicians have to swear allegiance to before being even considered for federal office in this country.

    If you think elections here are fair and/or transparent I have a bridge to sell you. People question the elections because they're crooked. Every election should be questioned -- or, better yet, people should just realize their votes don't matter, because the fact that they're crooked isn't even the real problem. Though to someone who subscribes to liberal ideology and therefore believes the only problem with democracy is when it's "unfair," the deafening silence of politicians on the problems with our voting systems should be raising alarms that we don't have a "real" "democracy." Yet as soon as it's the Democrat winning every liberal ideologue is talking about how stupid conservatives are for believing in a deep state. What I don't understand is that even establishment media occasionally acknowledge the problems with voting machines, but believing any interests are actually taking advantage of them -- you must be stupid! Yeah, the CIA once infiltrated mass media disseminators or began their own outlets to spread propaganda, and sure, there's no indication they ever stopped, but believing they didn't is the mark of a crazy person. The FBI killed political radicals a few decades ago, but they wouldn't now; why don't you trust the experts?

    Yesterday, after losing to them eight times in a row, the Michigan Wolverines football team beat the Ohio State Buckeyes, 42 to 27.

    My IEI cousin in Tucson, who is an Ohio State fan, was narrating the game to me here in Ann Arbor, Michigan, over text because I don't have a television. Nor do I watch sports:

    "I think the referees have bets on the game. Only calling penalties against the Buckeyes."

    "Teams just got into a big fight. Michigan started it but OSU got penalized."

    "You can watch the game on Fox."

    No, I can't. I don't have TV.
    Finally, after Michigan won,

    "This has not been a fair game. That's the difference. You have to calculate the human decisions by the "impartial" referees."


    I blame Fox News for all this.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-28-2021 at 04:33 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yesterday, after losing to them eight times in a row, the Michigan Wolverines football team beat the Ohio State Buckeyes, 42 to 27.

    My IEI cousin in Tucson, who is an Ohio State fan, was narrating the game to me here in Ann Arbor, Michigan, over text because I don't have a television. Nor do I watch sports:

    "I think the referees have bets on the game. Only calling penalties against the Buckeyes."

    "Teams just got into a big fight. Michigan started it but OSU got penalized."

    "You can watch the game on Fox."

    No, I can't. I don't have TV.
    Finally, after Michigan won,

    "This has not been a fair game. That's the difference. You have to calculate the human decisions by the "impartial" referees."


    I blame Fox News for all this.
    I'm afraid I don't follow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yesterday, after losing to them eight times in a row, the Michigan Wolverines football team beat the Ohio State Buckeyes, 42 to 27.

    My IEI cousin in Tucson, who is an Ohio State fan, was narrating the game to me here in Ann Arbor, Michigan, over text because I don't have a television. Nor do I watch sports:

    "I think the referees have bets on the game. Only calling penalties against the Buckeyes."

    "Teams just got into a big fight. Michigan started it but OSU got penalized."

    "You can watch the game on Fox."

    No, I can't. I don't have TV.
    Finally, after Michigan won,

    "This has not been a fair game. That's the difference. You have to calculate the human decisions by the "impartial" referees."


    I blame Fox News for all this.
    I get what you're saying and it is a fundamental symptom of decline and disintegration. Fact is both sides used to have faith in the overall system such that even if they "lost" they thought they lost fair and square and just dealt with it and moved on. That is to say, they thought the referees were doing their job. In football they actually are, as their equivalents are in pretty much all the fields that matter save for things like higher education and the like. Y'know, racial quotas and the like ain't exactly fair to the (let's not mince words here) White, Jewish, and East Asian male students who get high GPA's and SAT scores and thus ought to get into MIT and the like but don't anymore because there just isn't enough "diversity" there and the color of your skin and particular genetic sequence matter more than actual merit don't ya know. Though it might swing back to that as I hear they've caught on and just started saying they're minority women and daring the admins to boot them out because of their self-professed "identity".

    Tangent aside, the fact remains a critical amount of people on both sides no longer have any faith in the current system as it is. I wouldn't blame just Fox News however. I'd blame the entire MSM. Stoking the flames of division and hate for both the bidding of their masters and for the raw ratings. Bad news sells. Inflammatory headlines and coverage gets people's emotions riled up and drives them to keep watching. If you're watching CNN or NBC try to take a step back and observe how they cover the news objectively. The whole Rittenhouse affair is a textbook example of this. If you think they were impartial go back and look at their coverage and the language they used. Yeah, not a lot of "fact driven impartiality" to be found on either side. Why? Because the PTB want us divided and fighting amongst ourselves. They're also all in lock step. No shortage of clips showing different talking heads saying exactly or almost exactly the same things the others are saying. That ain't a coincidence.

    Sad fact is quarterly profits and YOY gains matter more to the owners of these big media companies than the cohesion of our or any nation. International money men don't give a fuck about civil unrest or even war if they can turn a profit over it (and they do). Divide and conquer as they say, and damn have they done an amazing job at dividing us all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Yeah, and Democrats questioned the integrity of the system when Trump won, pretending that Russians somehow pull the levers of American elections, while ignoring the foreign state politicians have to swear allegiance to before being even considered for federal office in this country.

    If you think elections here are fair and/or transparent I have a bridge to sell you. People question the elections because they're crooked. Every election should be questioned -- or, better yet, people should just realize their votes don't matter, because the fact that they're crooked isn't even the real problem. Though to someone who subscribes to liberal ideology and therefore believes the only problem with democracy is when it's "unfair," the deafening silence of politicians on the problems with our voting systems should be raising alarms that we don't have a "real" "democracy." Yet as soon as it's the Democrat winning every liberal ideologue is talking about how stupid conservatives are for believing in a deep state. What I don't understand is that even establishment media occasionally acknowledge the problems with voting machines, but believing any interests are actually taking advantage of them -- you must be stupid! Yeah, the CIA once infiltrated mass media disseminators or began their own outlets to spread propaganda, and sure, there's no indication they ever stopped, but believing they didn't is the mark of a crazy person. The FBI killed political radicals a few decades ago, but they wouldn't now; why don't you trust the experts?
    I never said that elections were absolutely fair. In fact, gerrymandering alone is enough to dispute that claim. What I actually said was that organized factions can imprint their ideology onto political parties; that they can go on to seize control over government; and that politicians aren't particularly incentivized to placate non-voting contrarians, hence the lack of representation for radical views, which take time to infiltrate the mainstream (Evangelical Christianity used to be politically sidelined).

    If anything, I agree with what you just wrote: American democracy (which is exercised just as much through the court system) is slowly being eroded. But I wouldn't frame the situation as gothically or in such absolutist terms. Democratic forces are operational enough to effect a reversal, and there's no need to embrace a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Yeah, and Democrats questioned the integrity of the system when Trump won, pretending that Russians somehow pull the levers of American elections, while ignoring the foreign state politicians have to swear allegiance to before being even considered for federal office in this country.
    IIRC, it was over the Russians' propagandistic use of puppet social media accounts, not the actual rigging of ballot papers or the hacking of voting machines (correct me if I'm wrong).

    To be honest, the former claim sounds credible. I have no doubt that political operatives are mass-posting on Twitter right now, attempting to create bitterness and rivalry, in order to entrench both sides in increasingly irreconcilable political positions. It is easy to exploit lizard-brain tribalism to push people into adopting ever more eccentric beliefs. The notion that any country with geopolitical interests — Russia, China, or even the United States — wouldn't exercise realpolitik, especially when given an opportunity to act anonymously (and with plausible deniability), badly underestimates the belligerent instincts of political leaders and intelligence agencies.

    I'd go further than that. I suggest that American political agencies and private firms are themselves operating troll farms, and that a significant percentage of social media posts are written by paid agents. I even suspect that the slogan "Defund the Police" was started by trolls, professional or otherwise, and taken up uncritically by online lefties. I say that because it's an unusual slogan that's easy to misinterpret, needs to be repeatedly explained and qualified, and sounds uncannily similar to the better counter-slogan "Defend the Police". It feels deliberately crafted to be as counter-productive as possible.

    Anything to do with sexual morality (especially the transgender issue) is also perfect fodder for inflaming and directing strong emotions (of both sides).

    Why not add 'click farms' to that assessment. Every time I watch a conservative or conservative-adjacent Youtube video, the very next suggestion is always a Jordan Peterson video. Every time. It's quite suspicious. It's not implausible that he (or someone else on his behalf) is paying a company to manufacture clicks in order to exploit Youtube's algorithm.

    I do disagree with the liberal framing of Russian meddling in at least one way: Russia's alleged exploitation of social media was still democratic (and poetic justice, depending on your view, for America's history of meddling in other countries). The fact that people choose to believe 'fake news' isn't an institutional problem; it's a cultural one.

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    Because I think it relevant to this conversation I shall post two vids by a Youtuber that I think actually demonstrates my points. That is, that people on both sides are failing to maintain any sense of objectivity. A very clear symptom of late stage Empires in decline where it's all about the short term to the detriment of the long term.

    Ask any ancient Chinese Scholar who deserved that designation as they pleaded with the emperor to not go down the path literally every last other late stage emperor did as they uttered the most expensive words history has to offer. In one form or another that decadent emperor who was about to get wasted told that earnest scholar (probably a Gamma NT) "this time it's different" and had him executed for daring to question his decisions:

    I will say that if Kyle "traded" with his assailants I'd have just cynically accepted it ceteris paribus. That is, if the politicians didn't try to enact a crackdown on gun rights and the like using it as the justification. If the dude that killed Kyle in this alternate universe walked after Kyle took out one or two of his friends I'd have just accepted it and moved on. Sad Kyle died but he died a warriors death and I gotta hand it to the dude who landed the killing blow with a handgun.

    That was a crack shot. Whether guided by the divine or demonic it was still all part of God's plan. Hopefully Kyle died in a state of grace (if he died there) and his assailants did as well. I pray for the salvation of my enemies. Would that they earnestly did the same. Sadly, their dark faith knows only condemnation over forgiveness and redemption...

    The Woke Cultists of the Death variant are the most pitiable creatures on the planet. They vehemently reject those who would save them. They've already rejected a hand offered so freely they'd even die upon a cross for a stranger...
    Last edited by End; 11-30-2021 at 04:31 AM.

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    Nancy Pelosi Opposes Banning Stock Buys by Congress Members: "We're a Free-Market Economy"

    What a surprise!

    Same woman purchased $1 million of Tesla stock in anticipation of regulation in favor of Tesla

    Pfizer is the 6th most popular stock among Congress members; the 7th is Johnson & Johnson

    I re-read some earlier posts in this thread. By "disintegration," I primarily mean a social collapse, though this is connected to economic/political/military decline. No matter what the country's resources are like, without a functioning society they can't be taken advantage of.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    By "disintegration," I primarily mean a social collapse, though this is connected to economic/political/military decline. No matter what the country's resources are like, without a functioning society they can't be taken advantage of.
    That's reasonable. Even worse than a spectacular collapse, it could just keep trundling along in zombified form forever, unable to be fixed, unable to fully die or to be put out of its misery. See cyberpunk fiction for reference.

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    Am I understanding you correctly that killing your child because the child is inconvenient to you is better than killing your child because you believe it pleases the god you worship? If so, would you care to explain why that is?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I don't know too much about South Africa. Aren't White South Africans still in charge of important businesses and industries? And don't the middle classes self-segregate into gated communities? If there is discrimination happening against Whites, my feeling is that it's experienced by the economic lower classes, hand-in-hand with similar discrimination (and for similar reasons) experienced by the Black lower classes. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    RE. Zimbabwe: I can agree that Mugabe was a thug.
    I'm more making reference to how the whites are getting butchered on the regular with exactly zero coverage in any form of the MSM. Y'know how "lynching's" by the KKK happened? Now reverse the races and make the Klansmen really hardcore sadists. Yeah, that's happening in South Africa. Look it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    So, just to clarify: You believe that heresies like Arianism (and by extension Islam) should be opposed with force, and that the killing of heretics is wholly consistent with Christian (especially Catholic) dogma. Is that a correct reading of your position?
    You must try to convince them first. Give them one last chance. I am sadly not fully aware of all the multiple heresies the Church chose to use that nuclear option on but I know the ones I mentioned aren't the only ones. Thought outside literal inquisitions they didn't hunt down heretics so much as excommunicate them. Of course, if said heretic chose to keep spouting their heresies after getting excommunicated well the closest analogy I can think of is the heretic is violating a restraining order. Violently.

    Of course, all modern mainstream sources are in the hands of the Great Enemy and of course they'd happily lie and reframe the direct violator of a restraining order they brought upon themselves as some helpless victim of a fanatical "witch hunt" as it were. Speaking of which, I've said it elsewhere but the dumbass Puritans could have done an accurate and successful Witch Hunt had they been Catholic. The Priest (not invoking prayers/rites of exorcism BTW) would just ask the accused to confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead. That's the trial. Easy enough for any non-witch to pass no matter what anyone else says or believes. Well, unless they're literally possessed. That's when those invocations actually would get used and failure of the initial test would lead to that possibility being looked into. You gotta try to end up on that stake in earnest before we actually burn you alive for being a witch.

    But I digress. If the heretic insists they are right, will not publicly recant, and (in the case of Islam in particular) will answer your refusal to ascent to their heresy with violence you may justifiably kill them all and let God sort them out.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post

    Am I understanding you correctly that killing your child because the child is inconvenient to you is better than killing your child because you believe it pleases the god you worship? If so, would you care to explain why that is?
    What have I always said? That we all have a "god" even if we say we don't? Killing that baby, your baby we'll say for rhetorical and argumentative reasons, was done in the name of that god. It could be Moloch, Feminism, yourself, etc. but it is an act of devotion to whatever god it is you truly worship.

    Essentially, you are making a distinction without a difference here. You killed the baby because you thought/believed it would benefit you more than whatever that baby's existence would. Yeah, kids consume a lot of resources to raise and all, but the payoff man. Not in monetary terms but in emotional and spiritual terms. Again, demons are real and this is yet one more data point proving it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'm more making reference to how the whites are getting butchered on the regular with exactly zero coverage in any form of the MSM. Y'know how "lynching's" by the KKK happened? Now reverse the races and make the Klansmen really hardcore sadists. Yeah, that's happening in South Africa. Look it up.
    I Googled it. Some farmers were murdered (and those events have been absorbed into a bigger political dispute over uneven land ownership, as White farmers still own most of the farmland) but I didn't find stories describing what I presume to be a "race war".

    You must try to convince them first. Give them one last chance. I am sadly not fully aware of all the multiple heresies the Church chose to use that nuclear option on but I know the ones I mentioned aren't the only ones. Thought outside literal inquisitions they didn't hunt down heretics so much as excommunicate them. Of course, if said heretic chose to keep spouting their heresies after getting excommunicated well the closest analogy I can think of is the heretic is violating a restraining order. Violently.

    Of course, all modern mainstream sources are in the hands of the Great Enemy and of course they'd happily lie and reframe the direct violator of a restraining order they brought upon themselves as some helpless victim of a fanatical "witch hunt" as it were. Speaking of which, I've said it elsewhere but the dumbass Puritans could have done an accurate and successful Witch Hunt had they been Catholic. The Priest (not invoking prayers/rites of exorcism BTW) would just ask the accused to confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead. That's the trial. Easy enough for any non-witch to pass no matter what anyone else says or believes. Well, unless they're literally possessed. That's when those invocations actually would get used and failure of the initial test would lead to that possibility being looked into. You gotta try to end up on that stake in earnest before we actually burn you alive for being a witch.

    But I digress. If the heretic insists they are right, will not publicly recant, and (in the case of Islam in particular) will answer your refusal to ascent to their heresy with violence you may justifiably kill them all and let God sort them out.
    Thanks for clarifying that.
    Last edited by xerx; 12-19-2021 at 06:30 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Thanks for clarifying that.
    Can't help but detect that you're trying to attack me on this front. It should be clear that we only whip out the reaping scythe once a given group has decided that they want us to actually use it to prove our point.

    First you get the hint, then the warning, then the fucking "HAMMER". Hell, look up the how and why of the Crusades. By the time the first one even got underway the Muslims had been treating our kind terribly for centuries. Poor dumb fools thought us weak pacifists who'd never respond to their barbarous and satanic ways. Well, as they say, to fuck around is human, to find out is divine

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Can't help but detect that you're trying to attack me on this front.
    My response was somewhat cheeky, I'll admit. But I truly do appreciate candor.

    It should be clear that we only whip out the reaping scythe once a given group has decided that they want us to actually use it to prove our point.

    First you get the hint, then the warning, then the fucking "HAMMER". Hell, look up the how and why of the Crusades. By the time the first one even got underway the Muslims had been treating our kind terribly for centuries. Poor dumb fools thought us weak pacifists who'd never respond to their barbarous and satanic ways. Well, as they say, to fuck around is human, to find out is divine
    I'm no historian, but IIRC, a lot of the "why" also involved straight up ransacking and pillaging.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    What have I always said? That we all have a "god" even if we say we don't? Killing that baby, your baby we'll say for rhetorical and argumentative reasons, was done in the name of that god. It could be Moloch, Feminism, yourself, etc. but it is an act of devotion to whatever god it is you truly worship.

    Essentially, you are making a distinction without a difference here. You killed the baby because you thought/believed it would benefit you more than whatever that baby's existence would. Yeah, kids consume a lot of resources to raise and all, but the payoff man. Not in monetary terms but in emotional and spiritual terms. Again, demons are real and this is yet one more data point proving it.
    Well, I'm confused because you were saying the Romans, who killed their babies, attacked the Carthaginians because the Carthaginians killed their babies in a more ritualistic way. Now you're saying that the two acts are identical.

    If the heretic insists they are right, will not publicly recant, and (in the case of Islam in particular) will answer your refusal to ascent to their heresy with violence you may justifiably kill them all and let God sort them out.

    End, as I recall, Jesus' instructions on what to do if someone wouldn't accept his apostles was:

    And if anyone will not receive you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet when you leave that house or town.
    Why do you think Jesus said this, and not "go out and kill whoever won't accept you?" Why can't God kill his own heretics? Jesus explains God's stance on those who won't accept the gospel in Matthew 13:

    the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’
    He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, 'No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, "Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

    The Master is saying here that heretics and unbelievers are not to be disturbed until the Day of Judgement. If the Catholic Church preaches something else, that church is in direct contradiction of Jesus' words.

    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 12-19-2021 at 11:04 AM.

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    New York is using race to determine access to limited supply of life-saving COVID treatements

    But the policy then states that anyone who is non-white — regardless of age, health or underlying medical conditions — is automatically deemed to have met the requirement that one must have “a medical condition or other factors that increase their risk for severe illness" in order to receive this treatment (“Non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor."). That means that a healthy twenty-year-old Asian football player or a 17-year-old African-American marathon runner from a wealthy family will be automatically deemed at heightened risk to develop serious COVID illness — making them instantly eligible for monoclonal treatments upon testing positive and showing symptoms — while a White person of exactly the same age and health condition from an impoverished background would not be automatically eligible.

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    Hahaha! Well, I've made this prediction elsewhere and while I am saddened that people once more live down to my lowest expectations, well, I did say that shit like this would happen. The wokies claim that In-group preferences are a sin and that we're all one race: the "human" race and all that BS.

    Once you tear away all notions of objective morality and objective reality as they have all politics and interpersonal relationships in general are is the direct and ultimately bloody business of rewarding friends and harming/punishing enemies. I.e. acting upon your own in-group preferences logic and reason be damned. Yeah, you objectively shouldn't kill everyone who doesn't look, sound, and believe like you for very good reasons. Sadly, we've just torn away all notions of objective morality and reality so the blood must (and will) flow. After all, utopia is just one more of "The enemy's" corpses away.

    Funny thing about that though. The definition of who/what the enemy is changes by the hour for the servants of the greatest enemy. There always seems to be just one more person who has to die in order to "immanentize the eschaton" as we faithful put it. We abandoned that pursuit long ago. Sadly, it is such a tempting offer for those who lack the context and metaphysical understanding to realize why it's both impossible and a bad idea. Literal "heaven" on Earth as it were. What greater end is there? Surely any and all means are justified by it in retrospect yes?

    I'll answer the other longer post/response you had later once I've got more time and am in a better mental state. Happy New Year regardless @FreelancePoliceman .
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'll answer the other longer post/response you had later once I've got more time and am in a better mental state. Happy New Year regardless @FreelancePoliceman .
    Happy New Year to you.

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    Prosecutors move to dismiss charges against Epstein jail guards accused of falsifying records

    The guards agreed to provide "truthful information related to their employment by the Bureau of Prisons, including about the events and circumstances described in the Indictment," according to a letter from federal prosecutors that was filed in court papers. The guards had to complete 100 hours of community service.
    The agreement required the guards cooperate with a Department of Justice Inspector General review, authorities said in May.
    Tova Noel and Michael Thomas have since fulfilled their part of the bargain, prosecutors wrote in a document posted to the docket Thursday.
    "Under the agreements, prosecution was deferred for a period of six months during the term of Noel's and Thomas's good behavior, completion of community service, and satisfactory compliance with the terms of the agreement," the court document says.

    These guards outright admitted to falsifying records. So why are they being let off?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Prosecutors move to dismiss charges against Epstein jail guards accused of falsifying records

    These guards outright admitted to falsifying records. So why are they being let off?
    What records did they falsify?

    The ones where they said they checked on him every ten minutes as required, or the ones where they said they didn’t strangle him with a bedsheet?

    You know, video cameras are so cheap that you’d think that every cell would have a dozen or so.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    What records did they falsify?

    The ones where they said they checked on him every ten minutes as required, or the ones where they said they didn’t strangle him with a bedsheet?

    You know, video cameras are so cheap that you’d think that every cell would have a dozen or so.
    I meant the first, but lol.

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    The brazilianization of the world - but especially relevant to the US. I disagree with certain points but I'll quote passages I particularly like:

    Precisely the same mismatch of ideas and reality is now being found in modern times. “Conservatives” encourage the forces that destroy things worth conserving (say, the family); liberalism means defending the illiberalism of surveillance apparatuses; hyper-indi*vidualism winds up reifying essentialist conceptions of race (such that group belonging is treated as logically prior to the individual person); the Left is increasingly the party of the highly educated and well-heeled. All around we’re confronted with deaptation, an idea the philosopher Adrian Johnston has taken from memetic theory to describe the way that an initially adaptive memetic strategy later becomes useless or even counterproductive.5 If liberalism was a set of ideas appropriate to the bourgeoisie’s rise and then consolidation—all in the name of freedom—it is today in a state of deaptation, wielded in defense of hierarchy and domination.

    Or consider how personal services rendered in the domestic sphere reinforce this model of accumulation. Upper-middle-class households in Brazil have maids or drivers that service them—an economic relationship that could only be replaced by costly investment in public services and infrastructure (for example, industrial cleaning services or public transport). As a consequence, the Brazilian middle class has a higher standard of living in this respect than its equivalents in the United States or Europe. The exploitation of cheap labor in the domestic sphere also impedes any political drive for improvement in public services.
    Are we not faced with precisely such a Brazilianization of the world today—with a growing array of “concierge services,” where*by the professional class and elite alike hire private yoga teachers, private chefs, and private security? An upper-middle-class household in San Francisco comes to replicate an aristocratic manor with a whole economy of services rendered in the domestic sphere, but now every*thing is outsourced: digital platforms intermediate between private “contractors” (formerly employees) and the new elite. Brazil’s social structure showed us our future.

    The Brazilian elite, however—famously living in gated condominiums with private security guards—is merely a more grotesque version of elites in “advanced Western democracies.” The disavowal of responsibility for society finds its most outré example in Peter Thiel’s seasteading. But this process is much more widely distributed, and depersonalized, across the West.
    When Brazil’s ruling class opts for diminished sovereignty in order to maintain their dominant position amid deep inequality, we should see its mirror image in the European Union. The regional bloc is best understood as an “economic constitution” which is devised to prevent politics from interfering with market regulation, thus locking in policy choices. When national elites opt for membership in the bloc—in spite of the EU’s neoliberal death spiral—they trade away national autonomy and with it political responsibility for social outcomes.
    Just look at Italian elites’ desperation to remain part of euro, despite the penury to which it subjects the country and the destruction of any future for it. Just as Brazilian elites wish they could permanently decamp to Miami, for long the capital of Latin American reaction, so globalized elites in Europe and North America wish they too could escape the masses that “hold them back.” Italian elites wish they were German, British “Remainers” do likewise, and American liberal elites wish they were “European”—or at least that America’s flyover country might disappear.
    Nowhere (except perhaps in China) do we find ruling elites pursuing any sort of “national project”—something that thereby implicates, and aims to integrate, the masses. Insofar as neoliberal elites have any project, beyond short-term crisis management and government-by-media, it is always anti-national. Brazilian president Fernando Hen*rique Cardoso, who sold off state-owned family jewels to investors at cut prices in the 1990s, had been right all along: the national bourgeoisie cannot be relied upon.
    Brazil’s ignoble history of irresolution and indeterminacy, coupled with a dualized society in which hustling is essential to survival, gave birth to Brazilian cynicism. Increasingly, the West is coming to ape this same pattern. Not only does there seem to be no way past capitalist stagnation, but politics is characterized by a void between people and politics, citizens and the state. The ruling class’s relation to the masses is one of condescension. Elites call anyone who revolts against the contemporary order racist, sexist, or some other delegitimizing term. They also advance outlandish conspiracy theories for why electorates have failed to vote for their favored candidate—most visibly with “Russiagate” in the United States and beyond. This phenomenon, dubbed Neoliberal Order Breakdown Syndrome, only breeds further cynicism in Western publics, who are increasingly taken with conspiracy theories of their own. This is another Brazilian speciality: in a country with very low levels of institutional trust and plentiful examples of actual conspiracies, conspiracy theories flourish.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    The brazilianization of the world - but especially relevant to the US. I disagree with certain points but I'll quote passages I particularly like:

    Or consider how personal services rendered in the domestic sphere reinforce this model of accumulation. Upper-middle-class households in Brazil have maids or drivers that service them—an economic relationship that could only be replaced by costly investment in public services and infrastructure (for example, industrial cleaning services or public transport). As a consequence, the Brazilian middle class has a higher standard of living in this respect than its equivalents in the United States or Europe. The exploitation of cheap labor in the domestic sphere also impedes any political drive for improvement in public services.
    Are we not faced with precisely such a Brazilianization of the world today—with a growing array of “concierge services,” where*by the professional class and elite alike hire private yoga teachers, private chefs, and private security? An upper-middle-class household in San Francisco comes to replicate an aristocratic manor with a whole economy of services rendered in the domestic sphere, but now every*thing is outsourced: digital platforms intermediate between private “contractors” (formerly employees) and the new elite. Brazil’s social structure showed us our future.
    This is an important observation that can be aimed at liberal feminism. Women with high-powered careers hire poor women, often from immigrant backgrounds, to babysit their kids. These other women, in turn, spend less time raising their own children.

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    The modern world is an incredibly complex place and few people can see the consequences of their prejudices, but one thing is certain. Humans exist on a slightly shiftable continuum that spans the range from trusting other humans a lot, to not.

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    Black Lives Matters' Millions Unaccounted for After Leaders Quietly Jumped Ship

    Who to trust? The loudest voices seeming to advocate reform are themselves corrupt.

    Everything of the digital spectacle is fake. What does that mean when people are plugging themselves into it increasingly? Nihilism? I don't think people are going to unplug, in general, barring a major disaster.

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