Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
@thistle Thank you very much for your post. I’ve read about many of the things in that article before. Unfortunately my experience is a little bit different from all of theirs.

Also the diazepam (aka Valium) seems not to be working. It does seem to work to ease some of my negative premonitions (y’know being ILI and all) by making me euphoric/manic so I’ll probably keep some stocked up for emergencies, but I don’t think I’ll be continuing taking it in high amounts since it’s addictive.

Oh and my EEG had to be postponed, so I’m still waiting to see what they have to say about my brainwaves.

I met up with my SEE dual recently and I was talking to them about positivity and negativity (in the regular, non socionics sense, but obviously it applies in this case too). People who are positive get hit with reality that is worse than their expectations, yet people who are negative get to experience reality that’s better than their expectations. So doesn’t negativity actually have a positive utility of sorts? My dual agreed but said that being TOO negative all the time is not good either… obvious enough but something I found helpful to be reminded of.
I'm sorry that the diazepam/valium hasn't helped in the way of reducing the repetitions. I read that it is addictive, so I'm glad that you are being strict with yourself about taking it for emergencies only. Since you mentioned your dual, it made me curious about whether their positivity or even temperament and has a noticeable "grounding/providing context" effect on your negative premonitions?

It's interesting too that you brought up this positivism/negativism because when I read an article such as the one I linked to, I see a little bit of myself in each of the respondents.
I don't often get to experience this sentiment of not relating to any examples at all i.e. "Nope, that's not me", or even being able to identify what is missing that would make something spot-on/correct. I'm certain that my outlook would benefit from a dose of negativism - it would help me to isolate my specific problems quicker, to then hopefully solve them. In my mind that's a good, useful thing to be able to do.