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Thread: Constant Repetition / Deja Vu / Reincarnation

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    Default Constant Repetition / Deja Vu / Reincarnation

    Starting about one year ago, I’ve been experiencing constant, detailed “deja vu”, where I feel I’ve experienced this lifetime before more or less (or like time itself is repeating endlessly).

    **To clarify, I don’t get confused on whether or not I’ve experienced something in my current lifetime before. It’s more like a deja vu of my entire existence. Also, it basically never turns off. It’s been constant ​for the past year. It doesn’t pop up and go away in specific instances. So it’s not the type of deja vu one typically experiences.

    Has anyone else ever experienced or heard about this before?

    It feels very real to me, and is further confounded by the fact that it truly *could* be the case that time is repeating infinitely. Knowing that this is a possibility doesn’t exactly help in trying to ignore the experience.

    I’ve gotten an MRI on this and am planning on getting an EEG examination for it too soon, as some online have said it is linked to different brain disturbances.

    Am interested in any spiritual, quantum/scientific or other interpretations others may have as well.
    Last edited by lookin4waifu; 11-15-2021 at 09:27 AM.

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    I always get deja vu, have had it since Kindergarten from what I can recall. Reliving the same exact life repeatedly would be a Biblical hell imo. I think it's more our brains going out of wack, where we believe we experience this before, even though it's truly the first time.

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    No, I don't experience this - what I think is deja vu is often just a conversation topic that I've brought up a second time, where the conversation path takes a similar direction. For me it's routine intermingling with bad memory.

    As I side note, I barely recall the dreams I have - if I have any.

    I'm curious to know whether people who experience deja vu are also active dreamers (and can recall their dreams in detail).

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Sometimes I will have a moment where I feel that I had experienced it several times before. I don't know what triggers it but it feels like going through a recursion of memories in an instant.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Sometimes I will have a moment where I feel that I had experienced it several times before. I don't know what triggers it but it feels like going through a recursion of memories in an instant.

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    Roger Penrose argues that the universe is cyclical (Cyclic Conformal Cosmology). Is that related?

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    For me this kind of thing seems to come from dreams. I think part of why it’s difficult to remember dreams is that they don’t make logical sense; memory struggles when it can’t connect an event to something else. But I think one of the purposes of dreams, particularly dreams that feel “significant,” is to prepare a response to troubling circumstances. Sometimes this can be a recital of future events, though not in a way that seems immediately obvious to conscious evaluation. I know that if I explained the relevance I’m able to occasionally glean from my own dreams, I couldn’t convince anyone else to see this as truth as clearly as I can see it; the associations between figures and events is personal and so generally not rational from an external point of view.

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    Sometimes I feel like this, but I usually just figure it's a bug in my brain. Whatever causes deja vu in general just being slightly too sensitive because of how spotty my memory is. Sometimes I'll endlessly feel like I'm not sure whether I locked my door and I figure it's a symptom of the same underlying cause.

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    I think the brain likes forming connections between things and has a tendency to feel they've experienced something similar or even the same before. Perhaps also because memory is not perfect we sometimes feel we are rediscovering a past memory even if it never actually happened.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Roger Penrose argues that the universe is cyclical (Cyclic Conformal Cosmology). Is that related?
    The basic concept aside from the details of the mechanics sounds like it essentially yes.

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    Added some clarification into the opening post.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FrauenheldLo View Post
    Reliving the same exact life repeatedly would be a Biblical hell imo.
    It truly does feel like it a lot of the time.
    My one respite is that at least my internal reactions towards things feel relatively candid/“new” to me.

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    The Anomaly failed and we have been plunged into the evil timeline again.

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    The sensation of deja vu is interesting but I take it to mean that the universe likes order and structure. So naturally no matter what you are doing or try to do you are going to be re-living the same things. That's part of why people who are all 'ooh I'm going to have such a fun and varied life' are annoying and naive to me. The randomness and chaoticness of life is naturally smoothed out by a lot of repetition and predictability and order. And many times it even trumps our precious 'free will.' The 'real world' especially enforces this order. 12:01 pm comes after 12:00 pm never the other way around, in sequence- at the same cycle every day etc.

    The gaping gnaw and the feeling like it should be different, that this is the cruel Matrix, and that we should be a constant exploding stream of new-ness (the Idea of Ne Innocence) comes from the realization that we are and we are not robots.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Starting about one year ago, I’ve been experiencing constant, detailed “deja vu”, where I feel I’ve experienced this lifetime before more or less (or like time itself is repeating endlessly).

    **To clarify, I don’t get confused on whether or not I’ve experienced something in my current lifetime before. It’s more like a deja vu of my entire existence. Also, it basically never turns off. It’s been constant ​for the past year. It doesn’t pop up and go away in specific instances. So it’s not the type of deja vu one typically experiences.

    Has anyone else ever experienced or heard about this before?

    It feels very real to me, and is further confounded by the fact that it truly *could* be the case that time is repeating infinitely. Knowing that this is a possibility doesn’t exactly help in trying to ignore the experience.

    I’ve gotten an MRI on this and am planning on getting an EEG examination for it too soon, as some online have said it is linked to different brain disturbances.

    Am interested in any spiritual, quantum/scientific or other interpretations others may have as well.
    Depth-psychology would probably say that since human life is rooted in the unconscious (life as a psychological phenomenon) your current life experience is a repetition of something archetypal. Something deep in the psyche, an imprint from millions of previously lived lives. Just like the physical brain has evolved from all previous human brains in history.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    The Anomaly failed and we have been plunged into the evil timeline again.
    This feels like it exactly at times.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Depth-psychology would probably say that since human life is rooted in the unconscious (life as a psychological phenomenon) your current life experience is a repetition of something archetypal. Something deep in the psyche, an imprint from millions of previously lived lives. Just like the physical brain has evolved from all previous human brains in history.
    Nice. Yeah, I remember reading Freud’s take on it (related to Jung obviously) which is that deja vu is some kind of displaced unconscious archetypal fantasy playing out.

    I take it from your posts that you have some level of religious/spiritual interest along with some focus on Depth-psych and Jung. What do you think about the archetypal point of view in the light of “man being made in God’s image”? Do you think that “time” unfolding is a sort of re-familiarizing of God of an archetypical unconscious (dream/fantasy) of Himself? Thoughts?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Nice. Yeah, I remember reading Freud’s take on it (related to Jung obviously) which is that deja vu is some kind of displaced unconscious archetypal fantasy playing out.
    It obviously hits something in the unconscious. Otherwise the experience would not happen.

    I take it from your posts that you have some level of religious/spiritual interest along with some focus on Depth-psych and Jung. What do you think about the archetypal point of view in the light of “man being made in God’s image”?
    From a psychological point of view: What is it that makes us grow and become more conscious. From the beginning of history, what was it that made us develop out of an animal state into humans with a culture? The extrovert will say that it is society, the environment that imposes it's culture and customs on us. The introvert will say that there is some "spirit", something that moves us, that is "above", that is projected on society, but ultimately unknown. The spirit is the guide and "Father" in who's image we are being molded.

    So the whole experience of being a social human being has to be seen as a psychic phenomenon. Going beyond yourself is still a part of the psyche. Even though the content of this spirit will change with the changing society. The psyche has a polarity and this polarity creates man.

    But there is also a higher Father, beyond society. People who outgrow society will have to find that higher Father, that ultimately will lead them to their highest potential. In other words, finding the unique meaning of their lives.

    Do you think that “time” unfolding is a sort of re-familiarizing of God of an archetypical unconscious (dream/fantasy) of Himself? Thoughts?
    I'm not exactly sure of what you mean. Something like this? It has been said that from the point of view of the Ego (the individual) the connection with God is felt as individuation (development of greater consciousness and maturity). And from the point of view of God (the Self) it is about reincarnation: God takes a human form through the work of the Ego during life. God gives the guidance but is dependent on the human being in order for God to become conscious.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Nice. Yeah, I remember reading Freud’s take on it (related to Jung obviously) which is that deja vu is some kind of displaced unconscious archetypal fantasy playing out.

    I take it from your posts that you have some level of religious/spiritual interest along with some focus on Depth-psych and Jung. What do you think about the archetypal point of view in the light of “man being made in God’s image”? Do you think that “time” unfolding is a sort of re-familiarizing of God of an archetypical unconscious (dream/fantasy) of Himself? Thoughts?

    I have come to believe to Deja Vu's are sort of like "checkpoints" that god shos you that you are still on your destinity path. Now that I notice it, I haven't had any Deja Vu's in months (I've had some synchronicities though), it all feels to me like a constant deja vu from about a year ago or so. Wonder what it means... it is sort of a permanent feeling of dread, mixed in with deja vu and catastrophe. The feeling of dread is especially felt at night if you look at the sky.
    Last edited by roger557; 11-18-2021 at 05:59 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I have come to believe to Deja Vu's are sort of like "checkpoints" that god shos you that you are still on your destinity path. Now that I notice it, I haven't had any Deja Vu's in months (I've had some synchronicities though), it all feels to me like a constant deja vu from about a year ago or so. Wonder what it means... it is sort of a permanent feeling of dread, mixed in with deja vu and catastrophe. The feeling of dread is especially felt at night if you look at the sky.
    I feel dread and a sense of catastrophe as well sometimes. It can certainly unnerving to think a lot about, which is why I’m not fully convinced of the “showing you you’re on your destiny path” idea. Although, I remember I would pray for signs for that before.

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    I wanted to add something on reincarnation. I don't think it's productive to concentrate on past life memories even if it were possible. I think the life you live now is the life you should concentrate on. I don't care for philosophies of detachment and dissociation, I feel that enough and I know from experience it's not a good way to live.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    I wanted to add something on reincarnation. I don't think it's productive to concentrate on past life memories even if it were possible. I think the life you live now is the life you should concentrate on. I don't care for philosophies of detachment and dissociation, I feel that enough and I know from experience it's not a good way to live.
    The more I concentrate/attach, the more I feel the deja vu actually. Help.

    With every concrete thing I notice, the sense of “I’ve seen this before” increases. I feel I’ve had these conversations with you before along with your username and avatar, in this same setting, word for word.

    At least, my mental health assessment is coming up next week finally…

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    Have an EEG exam scheduled for next week now. The psychiatrist I talked to said that it really could be the case that the universe is repeating and did not seem to just be humoring me.
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    Got prescribed diazepam which apparently helps some with this.
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    Prior to reading this thread and really looking into articles about deja vu I didn't realise that there is a subtype - deja vecu is persistent or looping, as you describe it, and it is difficult to disprove the familiarity felt.

    This article covers several interpretations, I thought you might find it reassuring to read someone else's experience:
    My déjà vu is so extreme I can’t tell what’s real any more

    I found this part about recalling memory especially interesting:

    Scientists used to think of memories as being arranged together tidily in one place, like documents in a filing cabinet. This consensus was overturned in the early 1970s when cognitive neuroscientist Professor Endel Tulving proposed his theory that memories actually belong to one of two distinct groups.

    What Tulving called “semantic memory” refers to general facts that have no real bearing on personality, being independent of personal experience. “Episodic memories”, meanwhile, consist of recollections of life events or experiences. The fact that the Natural History Museum is in London is a semantic memory. The time that I visited it on a school trip at the age of 11 is an episodic one.

    Aided by advances in neuroimaging, Tulving discovered that episodic memories are generated as small pieces of information at different points across the brain and then reassembled into a coherent whole. He saw this process as akin to actually experiencing episodic memories again. “Remembering,” he said in 1983, “is mental time travel, a sort of reliving of something that happened in the past.”

    Many of these memory signals arose from the hippocampus and the area surrounding it, suggesting that the hippocampus is the brain’s librarian, responsible for receiving information already processed by the temporal lobe, then sorting, indexing and filing it as episodic memory.

    Just as a librarian might order books by subject matter or author, so the hippocampus identifies common features between memories. It might use analogy or familiarity, for example grouping all memories of various museum visits together in one place. These commonalities are then used to link the constituent parts of episodic memories together for future retrieval.
    The article's author was diagnosed with epilepsy but it is also mentioned that deja vu can be caused by stress and exhaustion. That would be reassuring in a way, if your EEG and MRI results were normal, to know that you have some control over it if it means allowing yourself to wind down or ensuring you get enough sleep each night.

    When I encounter something and it reminds me of something else I'm noticing the common qualities that the two subjects have and committing that to memory so I can pluck it out easily later -like that librarian analogy where the brain is doing its classifying. It's mentioned in this article too, that when recalling "common qualities" from episodic memory the brain may latch onto just one portion of a subject and from that small portion, decide the subject is familiar. I wonder whether acuity of this task/the running of a fine-tooth comb can be adversely affected by stress or being in an anxious state, both which cause fatigue.

    I hope the diazepam provides you with an intermission from this, so you can figure out what's real(?)

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    @thistle Thank you very much for your post. I’ve read about many of the things in that article before. Unfortunately my experience is a little bit different from all of theirs.

    Also the diazepam (aka Valium) seems not to be working. It does seem to work to ease some of my negative premonitions (y’know being ILI and all) by making me euphoric/manic so I’ll probably keep some stocked up for emergencies, but I don’t think I’ll be continuing taking it in high amounts since it’s addictive.

    Oh and my EEG had to be postponed, so I’m still waiting to see what they have to say about my brainwaves.

    I met up with my SEE dual recently and I was talking to them about positivity and negativity (in the regular, non socionics sense, but obviously it applies in this case too). People who are positive get hit with reality that is worse than their expectations, yet people who are negative get to experience reality that’s better than their expectations. So doesn’t negativity actually have a positive utility of sorts? My dual agreed but said that being TOO negative all the time is not good either… obvious enough but something I found helpful to be reminded of.
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    I sometimes have visions which seem to mean nothing. When the vision happens I remember said vision. I have no idea what the point of the visions are.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    I sometimes have visions which seem to mean nothing. When the vision happens I remember said vision. I have no idea what the point of the visions are.
    Do you ever find use in them? You are an ILE as I understand. Do they ever inspire you creatively or help with memory jogging or in focusing more on what’s real or anything like that?

    For example someone with your condition I would think is more skilled than average at being able to discern what is bullshit/fake/unrealistic and what is not, from practicing doing it all the time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Do you ever find use in them? You are an ILE as I understand. Do they ever inspire you creatively or help with memory jogging or in focusing more on what’s real or anything like that?

    For example someone with your condition I would think is more skilled than average at being able to discern what is bullshit/fake/unrealistic and what is not, from practicing doing it all the time.
    I wish I did. Ten years ago I had visions of the place I live now, which I don't like.. Maybe trying to warn me of the choices I was making at the time. But I have such a positive outlook most of the time.

    These days I try to pay attention, but the visions are so fleeting that it's hard to pay attention. I lose track and forget.
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    I have constant repetition, with time I've managed to see further into the dejavu's and because of that I can sometimes know certain events, or enviroments for events, that or I have some mental illness. I don’t see the problem with it or a reason for taking dangerous benzodiazepins.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RBRS View Post
    I have constant repetition, with time I've managed to see further into the dejavu's and because of that I can sometimes know certain events, or enviroments for events, that or I have some mental illness. I don’t see the problem with it or a reason for taking dangerous benzodiazepins.
    Good to know I'm not alone. May I know what type you identify as?

    Also what makes you view benzos as dangerous personally? Aside from the addictiveness.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    I wish I did. Ten years ago I had visions of the place I live now, which I don't like.. Maybe trying to warn me of the choices I was making at the time. But I have such a positive outlook most of the time.

    These days I try to pay attention, but the visions are so fleeting that it's hard to pay attention. I lose track and forget.
    Why do you try to pay attention?

    And why do you not like the fact you had that premonition? Is it because you don't like the idea of how it may have been wanting to warn you? Or some other reason? And was it very detailed/accurate, or not?

    Have you ever had any other premonitions, and how accurate were they if so?
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Good to know I'm not alone. May I know what type you identify as?

    Also what makes you view benzos as dangerous personally? Aside from the addictiveness.
    I view them as dangerous because of the addictiveness (I have a family member that is a long-time Valium addict so... I have plenty of examples for what problems that might cause) and because of the potential brain damage.

    Let's put it simple; If you use benzodiazepins you might lose some inconsequential (or maybe even helpful sometimes) deja-vus in exchange for addiction, brain damage, sedation, cognitive impairments... I don’t see it as beneficial.

    I've been typed as practically every Ni ego type, and I usually don’t push a self-typing, it's counter-productive in typology communities.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Why do you try to pay attention?

    And why do you not like the fact you had that premonition? Is it because you don't like the idea of how it may have been wanting to warn you? Or some other reason? And was it very detailed/accurate, or not?

    Have you ever had any other premonitions, and how accurate were they if so?
    I don't dislike it, it just doesn't seem to do me any good. I'll basically just see a flash of a window or something. Then I forget about it.

    I was convinced there was going to be an outbreak of disease of some kind. Then COVID happened.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    @thistle Thank you very much for your post. I’ve read about many of the things in that article before. Unfortunately my experience is a little bit different from all of theirs.

    Also the diazepam (aka Valium) seems not to be working. It does seem to work to ease some of my negative premonitions (y’know being ILI and all) by making me euphoric/manic so I’ll probably keep some stocked up for emergencies, but I don’t think I’ll be continuing taking it in high amounts since it’s addictive.

    Oh and my EEG had to be postponed, so I’m still waiting to see what they have to say about my brainwaves.

    I met up with my SEE dual recently and I was talking to them about positivity and negativity (in the regular, non socionics sense, but obviously it applies in this case too). People who are positive get hit with reality that is worse than their expectations, yet people who are negative get to experience reality that’s better than their expectations. So doesn’t negativity actually have a positive utility of sorts? My dual agreed but said that being TOO negative all the time is not good either… obvious enough but something I found helpful to be reminded of.
    I'm sorry that the diazepam/valium hasn't helped in the way of reducing the repetitions. I read that it is addictive, so I'm glad that you are being strict with yourself about taking it for emergencies only. Since you mentioned your dual, it made me curious about whether their positivity or even temperament and has a noticeable "grounding/providing context" effect on your negative premonitions?

    It's interesting too that you brought up this positivism/negativism because when I read an article such as the one I linked to, I see a little bit of myself in each of the respondents.
    I don't often get to experience this sentiment of not relating to any examples at all i.e. "Nope, that's not me", or even being able to identify what is missing that would make something spot-on/correct. I'm certain that my outlook would benefit from a dose of negativism - it would help me to isolate my specific problems quicker, to then hopefully solve them. In my mind that's a good, useful thing to be able to do.

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    @mysteryofdungeon I've always been incredibly deja vu prone. Ever since I can remember I just get it a lot and it lasts a relatively long time compared to others. Since I don't know what your baseline is like, I don't know how it feels when you say it won't turn off but is just constant. I may experience something akin to that but just think it's normal because pretty much everything that happens has a sense of the familiar in it to me. I'm not sure what causes me to get it more often and more intensely than other people I've asked about it, but it hasn't seemed to be detrimental or anything, so I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you're experiencing this change in conjunction with other symptoms as well. Depending on your age, a lot of your neurology can still be somewhat plastic, so it could just be things settling into place. Or, as One suggested, maybe it has something to do with some kind of change like you not getting enough sleep.

    As far as the recursive nature of existence goes, I'm not so sure about the idea that things have happened exactly this way before... They certainly might have... What I do think though is that reality is built out of a handful of underlying patterns and that these patterns are predictable. I tend to feel that nothing is really random, and on some level you can sense that a certain outcome will occur a little before it happens or even as it's happening such that it feels familiar. Though saying it out loud makes it sound like I'm postulating a somewhat superhuman ability of premonition. Perhaps more likely is that for one reason or another your sense of time "lags" and your mind double or maybe even triple feeds the same experience to you before you properly feel yourself experiencing it so that by the time you do actually experience it it feels highly familiar. If we could find a way to intentionally and reliably stimulate deja vu in people, it would be very interesting to test their reaction times while they're experiencing it and then compare it to subjects' baseline reaction times. I wonder what kind of effect we'd find. I think the most likely result would be no effect, which would be unfortunate cause it wouldn't tell us much. If it was that their reaction time was delayed however then I think that might point to their sense of time "lagging" as I've said. What would be truly fascinating though is if they reacted faster. That might indicate that they're somehow either processing faster than usual, or "predicting" things more effectively, or something like that. I really want to see some kind of study like this
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    @mysteryofdungeon I've always been incredibly deja vu prone. Ever since I can remember I just get it a lot and it lasts a relatively long time compared to others. Since I don't know what your baseline is like, I don't know how it feels when you say it won't turn off but is just constant. I may experience something akin to that but just think it's normal because pretty much everything that happens has a sense of the familiar in it to me. I'm not sure what causes me to get it more often and more intensely than other people I've asked about it, but it hasn't seemed to be detrimental or anything, so I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you're experiencing this change in conjunction with other symptoms as well. Depending on your age, a lot of your neurology can still be somewhat plastic, so it could just be things settling into place. Or, as One suggested, maybe it has something to do with some kind of change like you not getting enough sleep.

    As far as the recursive nature of existence goes, I'm not so sure about the idea that things have happened exactly this way before... They certainly might have... What I do think though is that reality is built out of a handful of underlying patterns and that these patterns are predictable. I tend to feel that nothing is really random, and on some level you can sense that a certain outcome will occur a little before it happens or even as it's happening such that it feels familiar. Though saying it out loud makes it sound like I'm postulating a somewhat superhuman ability of premonition. Perhaps more likely is that for one reason or another your sense of time "lags" and your mind double or maybe even triple feeds the same experience to you before you properly feel yourself experiencing it so that by the time you do actually experience it it feels highly familiar. If we could find a way to intentionally and reliably stimulate deja vu in people, it would be very interesting to test their reaction times while they're experiencing it and then compare it to subjects' baseline reaction times. I wonder what kind of effect we'd find. I think the most likely result would be no effect, which would be unfortunate cause it wouldn't tell us much. If it was that their reaction time was delayed however then I think that might point to their sense of time "lagging" as I've said. What would be truly fascinating though is if they reacted faster. That might indicate that they're somehow either processing faster than usual, or "predicting" things more effectively, or something like that. I really want to see some kind of study like this
    Thank you for your thorough, extensive thoughts on this.
    Do you believe in god or the supernatural to any degree by the way? And/or are you spiritual?
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    get ready to get cucked
    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    got this Socionics stuff caught by the balls

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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Thank you for your thorough, extensive thoughts on this.
    Do you believe in god or the supernatural to any degree by the way? And/or are you spiritual?
    I'm interested in pre-Christian Germanic heathenry, the occult, and folklore in general. I was raised Christian so that's my background, but my dad fancied himself a "scholarly" theologian and so never really pushed his faith on us and still doesn't seem to care at all that I don't share his faith. I was one of those annoying, hardcore, new-atheist types for awhile, but I came to realize I'm way too interested in woo woo spooky stuff for that. I don't hold any active beliefs in anything and I like to think I'm difficult to convince when it comes to the supernatural, but I'm not dismissive of it. I tend to think the most supernatural thing about our universe is our own minds though, and don't really care so much about what's real or not real in the outside world. I think people are prone to thinking of the supernatural as though it has to exist in a concrete way, but to me that kills the whole thing. Our mental realms are much more real than anything going on outside. They're the only space that we can truly be said to exist in in a meaningful way. To be a bit more illustrative, if someone tells me a ghost story I'll be very interested, but I probably won't interpret their story to mean that there was some ghostlike entity in the external world (I think I'd be forced to reject that idea in most cases due to a lack of evidence). I'll hear that story (knowing that there is little reason to think it happened in the external reality) and be more interested in their internal experience of it which I consider more valuable. I'd never say "it's all in your head" in a pejorative way, I mean. Everything is all in our heads after all, and I think anyone claiming otherwise is proposing that they have access to some kind of impossibly objective lens free of their own subjectivity and biases.

    I don't know what reality is real for you. It's in all likelihood not the same one that's real for me. We can move around in the outside world of matter and space and have all kinds of interactions there, but ultimately that represents very little of our actual experience so I pay proportionately little attention to it.

    I'm not sure if this answered your question very well or even at all. My beliefs (and I really hate calling them that; perspectives is a much better word) are difficult and time-consuming to articulate until the inspiration strikes me. Hopefully seeing me try was entertaining at least!
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    Well, for anybody interested, the EEG results came back completely normal/healthy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
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