Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
Btw, fun typology connection: this is a pattern for me. Whenever something is phrased in a way that makes it conceptual and generalized, I struggle to see how it applies concretely. I interpret conceptual matters as being vague and having so many possible ways of being interpreted that I can get lost among (and overwhelmed by) said possibilities. A feeling similar to — not rage-quitting, but anxiety-quitting, I guess. I sort of interpret that issue as something related to Ne PoLR; N in general because of the conceptual aspect, and Ne specifically because of becoming overwhelmed by the possibilities. I sometimes need others to be more specific in order to eliminate the number of possibilities.
@DEAD since you're figuring out whether you're LSI or SLE (maybe others I'm not aware you're considering as well), do you relate to that at all?

I think that one of the main issues for me, actually, isn't in not understanding the theory or being logical/making sense of it, but in conceptualization. I think that, because the theory is very Alpha NT related in general, it can be hard for some people to separate PoLR Ne from just "not getting it" (same, to an extent with PoLR Ti). I think that not getting it from a conceptual level is very different from not getting it logically. But yeah, when there are too many options, it does get confusing at times.

As I said on Discord, it takes time to wade through the crap and pick out the gems too. You have to fill in the blanks, tweak things and make them fit the best you can. I think it does get overwhelming at times with the other options and multiple interpretations of the theory, but I think that if you make sense of what is already there, in terms of the information for the theory, then you should be fine.

Yeah, being specific definitely helps as well, in narrowing down interpretations for the sake of accuracy and understanding. I am very direct, though, and I like to simplify things and ensure they are simplified when I am explaining things. I say that "if you can't explain something to a five year old properly, then you're not understanding it enough yourself". I think that Alpha NT tend to complicate things at times with their Ne instead of narrowing them down to what they should be. It is a problem for many strong Se types, IMO, due to naturally low Ne.