Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
It's an interesting idea, but is there a basis for assuming that duality works the same with regard to instinctual variants as it does with sociotype? I don't say this cause I doubt your hypothesis or anything. I'm not familiar enough with the nitty gritty of Enneagram to have any grounds to doubt any of what you wrote. Just curious about how you find it enlightening/useful to view instinctual variant stackings this way
Definition of duality:

the quality or state of having two different or opposite parts or elements : DUALISM
It is not about socionics duality. You can see this in other typology systems as well. You can see this in non typological systems. Duality always requires opposite partners.

Saying that, people generally relate to people who are similar to themselves. That's why if someone is very similar, same, it is considered as good compability in dating platforms. However, that is not duality.

Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
For sx/sp:
Sx/So - Dual
You can claim that is the best partner for sx/sp. However, you cannot claim that is duality because it is not according to the definition of duality as it is explained above.