or someone that made sucking sounds around gay coworkers,
Personally as a gay guy I'd rather go 'sorry honey you're not my type' or I'd one-up their offensiveness and show him who is boss by being verbally cruel/puerile to their breeder-ness as well. Gay men are often 'too nice' when somebody is being mean to us and that just makes a person an easier target really- I've learned over the years dealing with assholes it's often best to fight fire with fire. But I do like to be protected via physical bullying. Sticks and stones and all that. Maybe it's a 1D Se thing I don't know, but I loathe being physically bullied over being gay or genderqueer. That doesn't happen now though since I'm a big adult strong man and nobody really messes with me that way anymore but it might trigger me if I see it happening to a younger gay person idk.

I don't know why the ugliest homophobes always think we want them either lol.

And while the boundary can be somewhat subjective, I'd never fire someone just for having a dark, crude, or nihilistic sense of humour (which I enjoy). I'd never fire someone for having different political beliefs in so far as they don't lead them to harass my employees.
I agree. <3