In my Discord gaming group composed of my friends back home we've got: IEI (me), ENTp (x2), INTj, ISTj, ENFp, ISFp, ENTj

I haven't seen the INTj and either of the two ENTps ever really having much of a problem with each other. The INTj occasionally conflicts with the ENFp (his brother), and the ISTj has a tendency to blame things going wrong in the game on the INTj when he gets frustrated for some reason, but I don't feel like the INTj himself does much to earn that. I feel like the ISTj is just jealously possessive of me and gets irritated if I agree with the INTj too much. The ISTj has been my friend the longest as far as people I'm not related to go, but the INTj is my cousin who I've known all my life. The ISTj has always struggled making friends so I think he just tends to feel insecure about that sort of thing. I find it interesting that according to the INTj they never conflict at all when I'm not there.

The group really formed around me because I collect people on the fringes. Myself, my ENTp brother, the INTj cousin, and his ENFp brother all grew up homeschooled in a very insular sort of family. I brought the ISTj and ENTp into the group because neither of them had any friends and I thought it would be good for them. Later the ENFp brought the ISFp into the fold because the ISFp was also from a homeschooled Christian family and was dealing with backlash because he came out as gay to his family. I don't think the ISFp is a big fan of my ISTj and ENTp friends, but I get along fine with him and he still hangs out with us. The ENTj started joining us more recently as he was someone I sort of met off and on multiple times all throughout my life. We just kept reencountering each other, and the pandemic led to us hanging out on Discord more and eventually I invited him to the group. He lives alone far away from everyone else, working for a network security company and I get the impression he doesn't have a ton of friends aside from us either.

I like that I've managed to form a group from all these otherwise somewhat isolated people because I am very invested in everyone's mental and emotional health, but sometimes I need time to myself and I feel like more and more they're able to rely on each other instead of all just coming to me with everything.

I've always had this tendency of attracting loner misfits, but I have to be a little careful inviting people to the inner group because they don't all have the same tolerance for new people that I do, and the more right leaning members have a tendency of sharing some... interesting takes... so I feel like I sort of have to subject new "candidates" to a series of tests to see if they'd be a good fit or not without them even knowing this group exists. It's very weird, I know, but it's the pattern I've fallen into and it seems to be working. Everyone seems to have gotten at least moderately comfortable with each other and have been relying on the group during these very isolating last few years, and some of the more out there political takes have been moderated down a few levels.

My life is weird. Sorry for the tangent lol