Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
Before I knew about typology, I think I was generally quite peeved about people who acted vastly different to me - -types I suppose you might call them. I knew I was introverted and some others were clear extroverts. I also tended to see people in terms of skills and hobbies, as well as their beliefs or other affiliations. It took me a very long time to see someone I might have regarded as similar to myself - not in terms of personality necessarily, but being able to conclude that something they were told was true was not true (I suppose whether the thing was true or not is beside the point - I mean children who were able to make such a conclusion). I would say that as an introvert, I was probably better than average at understanding people, but that my understanding was poor.

After typology, and to this day: I think my ability is likely to be extremely high, at least compared to others. I feel like I am fairly knowledgeable about what distinguishes individuals from others after being focussed on trying the understand "the whole" (in every sense) as much as possible. I still need to try bungee-jumping and high-stakes auctioneering (both as a buyer and a seller) however.
@Subteigh, have you considered playing the drums? I know of two male EII's who do that, and they're pretty good at it.