Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
Looking for responses from Alpha quadra members since supposedly Alpha has the closed-mouth complex or whatever.
I can give you the opinion of a Gamma ILI here. Cancel culture is the mutant offshoot/parody/mockery of the blasphemy laws that used to exist here in the west. Granted, most every culture/civilization that lasted any notable amount of time had them (and their lack of enforcement tended to coincide with the time period right before their fall). It's like anti-sedition laws. Any state/culture that simply allows such speech to occur without direct, immediate (relatively speaking), and harsh consequence plain and simply won't/didn't last very long. As the flow of information/opinion on this scale undeniably goes Religion>Culture>Politics it's little surprise it's a thing. What's dangerous is that most people (non-Gamma's especially) don't seem to get the profound and frankly horrifying implications of this. The Blasphemy laws are Cancel Culture. That means, obviously, we are currently ruled over by adherents to a culture/religion that views non-PC speech as worthy of legal sanction. If not officially, than at least culturally/socially (which amounts to the same damn thing but with extra steps and results that only differ in kind/degree not effect).

Given that fact you can see why I make the reference to blasphemy intentionally here. Cancel Culture is part and parcel of what I and many others like me term the Death Cult. The SJW's, Commies, Woke folks, LGBTBBQXYZ+++-kin, etc. are all the laity and, by extension, the pool the practicing/existing clergy pulls from to swell their ranks and "evangelize" for this de facto religion. It really is a religion BTW. It even comes complete with it's own dogma, sacraments, and eschatology if you look hard enough. A religion that is, by the by, a sick and twisted mirror/inversion of Christianity and thus seeks above all else to stamp out any authentic expression of what it truly stand in opposition to (i.e. Christ). Ever hear of the "Witch test"? If you have not, well, the next time you see some SJW wokie morally browbeating someone for being an X'ist/phobe using rhetoric that sounds suspiciously like something that'd come out of the mouth of some parody of a foaming at the mouth Christian fundamentalist browbeating a harlot, libertine, or the like (and you'll find many examples upon the instant you start looking) demand they confess that Jesus is the Christ and God has risen him from the dead.

Why? Because they are relying upon Christian moral concepts/assumptions to browbeat their opponent. Christian morality in any form relies upon one thing being true and that is what I just mentioned (i.e that Christ is risen). If they cannot even mockingly confess (and boy will they not even do that) you know you're dealing with a card carrying member of the Death Cult. Bet a billion dollars on them failing said test. I assure you they will say/confess literally anything except that. In the one in a billion chance they succeed ask for specifics. Ask them to define God, Christ, etc. They'll fail there hard and reveal themselves to simply be smarter members of that cult. I'm not kidding nor engaging in hyperbole here. I'm being 100 percent honest. I wish to the infinite heavens I was full of shit but I sadly ain't...