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Thread: What do you think of Cancel Culture?

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Ya mean, like, Jordan Peterson? Tyrannical mother with a sick and twisted sense of empathy fits theoretically I guess, but I'm a user and an archetypical tyrannical mother wouldn't act in the way I've observed the wokies acting en masse. If I slot in cultists devoted to a sick twisted mirror of Christianity instead, well. In scientific circles the validity of a theory can be directly tested by how accurately it predicts results. The more closely/accurately the predictions match the outcomes of the experiments the more likely you're onto something.
    Well this is often also a characteristic of Ni. right?

    This, by the by, is why I keep on harping about attachment issues. I am literally predicting responses out of people I know before they say it. Like I've said before, I am become Joseph Joestar over here. Ergo, this theory is onto something.
    I had not noticed, but alright. Sometimes Ni does give one the gift of true foresight. This makes it hard to age and keep the spontaneousness in anything. Given that you can't share your predictions, both because they are hard to explain, and also accurate, it gives people the creeps, amirite? Do you find yourself saying "oh, of course he did, or of course she did, or of course that happened, just as I knew it would". This is the gift of really good Ni, and also happens to be a part of your supervision role.

    Likewise, the theory that the wokies are part of an anti-Christian cult produces predictions that mirror currently experienced reality close enough to theoretically make a living as a prophet. My theory works and works hard. Therefore I'm probably correct. At the very least I'm more correct than Peterson as my theory does a better job of making the predictions and explaining how and why in a language a child could understand relatively speaking.
    I'm not an official Christian although I think you are saying: Its the seeming destruction of all values and all values are given the same merit. It seems the world is going to hell in a hand basket, yet also becoming more homogenous in its value statements. We watch a woke Disney movie and think why is this so bad? It would seem to be a good thing, but its effects, in combination with PC culture, has created a vapid monster.

    It also sounds like you're not a member of the Death Cult despite being a member of a group they claim to represent and recruit from heavily. Good. It's gonna be people like you that cause their heads to explode which will in turn provide me with endless entertainment and satisfaction. A gay who isn't woke and on board with intersectionality? One that actively disdains the folks who are? (points finger at you) Cis-hetero-White Supremacist! You're worse than Funny Mustache Man!
    One must hold onto what they know to be good and true. You can't box me, or millions of other people into simplistic categories without loosing some of the resolution, like a pixellated photograph. To me, nature, beauty, the elements on my skin and face, these remind that culture is only real in the relative sense.

    I believe I have no value because of a sexual orientation. No special purpose, no special meaning. No special rights. I only want my safety (both physical and psychological) protected by the State. As it mostly now is. I think the trouble is that people want everything of others. They want to have rights, be protected, and then they demand others also value them against those people's will and understanding. You can't change others like this broadly, unless those people change their point of view, perspective, from themselves. True Inception of an idea. I always strive to live impeccably, to behave beyond others reproaches. Do I achieve this all the time? No. To err is to be human. But having the moral high ground is crucial if you are going to make others believe in you. This is the reason, NOT because of self loathing, that I never mention my sexuality right away in a new setting. I want to be known for who I am as my character and my ethic. Not where I like to stick my dick. Which is what you are essentially saying when you come out.

    For me its all deeper anyway. Like at the animal level. I'm always fascinated and surprised who I find out enjoys male touch. Its never who you would expect. There are many gay men and women failures and losers for a myriad of reasons, but there are also just as many, if not more, massively worldy successful ones. Do you think its easy being gay in the industry I work in? No. But in a matter of weeks the men around see I provide value, problem solving and also insightful compassion. That sensitivity is my gift to other men.

    As far as cancel culture goes, it makes me think that the bullied often become the bullies. If anyone is afraid to say and do anything because a technology records it all, what does that leave anyone with? Some dry bland toast. A perfectly safe world without fear. All you have to pay for it is your soul to the hegemony. Meanwhile other nations hunt at the periphery ready to kill.

    End, don't worry about responding, this conversation has a lot to unpack and I can't really do it justice online. I've been eating small doses of magic mushrooms in the evening times, combined with the anabolics I take, and I find that any negativity, ignorance, stupidity its just not worth going into especially when its coming from other people of whom neither of us owe anything to each other. I'm just as exhausted by PC woke culture as you. I'll defend myself if I have to and that involves the virtue of bravery. We are outsourcing our virtues to the collective state and becoming lazy while giving the collective state its tyrannical power. I think this is part of why the MSM got away with the covid gaslighting. You are either with us or against us and do you want Grandmas to die?? Do you wan women to be raped?? Do you want to be a white supremicists? Are you a bigot? Are you a racists? Can you not understand that all people are created equal and therefore deserve equal outcomes?

    If I don't respond to your response just know that its more that I don't have the energy to continue this one, but I regard your response none-the-less.
    Last edited by timber; 11-12-2021 at 03:28 PM.

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