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Thread: What do you think of Cancel Culture?

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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Default What do you think of Cancel Culture?

    Looking for responses from Alpha quadra members since supposedly Alpha has the closed-mouth complex or whatever.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I know I'm not alpha sorry- I said this before but I think yeah artists can be fucked up people. Cancel culture is the misguided way to go about it- but let's play devil's advocate and talk about why people are getting cancelled: Because humans naturally do shitty things thinking we are in the right.

    I'm an artist myself- I know I have my own issues with boundaries and fucked up ness. But the artist sees everything in a sense- how the normal "Karens" will see something, and how the outcast or weirdo will see something (this is why art is hard not easy, you are juggling all these different perceptions while still taking care of #1 first of all) So art can be very narcisisstic in that sense- but it also leads to a type of transcedence. That yucky shadow immoral stuff everybody hates is also the type of thing that can bring society/community to a more genuinely light place. True light- not self righteous Plastic Light. It's all way too easy to virtue signal everything and try to bypass and go straight to the fake light like an average to unhealthy enneagram 9.

    There's a saying 'good art should make you vomit' because chances are people are avoiding other people's pain and discomfort because they want to live in their happy shelter bubble place which is what good Te protects us all from but the thing is that it doesn't mean those things aren't there just because you spray paint a corporate logo on everything- it's there, and the artist shows you that even though it might trigger or enrage you. These things are ugly and abusive and sometimes the artist will 're-abuse' the person too much just to be real. And then people get mad and offended. I also think some art does try too hard to be dark and edgy- but they are often based on things people really did. "Did you really think you could sit in your timely decorated house and ignore it!"

    The fake happy sterilized version of life doesn't get cancelled but also - it's hard for a lot of people to relate to it. A pretty bowed Thomas Kincade cup of prettiness where nothing bad happens. Yeah... no. My home life was pretty good for the most part but I had so much fucked up shit happen in other places... and I mean it's not me 'playing the victim' by showing people this darker reality but it is truthful. I try to do in a more light hearted way but still other people have been very good at picking up what I was really saying (My semi-dual has been super good at this I think) People don't like this though because it's too real- or they mix/confuse a person's art, as they are the one on exhibit.

    I'm glad that now it seems we are moving to the 'forgiveness' stage in a lot of area with this stuff. I think people on both sides are 'getting it' more. People shouldn't get so offended over things but at the same time some weirdo artist doesn't need to splatter baby's blood on a canvas and say 'they are just being artistic.' As much as there is pain in this world- if you look for it there's also breath-taking beauty and happiness too. The artist journey is the transcedence from narcissism to compassion. I am still working on it, forgive me lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Looking for responses from Alpha quadra members since supposedly Alpha has the closed-mouth complex or whatever.
    I can give you the opinion of a Gamma ILI here. Cancel culture is the mutant offshoot/parody/mockery of the blasphemy laws that used to exist here in the west. Granted, most every culture/civilization that lasted any notable amount of time had them (and their lack of enforcement tended to coincide with the time period right before their fall). It's like anti-sedition laws. Any state/culture that simply allows such speech to occur without direct, immediate (relatively speaking), and harsh consequence plain and simply won't/didn't last very long. As the flow of information/opinion on this scale undeniably goes Religion>Culture>Politics it's little surprise it's a thing. What's dangerous is that most people (non-Gamma's especially) don't seem to get the profound and frankly horrifying implications of this. The Blasphemy laws are Cancel Culture. That means, obviously, we are currently ruled over by adherents to a culture/religion that views non-PC speech as worthy of legal sanction. If not officially, than at least culturally/socially (which amounts to the same damn thing but with extra steps and results that only differ in kind/degree not effect).

    Given that fact you can see why I make the reference to blasphemy intentionally here. Cancel Culture is part and parcel of what I and many others like me term the Death Cult. The SJW's, Commies, Woke folks, LGBTBBQXYZ+++-kin, etc. are all the laity and, by extension, the pool the practicing/existing clergy pulls from to swell their ranks and "evangelize" for this de facto religion. It really is a religion BTW. It even comes complete with it's own dogma, sacraments, and eschatology if you look hard enough. A religion that is, by the by, a sick and twisted mirror/inversion of Christianity and thus seeks above all else to stamp out any authentic expression of what it truly stand in opposition to (i.e. Christ). Ever hear of the "Witch test"? If you have not, well, the next time you see some SJW wokie morally browbeating someone for being an X'ist/phobe using rhetoric that sounds suspiciously like something that'd come out of the mouth of some parody of a foaming at the mouth Christian fundamentalist browbeating a harlot, libertine, or the like (and you'll find many examples upon the instant you start looking) demand they confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead.

    Why? Because they are relying upon Christian moral concepts/assumptions to browbeat their opponent. Christian morality in any form relies upon one thing being true and that is what I just mentioned (i.e that Christ is risen). If they cannot even mockingly confess (and boy will they not even do that) you know you're dealing with a card carrying member of the Death Cult. Bet a billion dollars on them failing said test. I assure you they will say/confess literally anything except that. In the one in a billion chance they succeed ask for specifics. Ask them to define God, Christ, etc. They'll fail there hard and reveal themselves to simply be smarter members of that cult. I'm not kidding nor engaging in hyperbole here. I'm being 100 percent honest. I wish to the infinite heavens I was full of shit but I sadly ain't...

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    lmao only responses so far are from non-alphas.

    But why don't I add to the chaos, I think people are free to ignore or boycott whomever or whatever they want for any reason. I think calls for others to boycott on social media is a little harder to accept. I think pushing to get someone fired from their job because they believe or said things you don't like is a step too far and a little disgusting, but even this can have exceptions.

    So idk what to believe and it really doesn't matter because I'm not alpha lol. I want to hear from them too.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    I'd fire someone who was vocal that Black people should be lynched, or someone that made sucking sounds around gay coworkers, or someone who called his female coworkers "sugar tits". I don't care how much John Stuart Mill they can quote verbatim.

    And while the boundary can be somewhat subjective, I'd never fire someone just for having a dark, crude, or nihilistic sense of humour (which I enjoy). I'd never fire someone for having different political beliefs in so far as they don't lead them to harass my employees.
    Last edited by xerx; 11-11-2021 at 03:10 AM. Reason: +added

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    or someone that made sucking sounds around gay coworkers,
    Personally as a gay guy I'd rather go 'sorry honey you're not my type' or I'd one-up their offensiveness and show him who is boss by being verbally cruel/puerile to their breeder-ness as well. Gay men are often 'too nice' when somebody is being mean to us and that just makes a person an easier target really- I've learned over the years dealing with assholes it's often best to fight fire with fire. But I do like to be protected via physical bullying. Sticks and stones and all that. Maybe it's a 1D Se thing I don't know, but I loathe being physically bullied over being gay or genderqueer. That doesn't happen now though since I'm a big adult strong man and nobody really messes with me that way anymore but it might trigger me if I see it happening to a younger gay person idk.

    I don't know why the ugliest homophobes always think we want them either lol.

    And while the boundary can be somewhat subjective, I'd never fire someone just for having a dark, crude, or nihilistic sense of humour (which I enjoy). I'd never fire someone for having different political beliefs in so far as they don't lead them to harass my employees.
    I agree. <3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    I don't know why the ugliest homophobes always think we want them either lol.
    Lol Maybe cause bullying us is the closest thing to female attention they'll ever get

    P.S. I just realized I never sent a friend request to you though I thought I had. I guess I just imagined it really hard
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
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    @MissDucki Where is your Alpha army now? The Betas and Gammas have taken over this thread with ease. Today this thread; tomorrow, the whole of Alpha Queendom
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    @MissDucki Where is your Alpha army now? The Betas and Gammas have taken over this thread with ease. Today this thread; tomorrow, the whole of Alpha Queendom
    I know…we are but a small army now…I wrote two paragraphs for this and I thought I submitted it LMAO! I have to redo it…so many betas and gammas….we shall reign again!

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    Alphas to me have generally always been incredibly ambivalent about cancel culture. They might care a little but not really enough to comment on it that much. They are half-way out of Delta so still understand their points with shared Ne/Si valuing but with Fe/Ti they see more of Beta's side as well and I think just tend to be more indifferent about it to begin with. So indifferent they don't even know what to say about it.

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    Yea I think I'm, indifferent to cancel culture...I just don't care enough
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

  12. #12
    The Darling Duck~ MissDucki's Avatar
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    Okay so….Hot take don’t think cancel culture is horrible DEPENDING ON THE INDIVIDUAL.

    Cancel culture usually involves a person in media or a high power position person. I think if they do immoral shit, they should be kicked out. Like Sexual assault, abuse, stealing etc…. They should be canceled. They can still live a normal life but I do not want them having any influence with the public on them. They lost that.

    However, there is a difference between a person who did something stupid, made a mistake, and is trying to move past it. People fuck up. People make mistakes. I’m not going to cancel someone who fucks up like a normal human. I don’t think That’s fair but accountability is needed to some degree. I don’t people should be ostracized for cancel culture but I don’t want to encourage shitty behaviour as well.

    I do think cancel culture has gotten a bit too far. Though, a lot of shitty people who did deserve to get canceled have been fine in the long run and are still in the Spotlight and influencing others. Jeffery Star and Trisha Paytas are a good example. They have been cancelled but people still watch, comment, and make money off their horrible behaviour and antics. They are not changing.

    I think everyone deserves the roam to make mistakes, grow, and learn. Especially in the public spotlight because that is embarrassing and extremely hard. BUT, there is a difference between human error and continuous immoral actions that have and will continue to hurt others.

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    Also not an Alpha… but when I see people engaging in this cancel culture thing, I immediately tag them in my head as, ‘one of those people’, and avoid them. And ‘these people’, in my mind, are usually Chrissy Teigen-esque hypocrites
    ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈 ♓︎ 𝓅𝒾𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓈
    ♍︎ 𝓋𝒾𝓇𝑔𝑜 𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒾𝓃𝑔 ♍︎

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    Going back to a slower, less monopolized Internet, with thousands of small social media platforms, would help to alleviate cancel culture, and breaking up the large social media monopolies is basically the first step towards that goal. But I don't know of a fair way to implement a 'Wild West' model like that.

    Stopping social media company mergers is an obvious first step, but does it go far enough?

    For each platform, would we need to limit the # of posts per day and/or limit the # of users online at any given time? That doesn't sound very practical.

    We could hold large platforms legally responsible for what their users say. It would incentivize them to remove a lot of slanderous content and misinformation, and that would incentivize their user base to post controversial opinions on smaller social media platforms. These smaller platforms would have to be immune from getting sued, for obvious reasons. Would that be fair? I don't know.

    Honestly, I don't see a resolution until one side wins the culture war (esp. the question of religion, race and immigration, and sexual politics), which is what's generating all this back-and-forth vitriol, and which is what's driving this back-and-forth canceling / accusations of canceling / victimization about being allegedly canceled. The Internet itself, as a technology, may only be an amplifier (a rather selective one) that gets an unfair amount of blame.
    Last edited by xerx; 11-12-2021 at 05:08 AM. Reason: a few words

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Also not an Alpha… but when I see people engaging in this cancel culture thing, I immediately tag them in my head as, ‘one of those people’, and avoid them. And ‘these people’, in my mind, are usually Chrissy Teigen-esque hypocrites
    I always thought of Chrissy as a SLE. Still works though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I can give you the opinion of a Gamma ILI here. Cancel culture is the mutant offshoot/parody/mockery of the blasphemy laws that used to exist here in the west. Granted, most every culture/civilization that lasted any notable amount of time had them (and their lack of enforcement tended to coincide with the time period right before their fall). It's like anti-sedition laws. Any state/culture that simply allows such speech to occur without direct, immediate (relatively speaking), and harsh consequence plain and simply won't/didn't last very long. As the flow of information/opinion on this scale undeniably goes Religion>Culture>Politics it's little surprise it's a thing. What's dangerous is that most people (non-Gamma's especially) don't seem to get the profound and frankly horrifying implications of this. The Blasphemy laws are Cancel Culture. That means, obviously, we are currently ruled over by adherents to a culture/religion that views non-PC speech as worthy of legal sanction. If not officially, than at least culturally/socially (which amounts to the same damn thing but with extra steps and results that only differ in kind/degree not effect).

    Given that fact you can see why I make the reference to blasphemy intentionally here. Cancel Culture is part and parcel of what I and many others like me term the Death Cult. The SJW's, Commies, Woke folks, LGBTBBQXYZ+++-kin, etc. are all the laity and, by extension, the pool the practicing/existing clergy pulls from to swell their ranks and "evangelize" for this de facto religion. It really is a religion BTW. It even comes complete with it's own dogma, sacraments, and eschatology if you look hard enough. A religion that is, by the by, a sick and twisted mirror/inversion of Christianity and thus seeks above all else to stamp out any authentic expression of what it truly stand in opposition to (i.e. Christ). Ever hear of the "Witch test"? If you have not, well, the next time you see some SJW wokie morally browbeating someone for being an X'ist/phobe using rhetoric that sounds suspiciously like something that'd come out of the mouth of some parody of a foaming at the mouth Christian fundamentalist browbeating a harlot, libertine, or the like (and you'll find many examples upon the instant you start looking) demand they confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead.

    Why? Because they are relying upon Christian moral concepts/assumptions to browbeat their opponent. Christian morality in any form relies upon one thing being true and that is what I just mentioned (i.e that Christ is risen). If they cannot even mockingly confess (and boy will they not even do that) you know you're dealing with a card carrying member of the Death Cult. Bet a billion dollars on them failing said test. I assure you they will say/confess literally anything except that. In the one in a billion chance they succeed ask for specifics. Ask them to define God, Christ, etc. They'll fail there hard and reveal themselves to simply be smarter members of that cult. I'm not kidding nor engaging in hyperbole here. I'm being 100 percent honest. I wish to the infinite heavens I was full of shit but I sadly ain't...
    See I tend to accept Pettersons summary. It's the archtypical tyrannical mother. With her tyrannical empathy, more-so than all those interest groups you named.

    (This idea of a LGBTQ agenda makes me smile because I was gay long before I even knew there was community...and m still not a part of said community, not like there is one anymore now anyway with the arrival of digital sociolization.) Guys who like dick are evolutionary adventageous and it's just been shown that female relatives of gay males are statistically more fertile and have greater number of children which shows that balance exists in nature.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    See I tend to accept Pettersons summary. It's the archtypical tyrannical mother. With her tyrannical empathy, more-so than all those interest groups you named.

    (This idea of a LGBTQ agenda makes me smile because I was gay long before I even knew there was community...and m still not a part of said community, not like there is one anymore now anyway with the arrival of digital sociolization.) Guys who like dick are evolutionary adventageous and it's just been shown that female relatives of gay males are statistically more fertile and have greater number of children which shows that balance exists in nature.
    Ya mean, like, Jordan Peterson? Tyrannical mother with a sick and twisted sense of empathy fits theoretically I guess, but I'm a user and an archetypical tyrannical mother wouldn't act in the way I've observed the wokies acting en masse. If I slot in cultists devoted to a sick twisted mirror of Christianity instead, well. In scientific circles the validity of a theory can be directly tested by how accurately it predicts results. The more closely/accurately the predictions match the outcomes of the experiments the more likely you're onto something.

    This, by the by, is why I keep on harping about attachment issues. I am literally predicting responses out of people I know before they say it. Like I've said before, I am become Joseph Joestar over here. Ergo, this theory is onto something.

    Likewise, the theory that the wokies are part of an anti-Christian cult produces predictions that mirror currently experienced reality close enough to theoretically make a living as a prophet. My theory works and works hard. Therefore I'm probably correct. At the very least I'm more correct than Peterson as my theory does a better job of making the predictions and explaining how and why in a language a child could understand relatively speaking.

    It also sounds like you're not a member of the Death Cult despite being a member of a group they claim to represent and recruit from heavily. Good. It's gonna be people like you that cause their heads to explode which will in turn provide me with endless entertainment and satisfaction. A gay who isn't woke and on board with intersectionality? One that actively disdains the folks who are? (points finger at you) Cis-hetero-White Supremacist! You're worse than Funny Mustache Man!

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Ya mean, like, Jordan Peterson? Tyrannical mother with a sick and twisted sense of empathy fits theoretically I guess, but I'm a user and an archetypical tyrannical mother wouldn't act in the way I've observed the wokies acting en masse. If I slot in cultists devoted to a sick twisted mirror of Christianity instead, well. In scientific circles the validity of a theory can be directly tested by how accurately it predicts results. The more closely/accurately the predictions match the outcomes of the experiments the more likely you're onto something.
    Well this is often also a characteristic of Ni. right?

    This, by the by, is why I keep on harping about attachment issues. I am literally predicting responses out of people I know before they say it. Like I've said before, I am become Joseph Joestar over here. Ergo, this theory is onto something.
    I had not noticed, but alright. Sometimes Ni does give one the gift of true foresight. This makes it hard to age and keep the spontaneousness in anything. Given that you can't share your predictions, both because they are hard to explain, and also accurate, it gives people the creeps, amirite? Do you find yourself saying "oh, of course he did, or of course she did, or of course that happened, just as I knew it would". This is the gift of really good Ni, and also happens to be a part of your supervision role.

    Likewise, the theory that the wokies are part of an anti-Christian cult produces predictions that mirror currently experienced reality close enough to theoretically make a living as a prophet. My theory works and works hard. Therefore I'm probably correct. At the very least I'm more correct than Peterson as my theory does a better job of making the predictions and explaining how and why in a language a child could understand relatively speaking.
    I'm not an official Christian although I think you are saying: Its the seeming destruction of all values and all values are given the same merit. It seems the world is going to hell in a hand basket, yet also becoming more homogenous in its value statements. We watch a woke Disney movie and think why is this so bad? It would seem to be a good thing, but its effects, in combination with PC culture, has created a vapid monster.

    It also sounds like you're not a member of the Death Cult despite being a member of a group they claim to represent and recruit from heavily. Good. It's gonna be people like you that cause their heads to explode which will in turn provide me with endless entertainment and satisfaction. A gay who isn't woke and on board with intersectionality? One that actively disdains the folks who are? (points finger at you) Cis-hetero-White Supremacist! You're worse than Funny Mustache Man!
    One must hold onto what they know to be good and true. You can't box me, or millions of other people into simplistic categories without loosing some of the resolution, like a pixellated photograph. To me, nature, beauty, the elements on my skin and face, these remind that culture is only real in the relative sense.

    I believe I have no value because of a sexual orientation. No special purpose, no special meaning. No special rights. I only want my safety (both physical and psychological) protected by the State. As it mostly now is. I think the trouble is that people want everything of others. They want to have rights, be protected, and then they demand others also value them against those people's will and understanding. You can't change others like this broadly, unless those people change their point of view, perspective, from themselves. True Inception of an idea. I always strive to live impeccably, to behave beyond others reproaches. Do I achieve this all the time? No. To err is to be human. But having the moral high ground is crucial if you are going to make others believe in you. This is the reason, NOT because of self loathing, that I never mention my sexuality right away in a new setting. I want to be known for who I am as my character and my ethic. Not where I like to stick my dick. Which is what you are essentially saying when you come out.

    For me its all deeper anyway. Like at the animal level. I'm always fascinated and surprised who I find out enjoys male touch. Its never who you would expect. There are many gay men and women failures and losers for a myriad of reasons, but there are also just as many, if not more, massively worldy successful ones. Do you think its easy being gay in the industry I work in? No. But in a matter of weeks the men around see I provide value, problem solving and also insightful compassion. That sensitivity is my gift to other men.

    As far as cancel culture goes, it makes me think that the bullied often become the bullies. If anyone is afraid to say and do anything because a technology records it all, what does that leave anyone with? Some dry bland toast. A perfectly safe world without fear. All you have to pay for it is your soul to the hegemony. Meanwhile other nations hunt at the periphery ready to kill.

    End, don't worry about responding, this conversation has a lot to unpack and I can't really do it justice online. I've been eating small doses of magic mushrooms in the evening times, combined with the anabolics I take, and I find that any negativity, ignorance, stupidity its just not worth going into especially when its coming from other people of whom neither of us owe anything to each other. I'm just as exhausted by PC woke culture as you. I'll defend myself if I have to and that involves the virtue of bravery. We are outsourcing our virtues to the collective state and becoming lazy while giving the collective state its tyrannical power. I think this is part of why the MSM got away with the covid gaslighting. You are either with us or against us and do you want Grandmas to die?? Do you wan women to be raped?? Do you want to be a white supremicists? Are you a bigot? Are you a racists? Can you not understand that all people are created equal and therefore deserve equal outcomes?

    If I don't respond to your response just know that its more that I don't have the energy to continue this one, but I regard your response none-the-less.
    Last edited by timber; 11-12-2021 at 03:28 PM.

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    Why not just wear ear plugs & really effective sunglasses one is ass hurt that easy. Getting farted on by a close friend has gotta be a pretty simple way to not take what celebrities do so seriously. Better yet, how about a chorus line where random buddies of yours fart in your mouth. You may come out of that situation enlightened and easy going because it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Luna Lovegood View Post
    Yea I think I'm, indifferent to cancel culture...I just don't care enough
    So I do have something to say on why I think cancel culture makes no sense. I think it never really lasts. In my opinion, cancel culture seems to only ruin a minority of people. Over the years there have been a lot of celebrities who have been canceled at one point or another. And you know what happens after some time passes? People forget and go back to supporting them. Well some might not forget, but ultimately it seems like the majority does or they just don't care. I know how I am. It's hard for me to hold a certain point of view on someone for an extended period of time so I don't publicly cancel anyone. If it's not gonna last, why do it anyways? I know it's kind of a trend but eh...
    Chronic "grass is always greener" syndrome

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Well this is often also a characteristic of Ni. right?

    I had not noticed, but alright. Sometimes Ni does give one the gift of true foresight. This makes it hard to age and keep the spontaneousness in anything. Given that you can't share your predictions, both because they are hard to explain, and also accurate, it gives people the creeps, amirite? Do you find yourself saying "oh, of course he did, or of course she did, or of course that happened, just as I knew it would". This is the gift of really good Ni, and also happens to be a part of your supervision role.

    I'm not an official Christian although I think you are saying: Its the seeming destruction of all values and all values are given the same merit. It seems the world is going to hell in a hand basket, yet also becoming more homogenous in its value statements. We watch a woke Disney movie and think why is this so bad? It would seem to be a good thing, but its effects, in combination with PC culture, has created a vapid monster.

    One must hold onto what they know to be good and true. You can't box me, or millions of other people into simplistic categories without loosing some of the resolution, like a pixellated photograph. To me, nature, beauty, the elements on my skin and face, these remind that culture is only real in the relative sense.

    I believe I have no value because of a sexual orientation. No special purpose, no special meaning. No special rights. I only want my safety (both physical and psychological) protected by the State. As it mostly now is. I think the trouble is that people want everything of others. They want to have rights, be protected, and then they demand others also value them against those people's will and understanding. You can't change others like this broadly, unless those people change their point of view, perspective, from themselves. True Inception of an idea. I always strive to live impeccably, to behave beyond others reproaches. Do I achieve this all the time? No. To err is to be human. But having the moral high ground is crucial if you are going to make others believe in you. This is the reason, NOT because of self loathing, that I never mention my sexuality right away in a new setting. I want to be known for who I am as my character and my ethic. Not where I like to stick my dick. Which is what you are essentially saying when you come out.

    For me its all deeper anyway. Like at the animal level. I'm always fascinated and surprised who I find out enjoys male touch. Its never who you would expect. There are many gay men and women failures and losers for a myriad of reasons, but there are also just as many, if not more, massively worldy successful ones. Do you think its easy being gay in the industry I work in? No. But in a matter of weeks the men around see I provide value, problem solving and also insightful compassion. That sensitivity is my gift to other men.

    As far as cancel culture goes, it makes me think that the bullied often become the bullies. If anyone is afraid to say and do anything because a technology records it all, what does that leave anyone with? Some dry bland toast. A perfectly safe world without fear. All you have to pay for it is your soul to the hegemony. Meanwhile other nations hunt at the periphery ready to kill.

    End, don't worry about responding, this conversation has a lot to unpack and I can't really do it justice online. I've been eating small doses of magic mushrooms in the evening times, combined with the anabolics I take, and I find that any negativity, ignorance, stupidity its just not worth going into especially when its coming from other people of whom neither of us owe anything to each other. I'm just as exhausted by PC woke culture as you. I'll defend myself if I have to and that involves the virtue of bravery. We are outsourcing our virtues to the collective state and becoming lazy while giving the collective state its tyrannical power. I think this is part of why the MSM got away with the covid gaslighting. You are either with us or against us and do you want Grandmas to die?? Do you wan women to be raped?? Do you want to be a white supremicists? Are you a bigot? Are you a racists? Can you not understand that all people are created equal and therefore deserve equal outcomes?

    If I don't respond to your response just know that its more that I don't have the energy to continue this one, but I regard your response none-the-less.
    Hahaha, didn't fully expect the wall of text response but it was a possibility I had accounted for. Let's just say that everything you've mentioned is also predicted by theories and observations I've had for a long time. Bullied becoming the bullies? Cycles of Abuse and the fucking shattered attachment issues that creates. Men enjoying the touch of other men? Well, most people have no idea how men are actually meant to/do work (a thing the PTB tries its hardest to ensure is the case because men, real men of any type in more ways than one, are the biggest threat to their dominance). It's now so bad that even giving your own blood related Brother a hug as a greeting and goodbye is seen by some as warranting a Homo suspicion point. Yet I ask you, what would successful males who just won a major battle do? They'd hug and cheer and touch each other all over the place! They wouldn't grab each other's ass or dicks though because that really is worth the Homo suspicion points even in that context but you get the idea. I forget the name of the bishop or other member of the hierarchy who wrote the book but it was about how modern men are starved for/of masculine friendship. That modernity insists that intimacy between two people necessarily implies sex if it is to be truly deep/real somehow. No. No it doesn't.

    That latter point speaks to a major difference between men and women BTW. Men bond by experiencing stress (both good and bad) together and by solving problems with others. Women not so much (but they still can and do and you'd be a fool not to engage with her in that way). If you want to experience male bonding seek out men (or women) who have problems and who want to solve them. Help them solve them and be not surprised at them becoming emotionally attached to you and you attached to them in turn. Vasopressin is a hell of a drug!

    Also, I'll just come out and say this, you sound like a pagan of the European variety. A legit one. I can respect that. I'd also stop taking the anabolic steroids unless you're seeking to become the next Mr. Olympia down the line or something. Gear isn't worth it unless you know what you want and accept that that really is the only way you're gonna get there. Nobody who swore off Gear ever won Mr. Olympia and the like. I won't knock you because life is all about trade offs and if you're willing to sacrifice long term health for rapid short term "gains" (in more ways than one if I'm right about this) or athletic performance than that's your decision and I'll respect it.

    As for me, I'd rather stick to the natty approach to my ideal physique. I probably won't ever achieve my ideal "Bruce Lee" bod but I can get damn close in 5 years time despite my age. Bit of a derail I know but no true Death Cultist would ever even tolerate it. After all, every moment spent not fighting the cis-white-hetero patriarchy is a downright sinful waste of time!

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Looking for responses from Alpha quadra members since supposedly Alpha has the closed-mouth complex or whatever.
    Why must you curse us with this thread?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I'd fire someone who was vocal that Black people should be lynched, or someone that made sucking sounds around gay coworkers, or someone who called his female coworkers "sugar tits". I don't care how much John Stuart Mill they can quote verbatim.

    And while the boundary can be somewhat subjective, I'd never fire someone just for having a dark, crude, or nihilistic sense of humour (which I enjoy). I'd never fire someone for having different political beliefs in so far as they don't lead them to harass my employees.
    I can understand firing someone for blatant things like that.

    However, what If the individual simply stated they disagree with BLM and think it's a hypocritical movement?

    Would It worsen things If said person was Black?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CptLandhawk View Post
    I can understand firing someone for blatant things like that.

    However, what If the individual simply stated they disagree with BLM and think it's a hypocritical movement?

    Would It worsen things If said person was Black?
    Quote Originally Posted by CptLandhawk View Post
    I conversely am Black and told my White boss "Wassup ma ni**a?" Love those moments
    Did you really say that to your boss though, or did you make it up?

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    Quote Originally Posted by CptLandhawk View Post
    I can understand firing someone for blatant things like that.

    However, what If the individual simply stated they disagree with BLM and think it's a hypocritical movement?

    Would It worsen things If said person was Black?
    I wouldn't fire someone for that. But if, say, half a dozen employees decide to walk out because of it, then I'd probably have no choice.

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    I think it's good only to the extent that it highlights injustices but doesn't cause more of them. In other words, if someone is being held accountable for doing something they shouldn't be, it's good. If they are socially censured before they have a chance to defend themselves with evidence or lack thereof, it's bad.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    Did you really say that to your boss though, or did you make it up?
    Oh I said It alright. I take all sorts of gambles like that at opportune times my friend

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    Quote Originally Posted by CptLandhawk View Post
    Oh I said It alright. I take all sorts of gambles like that at opportune times my friend
    we're not friends.... thanks for confirming though

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    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    we're not friends.... thanks for confirming though
    That's all good and well. Thanks for your honesty

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    I don’t understand what cancel culture is. It just seems like some kind of meta-derivative of this covid global police state we’re in with neo-liberal values being enforced upon the hordes en masse, where people’s souls have been rendered into being tik-tok influencers doing virtue signaling dances to pop music to both communicate with the world and survive.

    With reference to the “timeline” of the socion I could see how any kind of novel social phenomenon would be connected to Alpha in a meta way. However I wouldn’t say that it’s particularly Alpha quadra folks who have an affinity to this stuff. It affects all of us and I’ve seen people from all quadras prone to it.

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    It doesn't make sense to me to spend energy and laser focus on hate-reading or banding together to cancel someone.

    Find someone who resonates as a better role model and shift the spotlight and attention over to them and their actions, makes more sense.

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    “Cancel” — generally best not to treat people like this, but OK or necessary sometimes. “Culture” is where the problem starts. Group-thinking is dangerous, and group-thinking directed at people or groups of people is especially dangerous.

  33. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    I think people are free to ignore or boycott whomever or whatever they want for any reason.
    Even if those reasons are false and based on deception?

    I think it gives covert narcissists — which tend to be at the forefront of social media (since they are more motivated to gain the validation from it) — too much power. Covert narcs tend to manipulate to weaponize groups in that way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Even if those reasons are false and based on deception?

    I think it gives covert narcissists — which tend to be at the forefront of social media (since they are more motivated to gain the validation from it) — too much power. Covert narcs tend to manipulate to weaponize groups in that way.

    Yeah, I'm not sure where the line would be in each situation. But I can't really support forcing people to consume media or products that they don't want. I think there should be processes that discourage coordinating efforts to create animosity against people and companies on social media though. But even then I don't know how this could be properly policed without the potential for abuse.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  35. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post
    Yeah, I'm not sure where the line would be in each situation. But I can't really support forcing people to consume media or products that they don't want. I think there should be processes that discourage coordinating efforts to create animosity against people and companies on social media though. But even then I don't know how this could be properly policed without the potential for abuse.
    I think Cancel Culture pertains more to shaming/condemning others who listen to/support media they do want, tbh. If people simply didn't want them, they just wouldn't be popular or well known anyway.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    “Cancel” — generally best not to treat people like this, but OK or necessary sometimes. “Culture” is where the problem starts. Group-thinking is dangerous, and group-thinking directed at people or groups of people is especially dangerous.
    How would someone famous be able to be cancelled without banding/grouping together in that way? Their very platform for fame is a group banded together.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    How would someone famous be able to be cancelled without banding/grouping together in that way? Their very platform for fame is a group banded together.
    Give me an example?

  38. #38


    God, I have so many thoughts about this subject. Although I'm not Alpha, I can't resist the urge to speak my mind. I am speaking not as a Gamma, but as someone concerned about the way Cancel Culture is sometimes used for bullying people.

    It's basically a smear campaign which is based on character assassination. The claims may or may not be true. I think people these days are inclined to perceive those who cry victim as actual victims, even when they are secretly the aggressors. Wolves in sheep's clothing. The popularity of this bullying method has risen because of social media and probably the fact that many recent generations have suffered at the hands of, and pushed back against, “straightforward” styles of violence, such as physical abuse. It has also risen because narcissism is actually on the rise alongside social media, and it is a method that has always been frequently employed by covert narcissists. With the rise of social media platforms, which are used for rising to fame, societies actually reward and encourage it unknowingly because of low levels of psychological education. People simply don't usually know what narcissism is unless they spend a lot of time on the internet, and then the term is the opposite extreme: misused and abused by being attributed to peoples' behaviors that aren't genuinely related to narcissism, which causes some people to roll their eyes and dismiss it…which is probably even worse than total ignorance due to a lack of exposure to educational materials. Narcissists are certainly not the only ones who abuse and manipulate through the victim role, nor is this a new tactic by any means. It's important to mention it inclusively because the problem is that narcissists are now in some of the most influential positions on social media because they're more motivated than anyone to seek that validation: likes, popularity, attention, and so on. If you're not aware already, it's because narcissists suffer from deep insecurity and are always seeking validation from others in order to feel better about themselves. This insecurity is the root cause of their grandiosity. The portion of the victimizing via victim role problem in Cancel Culture that isn't related to narcissism is just…Gen Z is very emotionally weak, lol.

    I think an example of how Cancel Culture is sometimes damaging is the semi-recent run-in with a girl on Tik-Tok VS Eminem. The complaint was that it makes light of domestic violence.

    The problem with this is that it means...

    A) People who really struggle with their own anger issues — often from the ways they have been treated — are left to suppress them instead of admitting to and confronting them (and suppression always makes it worse). It doesn't stop issues, it only silences them; they don't stop manifesting, they only manifest differently. Notice how school shootings have been increasing. I think this at least partially pertains to the way Gen Z basically bottles and suppresses everything until they explode. Student surveys confirm this: It's also cited by the FBI that poor coping skills are the main problem:

    B) The song wasn't condoning the abuse, it was basically a warning about the cycle of abuse, and it was intended to portray the real, actual kinds of struggles that people have endured. Cancel Culture extremely commonly takes things out of context, blows them out of proportion, and twists/contorts them into meaning something they actually don't, simply because they don't understand. Statistics from the Bureau of Justice reflect this and support what I'm saying here, and this site explains it well: Physical abuse has decreased, but emotional abuse, etc. is still problematic. I chose that resource due to the fact that it captures the unreported domestic violence situations also.

    I can't think of any good examples of how the character assassination and smear campaigns are utilized by bullies who cry victim, but they definitely are. The closest thing I can give off the top of my head is this example of how Eminem's childhood bully attempted to sue Eminem for describing him negatively in his lyrics.

    The reason I chose this example is because of the pattern that those kinds of people do have of playing the victim card while actually being the one who was victimizing someone else. Had this occurred some years later, been approached by someone popular on social media platforms, and been executed more intelligently, this would easily become a case of weaponizing the public against someone who was actually the victim. Especially if Eminem didn't have evidence from the hospital visit or his mom suing the school.

    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 11-21-2021 at 01:56 AM. Reason: Added the two vids at the end

  39. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Give me an example?
    Musicians, YouTubers, Twitch streamers, etc. Anyone whose success is created by the existence of a fanbase, basically.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    Musicians, YouTubers, Twitch streamers, etc. Anyone whose success is created by the existence of a fanbase, basically.
    I meant give me an example of what someone would say or do to merit canceling, and what that "canceling" would entail. Would you mind giving one? It can be hypothetical.

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