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Thread: Seriously, what Socionics type I am?

  1. #1
    Mystic King Charus's Avatar
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    Default Seriously, what Socionics type I am?

    I keep breaking my head up for like a month now trying to figure out my Sociotype.

    My MBTI type is ENTP, my Enneagram type is 3w2 sx/sp, my tritype is 397 or 379, and I am fairly contend with the fact that I have pure Choleric Temperament. I have been trying to get to know my Sociotype already, but most of the compatible Sociotypes for ENTP tend to be either LIE, EIE or ILE. I used to consider SLE for myself, but I figured out that to be a SLE Sociotype, you must have either Enneagram 8 as your Core or as your tritype Fix. I used to consider Enneagram 8 for myself as either a core, or atleast as a fix, but I figured out that ENTP's arent really compatible with being Enneagram 8, since that would indicate strong Se usage.

    I used to rule myself out as an ILE, but then I took research, and I noticed that most ILE's are Enneagram 7 and usualy have Sanguine Temperament, either as a Dominant one or secondary, so ILE does not fit for me. But I dont feel like wanting to consider LIE and EIE either, because of their Ni ego block description and lifestyles, they seem really weak, inactive, and in ther attitudial erotic approach, they are literaly the Victim archetype followed with the description of being submissive and wanting a commanding woman/partner to themselves, hell no, I have enough self-respect for that and I dont want to endorse such life-style, since I tend to be heavely self-image focused, I want to be generaly powerful, contend and be able to be independent, the whole Ni ego "Victim" thing wanting to be the "Present" for their dominant Se partner sounds really stupid, because why the hell would I want to be humiliated and treated like an object? I am enough of a respectable human being to not put myself into such silly and self-destructive, thats coming from the fact that I am an ENTP and dont have Se in MBTI terms.

  2. #2
    endlessfloating's Avatar
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    I mean, they really do say that especially the gamma victims tend to be more ashamed at the idea of being a 'victim', as they tend to highly value their independence and competency. I also don't think your type's romance style will determine whether you are a top or bottom, or any sexual preferences for that matter (some people's bedroom personality could be quite surprising if you only knew their regular personality). I don't think it's so much that the Ni ego types want someone to command them around, but they are attracted to the strength and volition of the Se ego types and seek some of that for themselves, it's why you might hear of Se suggestives commonly taking an interest in aggressive sports or such.

    But being a sexual 3, I think would be more common of Fe ego than Te ego. Eh, most of the same points still stand. But it's a bit weird to think of a pure choleric sexual 3, since sexual 3s are described as being more sweet and trying to come off as attractive. Are you just going off of the IVs on their own or are you actually going off of the enneagram subtypes?

    Many people into the enneagram scoff at the idea of tritypes because while in more revisionist enneagram, the types are much more stackable since it comes to 'core fears', in older variations of the enneagram, the types contradict each other in ways that tritypes don't make all that much sense. Even then, enneagram 9 is such a comfort-seeking and sensory-oriented type that a 9 'trifix' would seem very odd if not impossible for an Si PoLR type. I don't know what to say in regards to enneagram 8 as a core type for ENTPs, but I definitely believe that at least by more modern enneagram, an 8 core would be possible, even if uncommon, and an 8 fix would be very possible and probably fairly common. Overall, saying that ENTPs can't be 8s or even have an 8 fix because they are lacking in Se whilst suggesting that one of if not the most Si enneagram type is more plausible for them is a bit dumb.

    Maybe just don't rely on your other typings to try and find your Socionics type, because for all you know, you would be wrong with any of them. If SLE is really that relatable for you (and with a pure choleric temperament, and possibly a triple-aggressive tritype, I can see that working well) then just go with it. I'm only going off of your typings because it's just about all I might know about you. Although, just from your general self-description, an Se-ego type doesn't seem too unrealistic.

    Edit: Also, I believe that when it comes to the MBTI cognitive functions, basically everyone is going to use all of them at some point. It doesn't matter if it isn't "in your stack", they're just ways of taking in information and deciphering it.
    Last edited by endlessfloating; 11-04-2021 at 12:38 PM.

  3. #3
    BaruchJorgell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charus View Post
    But I dont feel like wanting to consider LIE and EIE either, because of their Ni ego block description and lifestyles, they seem really [...] inactive
    Inactive would be the last word I would use to characterize LIEs... And EIEs are, for most of them, quite far from being inactive.

    I don't have time to really help you for now. But try to forget all those parameters you're trying to consider in your typing (enneagram, temperaments, romance styles...). Keep it simple. Make sure you understand what it means to use each of the eight functions. Then try to figure out which ones you use when you're :
    -with your family
    -at the different places of work you've attended
    -or in other settings I haven't mentioned.

    Each situation is likely to make you use different functions. Try to find two of those that you will use in almost every situation.

    Think of the shortcomings the people close to you would say you have. Think also of the qualities.
    Last edited by BaruchJorgell; 11-04-2021 at 12:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    @Charus, try taking the test at this link:

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