I silently resist change that I am not confident will work. In that way I'm a bit of a stick in the mud type of personality
thats more gamma. Betas tend to be way more confrontational in that regard. SEI would also go somewhere else or keep doing it like others more likely for the sake of harmony.
good eye for decorating could be Se. u said u like artistic flair too which is only a bit unusual for SEI to pay attention to.
"stop whining be optimistic" could be Se too that would be mitigated by Fi.
- To do as I say I will, try to avoid empty talk. I strive to do this as much as possible, but I am not perfect.
SEIs don't seem to struggle with/think about "saying" and "doing". I have seen this push with high Se users especially. SEIs push but its not something they "strive" as much as just "do" it.
OCD about objects in place doesn't seem very Se. it's a rather extreme thing so I associate it with valued Si.
- Being a perfectionist (need to be in control at all times) makes me a pessimistic person to be around, I believe.
this would rather be ExI instead of SEI.
so far enough to convince me u would value Fi instead of Fe.
Underhandedness and one-upmanship.
disliking that is more gamma values. i think gammas hate underhandedness the most (bc it's Se tied to Fi) very hypocritical if u ask me.
ur Ne suggestive examples could be Se. in da book it says Se collects objects and makes a functional relationships between them. I see both SEI and ESI being capable of doing what u did.
not sure how biased i am by ur telling me u keep coming back to IJ.