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Thread: IEEs/ENFps and novelty/new experiences.

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    Manatroid92's Avatar
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    Default IEEs/ENFps and novelty/new experiences.

    Hello Deltas.

    I've been doing some research on Socionics recently, and (I think) I might be an IEE.
    However, this was mostly a combination of figuring out what I'm not, rather than precisely what I *am*, if that makes sense.

    So one of the things that seems to be a common thing with IEEs is that they are on the lookout for new experiences, whether that be travel, food,
    cool places, hobbies, etc.
    Thing is, that sort of thing doesn't really apply to me, or at least on a consistent basis.

    For example, I'm married and living in a kind of stable environment (lacking money in some respects, but not really a big deal all things considered).
    Yet I don't seem to have a real hankering for novel or new things that seems typical of the type. I don't even keep up-to-date on new events all that much, and
    kind of just hear about them when they happen to enter my own 'little world'.

    I'm wondering if this is a case of mistyping on my part, me putting too much emphasis on what I hear about other IEEs, or some other separate issue.
    For the record, I do suffer from general anxiety, but I don't think that is as much an inhibition as to affect any 'wanderlust' I might have otherwise.

    Just trying to see if there's any other perspectives on this, whether they be from first-hand experience or from observing IEEs that are familiar to you or
    'out in the wild', as it were, haha.

    Anyway, thanks for the read.

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    Me too I'm kinda calm/stable compared to other people I know (who aren't IEE or Ne dom) and I don't rush into doing stuff. I don't go to a lot of events, just few that really interests me and know I will benefit from.

    BUT I really need new experiences (new place, new unique item, new perspective...etc) because without them, I would feel stagnated and not fully alive, but it doesn't mean that i do this on daily basis, I'm very lazy

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kernel View Post
    Me too I'm kinda calm/stable compared to other people I know (who aren't IEE or Ne dom) and I don't rush into doing stuff. I don't go to a lot of events, just few that really interests me and know I will benefit from.

    BUT I really need new experiences (new place, new unique item, new perspective...etc) because without them, I would feel stagnated and not fully alive, but it doesn't mean that i do this on daily basis, I'm very lazy
    Yeah, even if you are kind of reserved in what activities you do, you are still seeking new things. That makes sense to me.

    In my case, though, I stay at home most of the time, only really leaving the house to do shopping or if I need to take the wife somewhere (she can’t drive, y’see). Most often I’m on the computer playing games or watching something on Twitch or YouTube that interests me at the time. But a lot of these aren’t necessarily ‘new’ things either, because I quite like to replay something I’ve already experienced before, and I get cold feet about trying new things myself, too (get worried about not liking it/wasting time with it, or not ‘doing well’ at it).

    It’s not that I *don’t* like new things, but I am typically apprehensive if it’s something very different than what I’m used to. I don’t know if that’s common for IEE’s, and if it’s not then it’s possible I mistyped.

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