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Thread: A random thought

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    Question A random thought

    Is it possible that during the day when you are conscious, you are using a different part of your psyche rather than the person you are at night when you are unconscious?

    During the day, you're most awake and are at the most the purest, unfiltered, conscious part of your mind, and are completely adapted to who that person is.

    During the night, you become more fragmented mentally. The filtered, unconscious part of your conscience spews out and disorientates you.

    So, depending on the consciousness of your cycle, and the time of day, and how your body clock is set, could you be a different "person" (per-se) with a different focus and a part of your mind being highlighted? Because you're using a different part of your brain, depending on your consciousness levels.

    When I say you are using a different part of your psyche, I'm not so much talking about an SLE ending up as an SLE, but more an SLE-day sub and an SLE-night sub (i.e. during the day, your default is SLE-Ti sub, and during the night, you're SLE-Se sub, because your brain has different areas of focus.
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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Prefrontal cortex vs extrastrirate visual areas (the front and back of the brain respectively) When you sleep, the prefrontal/frontal cortex has reduced activity and the back parts of your brain (subconscious mind) lights up more. In the waking hours of course it's reversed as you use prefrontal cortex to solve logical problems and to control your 'inner animal' etc.

    As for being a different type or "different person" during those two stages ehh I don't see that. In my dreams I get in a lot more interesting physical fights than I do in my waking life lol. Cuz my true dual self is a SLE Warrior even though my waking ego kinda represses that? lol.

  3. #3


    Too N / theoretical for me, which is kind of surprising coming from you.

    Is there a point in asking this? I mean, what difference does it make to anything? Not rhetorical. Wondering what benefit there is in even having this knowledge. Seems like regardless of whether the answer is yes or no, it's equally useless and not applicable to anything beneficial/productive.

    Also seems like a question that can't actually be answered. Regardless of anything that's discussed here, you're going to walk away with a “maybe” no matter what. I never get why people have these conversations, personally.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 10-19-2021 at 07:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix Fire View Post
    Too N / theoretical for me, which is kind of surprising coming from you.

    Is it? What do you think I do in my free time? Socialize? lol.

    Is there a point in asking this? I mean, what difference does it make to anything? Not rhetorical. Wondering what benefit there is in even having this knowledge. Seems like regardless of whether the answer is yes or no, it's equally useless and not applicable to anything beneficial/productive.
    You could say the same about socionics. It depends on how you actually apply it to reality, and what you find out from studying. Yeah, some things are pointless, but other things make sense the deeper you go, and the more you unveil it. Sometimes you get a dead end, and just move on.

    If we use reality as the baseline here, then maybe this is just a dead-end from a pointless thought I thought and that's ok. If it's not realistic, practical, and can't be applied to reality, then it's a lost cause. Something else will b able to, but now I know that it can't and the information is useless in real-world terms.

    Also seems like a question that can't actually be answered. Regardless of anything that's discussed here, you're going to walk away with a “maybe” no matter what. I never get why people have these conversations, personally.
    That can also happen. I just thought it was a kind of interesting thought. Just a random musing, I have those at times too.
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Is it? What do you think I do in my free time? Socialize? lol.
    Make music and…I'd say characters, but nah, just a bunch of Joshes and Max. Ah, and buy phones.

    The reason it's surprising is that you basically spend the vast majority of your socialization talking about…well, nothing. You seem to be avoiding intimacy/connections. Honestly, you're one of the most elusive people I've met on the forums. I was surprised when I saw that you're even active here still.

    You could say the same about socionics. It depends on how you actually apply it to reality, and what you find out from studying. Yeah, some things are pointless, but other things make sense the deeper you go, and the more you unveil it. Sometimes you get a dead end, and just move on.
    I see. Hmmm...not really an equivalent comparison. Socionics has a much higher probability of being useful.

    That can also happen. I just thought it was a kind of interesting thought. Just a random musing, I have those at times too.[QUOTE]
    If we use reality as the baseline here, then maybe this is just a dead-end from a pointless thought I thought and that's ok. If it's not realistic, practical, and can't be applied to reality, then it's a lost cause. Something else will b able to, but now I know that it can't and the information is useless in real-world terms.

    I see. I guess it just boils down to the fact that it's not irritating to you to bother with that kind of stuff the way it is for me.

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    I would respond to this, but truth is, I don't really know. However, I will say that I doubt it. I've never heard such a thing before, so...

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix Fire View Post

    Make music and…I'd say characters, but nah, just a bunch of Joshes and Max. Ah, and buy phones.

    I barely do that anymore, on the scale that I used to. I barely even remember Josh and Max, to be honest. Buying phones was fun for a while, but it ended up being mostly a waste of money and space. I liked fixing them, though, and selling some of them on. But it got boring after a while.

    The reason it's surprising is that you basically spend the vast majority of your socialization talking about…well, nothing. You seem to be avoiding intimacy/connections. Honestly, you're one of the most elusive people I've met on the forums. I was surprised when I saw that you're even active here still.
    Yeah, at least I don't pretend to be interesting. Or try to fit in. Or feel this need to spout 'intellectualism' when I have no clue what I am talking about. Seeking people's approval is a waste of time. I just come here to learn and mess about a bit. I don't really care much about other people's lives in general, and I don't want to offload my personal stuff to them either. I am a pretty private person, and it kinda irks me how much stuff people share about themselves online, unwillingly and willingly.

    I'm not an intimate person. I don't do intimacy because I'm not good at it. I don't like small talk or making much of it because I find it incredibly banal and a waste of time. It's mostly just niceties and social politeness. It's just a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. I'd rather be alone than suffer through small talk or have someone else suffer through it with me.

    Yeah, I took a break for like four years and came back again in 2019 and was on/off and have been since.

    I see. Hmmm...not really an equivalent comparison. Socionics has a much higher probability of being useful.
    Well, it depends on which system you use and if you can find a use for it in real life, again. And you also know what you are learning. And you understand it well enough.

    I see. I guess it just boils down to the fact that it's not irritating to you to bother with that kind of stuff the way it is for me.
    I don't think about that kinda stuff a lot, but when I do, I make sure everyone knows. Joking aside, I dunno. I just found the thought interesting enough to warrant some discussion on here, since all people ever seem to discuss now is Gulenko. It's a bit different.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alomoes View Post
    I've never heard such a thing before, so...
    Yeah, I know. Because I made it up, lol. It was just a thought I had.
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    People change much more when on drugs imo, but not sure I'd see them as a different type, but just their type on drugs.

    Psychiatric meds probably can mess with the expression of type. SSRIs imo dull the imagination over time. Something like Wellbutrin makes one way more active. That one was too much for my IP temperament and drove by blood pressure and heart rate through the roof. I remember thinking it made me more Se, but my doctor took it away lol.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix Fire View Post
    Too N / theoretical for me, which is kind of surprising coming from you.
    The OP is pretty much what I would expect from Ni suggestive/inferior. He doesn't really say anything, except the obvious that consciousness shuts down when we sleep.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    The OP is pretty much what I would expect from Ni suggestive/inferior. He doesn't really say anything, except the obvious that consciousness shuts down when we sleep.
    Did you also know... at the end of the day... it gets dark.

    Sad Boys are fake edgy and depressed for Instagram and TikTok clout.

    If you plant a lemon tree, lemons will grow.

    There are twelve hours until noon, and twelve more from noon that make up our day.

    Joking aside, I think my experiment worked.
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  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    The OP is pretty much what I would expect from Ni suggestive/inferior. He doesn't really say anything, except the obvious that consciousness shuts down when we sleep.
    I wouldn't go as far as typing him based on this, tbh. DEAD is hardly ever fully himself. This post is sort of out of character for him as well. He tends to be more to the point, keeping things simple, and so forth naturally. Think something along the lines of

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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    By night, you mean unconscious, right? Just asking because I am usually awake all night but sleep most of the day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix Fire View Post
    I wouldn't go as far as typing him based on this, tbh. DEAD is hardly ever fully himself. This post is sort of out of character for him as well. He tends to be more to the point, keeping things simple, and so forth naturally. Think something along the lines of

    [insert kick-ass smashing photo here]

    Honestly? At this point, I self-type as SLI/LSI being the two most likely types. Then SLE or LSE, but I dunno. I'm going based on now how I act, but how I process information internally through the IME and what I know about the functions and how they operate. Typing people based on how they act isn't really reliable. No one is 100% consistent in how "they act", though they like to think that they are.

    Yeah, I would say that I am mainly a direct person. A not very sociable, or overly polite person naturally. Not very friendly most of the time (I have to work on that, and it's kinda painful at times), but I always try to cut out the crap and get to the point. Make sense of things, fix them, tweak them. You know?

    That is why you're saying it's out of character for me, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    By night, you mean unconscious, right? Just asking because I am usually awake all night but sleep most of the day.
    Yeah, I am using day and night as an example but adjust accordingly.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    Prefrontal cortex vs extrastriate visual areas (the front and back of the brain respectively) When you sleep, the prefrontal/frontal cortex has reduced activity and the back parts of your brain (subconscious mind) lights up more. In the waking hours of course it's reversed as you use the prefrontal cortex to solve logical problems and to control your 'inner animal' etc.

    As for being a different type, or "different person" during those two stages ehh I don't see that. In my dreams, I get in a lot more interesting physical fights than I do in my waking life lol. Cuz my true dual self is an SLE Warrior even though my waking ego kinda represses that? lol.
    I thought I replied to you, lol.

    Yeah, so maybe that's what I am trying to get at. Different parts of your mind light up at different points of the day (without sounding like Dario Nardi, lol). I think, in a way that your dreams are your suppressed subconscious coming to life when activity levels switch. I notice that at night, my dreams tend to be very N-based as opposed to being concrete S- based like my reality is more based upon. (Waking hours).

    So your Se is awakened? Cool!
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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Did you also know... at the end of the day... it gets dark.

    Sad Boys are fake edgy and depressed for Instagram and TikTok clout.

    If you plant a lemon tree, lemons will grow.

    There are twelve hours until noon, and twelve more from noon that make up our day.

    Joking aside, I think my experiment worked.
    What was your experiment about?
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Is it possible that during the day when you are conscious, you are using a different part of your psyche rather than the person you are at night when you are unconscious?

    During the day, you're most awake and are at the most the purest, unfiltered, conscious part of your mind, and are completely adapted to who that person is.

    During the night, you become more fragmented mentally. The filtered, unconscious part of your conscience spews out and disorientates you.

    So, depending on the consciousness of your cycle, and the time of day, and how your body clock is set, could you be a different "person" (per-se) with a different focus and a part of your mind being highlighted? Because you're using a different part of your brain, depending on your consciousness levels.

    When I say you are using a different part of your psyche, I'm not so much talking about an SLE ending up as an SLE, but more an SLE-day sub and an SLE-night sub (i.e. during the day, your default is SLE-Ti sub, and during the night, you're SLE-Se sub, because your brain has different areas of focus.
    @DEAD, I've always thought that there were two people inside my head. One is a courteous and considerate gentleman, and the other is a raving lunatic.

    Just joking.

    In truth, you do have two (at least) brains working at all times. Most people know about the left and right hemispheres and how the left side knows bright language and the right side knows dark mysteries, but there is another way of looking at your processing abilities.

    The human brain is a huge data center which was built on top of an instinctual lizard brain. The lizard brain is still there, running your simple emotions and your irrational wants and needs, but the mammalian data processing center knows how to speak, and so it seems to be running the place. It is the voice you hear in your head.

    The lizard brain, although without the ability to speak, is in control of your emotions and your impressions. When you look at two trucks and try to decide which one to buy, the data center is talking to the salesman and noting the price and the horsepower, while the lizard brain is liking the color and the look of power and the speed and is thinking that having this colored rock is going to get it a female lizard who will lay many eggs.

    Since the lizard brain can't speak, it can only communicate with the mammalian data center through feelings and impressions that it sends. These are best "heard" by the data center when it's not processing outside data; when it's "asleep", that is.

    Your dreams are inspired by lizard brain desires, which is why they often make no sense when you remember them and try to put them into a narrative. "I was swimming, and then I was flying, and then I felt my mother's presence, etc." All of which are lizard brain impressions that it is sending to the data center at night, when the data center is actually listening for a change, but which is too robotic to get it most of the time.
    Try to recall a conversation from a dream sometime. A conversation with words. In your dreams, you are experiencing a lizard's life. If you DO hear words, then the data center is narrating the movie it sees.

    It shouldn't be a surprise that the lizard and the data center seem very different, even though they actually do communicate a lot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @DEAD, I've always thought that there were two people inside my head. One is a courteous and considerate gentleman, and the other is a raving lunatic.
    Wait…your only supposed to have two in your head?

    Look like I am going to have to do some cut backs on the council of ducks….

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    different parts of the brain really are active depending on how its physically pressured. the point of sleep is probably to release and exercise those brain parts that have been repressed during the day (thats not necessarily intentionally repressed). depending on factors ur deeams personality and daily personality are different. so u can have different kinds of dreams as well as experience ur daily reality differently if u brainwash urself to change. some people solve problems during dreams including math problems or drawing/art problems then do it as if they have already done it. i watched it in an interview with a chinese artist. some have the daily thought process manifest and magnify in dreams. u also have waking moments of lucidity where u feel more awake yet dreamy as ur awareness expands yet it flops later. this is related to manic phases. u can also have more and less lucid dreams depending on ur personal limitations. at least u are trying to be inspective about it.
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    Dune came out on HBO the same day my dad's ashes were returned to me. We are still going to watch it together. I'm going to watch it with his ashes anyway.

    My dad was very Te PolR as an IEI and believed society was against him my whole life.

    My dad was always trying to get my son to play piano and my son was too focused on guitar. Two weeks ago my son's dad gave him a full piano keyboard and my son sat down and taught himself to play Fur Elise in 5 days. I thought he was was listening to the song in his room, but no, he taught himself to play the song in five days with no piano experience. I'm sad my dad didn't get to hear it,

    My dad was convinced my son could play the piano, knowing he could, before my son even tried.

    Fur Elise gets a bad rap because it's so popular, but it doesn't make the song any less beautiful to my ears.
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