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Thread: What do you think of Cancel Culture?

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I meant give me an example of what someone would say or do to merit canceling, and what that "canceling" would entail. Would you mind giving one? It can be hypothetical.
    Tbh, I have no idea. It's hard for me to think of something because I think cancel culture is stupid. When someone really crosses a line, people don't want to support them, and their downfall sort of happens anyway on its own. Cancel Culture is just influencing everyone else to hate somebody, so it doesn't really seem just to me; in my mind, nothing merits the actual cancelling that is being talked about here.

  2. #42
    fypm ropan's Avatar
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    it isn't real.

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    For me it's just a part of consequences yet sometimes unnecessary. Pointing out why one's action is harmful generally is necessary, especially if the said person can just get away without consequences. But when the said person already get what they deserve and reflecting their past action then bringing it up is just, pointless? Also 'something they deserve' is very subjective so i doubt most people understand when to stop.

    Also bringing up something from 10 years ago to 'cancel' them is just, meh. Because in the past 10 years our perspectives are changing rapidly, it's hard to compare. So unless the said person state something that indicates they never learn, I'll just take it as another 'not-so-fun-facts', or let them explain. Pressuring someone to apologize without being reflective wont change anything, and sounds performative imo.

    Well yeah the point is I'm indifferent about it.

  4. #44
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Cancel culture is a bitch You can say anything you want as long you're not rich But if you′re poor, oh, they might get you, too Because if you ever become successful, They'll use your past against you We can't even be human, we can′t even make mistakes Everyone′s a dick, but won't come say it to your face We spend our lives looking left and right while we run our race Then wonder why we′re depressed and always finish it in second place Get up and get gone You ain't right if you′re doin' nothin′ wrong Get off of that phone

  5. #45
    epic gamer moment banmeplssssssss's Avatar
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    Honestly I don't really have any strong opinions by it. I know people who are very upset by it, some who swear by it, but honestly it never crosses my mind. I've heard of people getting cancelled a lot, but I either just keep watching them or not, regardless of whatever they get into.

  6. #46
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    What do I think of cancel culture?


    Cancel it.

    If it was true to it's beliefs, it would cancel it's self for the freedom of speech we are supposed to have.

  7. #47
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I said this before but man , entertainment in the 90s was so much raw compared today- although cancel culture was always a thing in history to me they just gathered more power.

    It boils down to a kind of protection from being offended, even if the punishment for the boundary breaking is too strict and Draconian. The Overlords can't have you trolling them or them being bothered, we need to be controlled. "Law for Thee, Not for Me."

    Y'all know my history with Oprah! I mean it's a make believe fight scene in my head- but I always think of how in the 90s, Oprah's show was so much more real and back to forth exchange then as time went on, it just was so obviously Oprah-as-a-narc levitating over everybody, and not an equal dialogue. The world is just more and more and more of that and it only seems to be getting worse. People just seem so numb and depressed. If you're already became an idea of yourself, of course you're happy- but the villain is always the happy one, that's why they are smug and need to be defeated in a raid boss.

  8. #48
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    "You don't have a right to not be offended"

    that's true for you and us- but not for them. Because for them, they are too special and righteous to be offended. They are better than you, so they can't ever be offended- they must orchestrate the entire world where their feelings don't ever get hurt. Even when ur feelings are hurt and the normal person learns something from their vulnerability. They have nothing else to learn. They just want to be in Heaven away from you. You're not a person, just a pawn while they smile narcissistically.

  9. #49
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    Roughly every 200 to 250 years, a people figure out their government uses culture as a tool to manipulate the population into desiring political and legal change. They realize that they have been made into slaves by voting for it or desiring it. They overthrow their government and start another or move to another land.

    In America, we have had our country for 250 years.

    There is no more land to go to. And no population can outfight a nuclear device. It's game over.

  10. #50
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    It's like a theme and variations on a George Orwell tune...

  11. #51
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    cancel culture has always been. someone always gets otracized and devalued. there are many regulations and rulse that can also make the wrong people ostracized even if the intent is to counter that. but a lot of the rules we have are exactly bc of people who dont care about others wellbeing enough, so u need to have a mechanism that curbs their potential destructiveness, but this also stiffles others who'd have achieved something meaningful if it were not for those barriers. if u want free speech then get rid of everyone who disagrees with ur narrative, then everyone whos left is free to be. but as long as we have different problems and whatever this lifei sabout different ppl will be born and u have to hate hate hate it all

    what im gonna say is that tho many ppl blame social issues and shit on cancel culture but really how damn stupid do u have to be and why do i have to explain all that ^. things were always bad, what ppl refer to today as "cancel culture" didnt CAUSE NEW problems, it was just a consequence of old ones that have always been there. a lot of ppl complain that they arent allowed to be human, but a lot of them are also holding views that dont allow other ppl to be human. some ppl want to be evil and broken and hurting others, and if u cancel them for it u get complaining. why should the people YOU dont care about care about u?

    free speech doesnt mean equal free speech either. just like what i said about Se egos, just bc ur allowed to talk doesnt mean ur allowed to talk. some people will be way more heard than others, and have way more support than others. who cares u can post content everywhere online but no one can find it bc its burried. whos gonna regulate whats being seen and wahts not to make it fair? i
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 05-11-2022 at 03:39 PM.
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  12. #52
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    It is coming at Star Wars Theory. This cancel culture abomination spares nobody ! You know, the western democratic world is not supposed to be a world where people are afraid to say what they think because if they do there will be reprisals. It's not a world in which diffamation is the norm and the presumption of innocence is sacrificed on the altar of social media's court of injustice. However, what we see over and over again is that social media has contributed to shape a new reality, a world in which every single "wanna be" is looking for a bigger stone to throw at whomever the filthy mass is targeting just to exist within it.

    Social media reveals more often than not the most shadowy parts of human beings namely the instinctive submission to group behavior that bypass the individual's decision making processes and even all empathetic feelings. There is no greater danger than the triggering of human's predatory reflexes induced by group behavior. In that state those who are the most vulnerable to it (i.e most people) are, for all the time it last, literally dispossessed of their own super-Ego (In the Freudian sense) in favor of the collective which then behave as an entity or organism obeying only one natural principle namely self-preservation instinct. The survival of the group as a whole takes precedent over that of the individuals. In a state in which the individual's decision making processes are delegated to the collective, there is no risk of ostracization which is one of the most archaic primal fears, on the contrary, not following the movement will lead to either destruction or expulsion of the individual, it's almost like a natural selection. The collective is always the ultimate censor, the great inquisitor, there is no individual responsibility in collective actions.

    This is a more positive view on crowd behaviors. I'm less interested about the "positive" manifestations of the phenomenon. I prefer to focus on the brutal reality of it, you know, when human nature goes berserk !

  13. #53
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    Should Ariana Grande be canceled for being a home wrecker and licking donuts?

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    and licking donuts?
    Just to clarify—this isn’t a euphemism for anything sexual and I meant it very literally lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Should Ariana Grande be canceled for being a home wrecker and licking donuts?
    I don't really like her for those reasons and I wouldn't want to be her friend, but it's more the guy's fault for leaving his pregnant gf.
    I think the only people who deserve to be cancelled are the ones who have seriously abused people, those who don't pay people who worked for them, and billionaires because they shouldn't exist.

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