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Thread: Constant Repetition / Deja Vu / Reincarnation

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Starting about one year ago, I’ve been experiencing constant, detailed “deja vu”, where I feel I’ve experienced this lifetime before more or less (or like time itself is repeating endlessly).

    **To clarify, I don’t get confused on whether or not I’ve experienced something in my current lifetime before. It’s more like a deja vu of my entire existence. Also, it basically never turns off. It’s been constant ​for the past year. It doesn’t pop up and go away in specific instances. So it’s not the type of deja vu one typically experiences.

    Has anyone else ever experienced or heard about this before?

    It feels very real to me, and is further confounded by the fact that it truly *could* be the case that time is repeating infinitely. Knowing that this is a possibility doesn’t exactly help in trying to ignore the experience.

    I’ve gotten an MRI on this and am planning on getting an EEG examination for it too soon, as some online have said it is linked to different brain disturbances.

    Am interested in any spiritual, quantum/scientific or other interpretations others may have as well.
    Depth-psychology would probably say that since human life is rooted in the unconscious (life as a psychological phenomenon) your current life experience is a repetition of something archetypal. Something deep in the psyche, an imprint from millions of previously lived lives. Just like the physical brain has evolved from all previous human brains in history.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    mbti INFJ lookin4waifu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    Depth-psychology would probably say that since human life is rooted in the unconscious (life as a psychological phenomenon) your current life experience is a repetition of something archetypal. Something deep in the psyche, an imprint from millions of previously lived lives. Just like the physical brain has evolved from all previous human brains in history.
    Nice. Yeah, I remember reading Freud’s take on it (related to Jung obviously) which is that deja vu is some kind of displaced unconscious archetypal fantasy playing out.

    I take it from your posts that you have some level of religious/spiritual interest along with some focus on Depth-psych and Jung. What do you think about the archetypal point of view in the light of “man being made in God’s image”? Do you think that “time” unfolding is a sort of re-familiarizing of God of an archetypical unconscious (dream/fantasy) of Himself? Thoughts?

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Nice. Yeah, I remember reading Freud’s take on it (related to Jung obviously) which is that deja vu is some kind of displaced unconscious archetypal fantasy playing out.
    It obviously hits something in the unconscious. Otherwise the experience would not happen.

    I take it from your posts that you have some level of religious/spiritual interest along with some focus on Depth-psych and Jung. What do you think about the archetypal point of view in the light of “man being made in God’s image”?
    From a psychological point of view: What is it that makes us grow and become more conscious. From the beginning of history, what was it that made us develop out of an animal state into humans with a culture? The extrovert will say that it is society, the environment that imposes it's culture and customs on us. The introvert will say that there is some "spirit", something that moves us, that is "above", that is projected on society, but ultimately unknown. The spirit is the guide and "Father" in who's image we are being molded.

    So the whole experience of being a social human being has to be seen as a psychic phenomenon. Going beyond yourself is still a part of the psyche. Even though the content of this spirit will change with the changing society. The psyche has a polarity and this polarity creates man.

    But there is also a higher Father, beyond society. People who outgrow society will have to find that higher Father, that ultimately will lead them to their highest potential. In other words, finding the unique meaning of their lives.

    Do you think that “time” unfolding is a sort of re-familiarizing of God of an archetypical unconscious (dream/fantasy) of Himself? Thoughts?
    I'm not exactly sure of what you mean. Something like this? It has been said that from the point of view of the Ego (the individual) the connection with God is felt as individuation (development of greater consciousness and maturity). And from the point of view of God (the Self) it is about reincarnation: God takes a human form through the work of the Ego during life. God gives the guidance but is dependent on the human being in order for God to become conscious.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryofdungeon View Post
    Nice. Yeah, I remember reading Freud’s take on it (related to Jung obviously) which is that deja vu is some kind of displaced unconscious archetypal fantasy playing out.

    I take it from your posts that you have some level of religious/spiritual interest along with some focus on Depth-psych and Jung. What do you think about the archetypal point of view in the light of “man being made in God’s image”? Do you think that “time” unfolding is a sort of re-familiarizing of God of an archetypical unconscious (dream/fantasy) of Himself? Thoughts?

    I have come to believe to Deja Vu's are sort of like "checkpoints" that god shos you that you are still on your destinity path. Now that I notice it, I haven't had any Deja Vu's in months (I've had some synchronicities though), it all feels to me like a constant deja vu from about a year ago or so. Wonder what it means... it is sort of a permanent feeling of dread, mixed in with deja vu and catastrophe. The feeling of dread is especially felt at night if you look at the sky.
    Last edited by roger557; 11-18-2021 at 05:59 PM.

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    mbti INFJ lookin4waifu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    I have come to believe to Deja Vu's are sort of like "checkpoints" that god shos you that you are still on your destinity path. Now that I notice it, I haven't had any Deja Vu's in months (I've had some synchronicities though), it all feels to me like a constant deja vu from about a year ago or so. Wonder what it means... it is sort of a permanent feeling of dread, mixed in with deja vu and catastrophe. The feeling of dread is especially felt at night if you look at the sky.
    I feel dread and a sense of catastrophe as well sometimes. It can certainly unnerving to think a lot about, which is why I’m not fully convinced of the “showing you you’re on your destiny path” idea. Although, I remember I would pray for signs for that before.

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