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Thread: Help with typing me

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    Default Help with typing me.

    Hello! I'm new here.

    I have problems typing myself. I tests are not 100% reliable, but can anyone tell me the ones that are better? Or maybe I describe myself and see if you can type me?

    I am a 100% p. The others... I am not too confident.

    I think I am a thinker. I could have Fi as my POLR. I'm totally the kind of person that can be laughing A this second and be all quiet when I'm facing B the next. It's not intentional, but the way I approach people is highly dependent on the way others approach me. With a quiet people, I am all quiet, with goofy people, I'm all goofy. And one thing that I really hate about myself is, whenever I"m nervous, I'd put up a stone face and look totally unapproachable. And, people have to approach me cause I'm not good at approaching them. And I never know what people really think of me. I've had friends before who acted all nice when I was around but once i was gone, they just started gossiping about me. It took me a year or so after to find out.... I just can't be like some people who could treat someone they dislike nicely or the other way around. And I totally dislike people who have wicked wishes for other, and sometimes even for their best friends. I have some friends, but yeah a few only and I'm lazy with maintaining weak ties with people.

    If I am mad, I just fly off the handle. And, when I'm in love, I am romantic to a fault. Weak Fi?

    I quite believe that I my Ti is stronger Te. I was once a tax return preparer. I was the absolute WORST you can find in the world. I have studied the tax regulations of three different countries but still have trouble doing the job. The details are just overwhelming. I'm a scatterbrain, I just can't cope with all the facts. I like stats and am pretty good at it, but I think stats uses Ti, too. I'm generally good with concepts. Like I am okay with theories in physics and chemistry but not the lab.

    I'm not sure if I am an N or an S, but my S is very weak. I dress horribly and simply don't care. Okay, the fact is, I have tried before but I just couldn't dress myself right so I just gave up. I'm completely clueless with fashion trends. So, My Si can't be too strong? But I am a couch potato. I used to watch TV all day long until 11 or something, did my HW and that's it, that's my day! I could slave for something I want but am a total bum in aspects that I don't give a damn about (Si??). And I think I generally act like a neanderthal. I'm totally not lady-like (I have high testosterone for a woman) and I am just blunt and clumsy with my actions. It's hard to put into words, but my actions just lack grace. And, I'm forever knocking things over. You know, I'm kinda like a nerd being clumsy and all....

    This is a bit too long already.... My apologies if I get some functions wrong because I"m not very familiar with socionics yet.

    The thing is, I do not see myself as S, but N doesn't seem to fit, either. I know Ni is totally out of question. As for Ne, I'm nowhere nearly as creative as an average ENTp in type descriptions. I like to brainstorm for sure and I do offer impractical solutions but everytype can do that, right??

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    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3


    Well I am not a socionic expert, I actually think its just a slightly different alternative to MBTI and not better than MBTI, just another grouping system, but not every person can fit into 1 of 16 "slots" regardless.

    In general to tackle the question of thinking or feeling, what I'd first do is question the power thinking and feeling has over you in different circumstances. Like would you think it would be easy for you to have your feelings swayed by a logical line of thought that doesn't agree with your feelings, if so its likely your a thinker. Thinkers highly don't trust in emotion/feeling because it doesn't make consistant sense and are easy to write of the way they feel as wrong if it seems illogical to them, in some cases thinkers with highly developed feeling sides will be motivated to think more so on a subject when it doesn't agree with their feeling. They will "rationalize" their emotional side, instead of merely trust it, in order to gain stability. Thinkers strive to either take in the world to make sense or to make sense to other people. Emotions hardly make sense to them, unless they devote considerable energy into pondering their emotions with logic, or rationalizing their side or self to others. This is usually very taxing to a thinker, and with a sensitive feeling side can get angry easily when they are told they are wrong (especially when its one of their emotional rationalizations), can't find an answer, or their emotions are under attack before they can solve the problem of their "emotions".

    Feelers on the other hand are likely in the presented situation to write of a logical line of thought that betrays feeling as simply that. Every feeler has a different way of doing such things, but the point is solid, feel first, let it be logical latter. To an NF or an idealist, their is no use debating and rationalizing to them, they won't listen to the logic, they'll take it as an offense to the ideal and they'll conter logic with idealism, because the logic isn't important, what is is the fact they are challenging their ideal on the feeling side. To a feeler it takes considerable energy to turn off their emotional switch and view things from a more objective point of view. If a feeler is faced with a problem that require logical solving they will likely feel stressed and find it hard to turn to objectivity and keep their cool. However feelers with highly developed thinking skills benefit from logic as a useful tool but hardly nothing more. The ability to solve a problem, make sense logically, etc.... is useful but it is just something to use and really isn't invested into something emotionally in most cases.

    People that walk the line between thinker and feeling sides at times will in some ways look like a feeler with a highly developed logical capabilities and at other times look like a thinker with a highly developed feeler side.

    You have to kind of look at yourself and think in totality in life are you guided by emotional experience (experience since you are p), and logic is a tool to help you in life. Or alternatively you think in toatlity you strive to experience things that are action based (as in taking things as what action occured objectivity and not the emotional impact of the action). What I mean by the action thing is like imagine a person catching a ball, the action is merely catching a ball, however emotionally it could cause feelings of excitment and relief in a sports situation.

    Are you guided by taking in actions and understanding how they interrelate in full and creating systems which preform complex actions for an objective(NTp)
    Are you guided by being where the action is or doing the action (STp)


    Are you guided by taking in emotions and understanding how they interrelate to ethical systems in humanity and life in general and want to change society to be more ethical (NFp)
    Are you guide by where the emotional stimulus is (SFp)

    That was a long rant but hopefully that is useful in making your decision

    Now for intuition and sensing

    Intuitive people are abstract and imaginative, they play more with reality, are disconnected, likely to simply proclaim the truth, perceive things in whole "bites" instead of peice by peice detail and things just become mysteriously apprent to them. Sensing people are down to earth, they look at reality as static and unable to be played with, the ink blot is just an ink blot, who needs to say x = 5, why not just say 5?, they are detailed, and every line of thought and emotion is connected realistically together instead of mysteriously fragmented, reality is apparent, let me see it!. Thats a sensing person.

    An intuitive thinker when presented with an elementary physics problem concerning a person driving 60 mph for 3 h can simply get an intuitive sense that the answer is 60*3 without having to break it down into analytical peices like 60 mi / 1 h * 3 h ..... hours cancel..... your left with 60 *3 mi, would be a more ST type of thought. To the intuitive person its just makes sense why 60*3 is the answer. This is a bit extreme and intuitive to most people, however in general intuitive thinkers that are genius have a tendancy to produce extremely insightful theories that were rooted in just an instinctual intuition.

    Intuitive feeling is the same they can summon emotions up easily without a sensing stimulus and therefore are good empathizers. Still though they understand feeling in abstract, likely to be prone to describe thinks spiritualy or idealistically, they use abstract terminology to explain their feelings or impressions, like vibes, auras, and energy, in some case where they lack strong logic and are extremely intuitive, they will actually claim and believe its real, that they can see the future or auras or are psyhic.

    Artistically, you can think of sensing people as Earthy and Intuitive people like the Cosmos.


    Best idea is to take this info and decide on T vs F and N vs S overall, add the P in the I or E, then you should read the description, keeping in mind that it is an archtype compounded from character traits and not a real personalitiy being described, specifically all people have the capacity for each of the traits in personality theory, the personality comes from the what people have used these traits in unique ways. Its highly likely to feel like more than one personality description in the 16 types, however mostly a person is able to connect with a predominant one, in socionics I connect more with INTp, ISTp, ENTp, and INFj and in MBTI or keirsey I connect more with INFj, INTj, ENTp, ISFp, INFp, ISTp, ENTj, and ENFp (all in order from most likely to least) -- obviously in MBTI I find myself closer to an INFj and in socionic closer to an INTp

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    Umm, I think INxP.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help with typing me.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    I think I am a thinker. I could have Fi as my POLR. I'm totally the kind of person that can be laughing A this second and be all quiet when I'm facing B the next. It's not intentional, but the way I approach people is highly dependent on the way others approach me. With a quiet people, I am all quiet, with goofy people, I'm all goofy. And one thing that I really hate about myself is, whenever I"m nervous, I'd put up a stone face and look totally unapproachable.
    That is not Fi, it's lack of confidence in Fe. Like the "flickering" Kristiina once mentioned.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    And, people have to approach me cause I'm not good at approaching them.
    Stereotypical IP, but much more clearly IXTp behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    And I never know what people really think of me. I've had friends before who acted all nice when I was around but once i was gone, they just started gossiping about me. It took me a year or so after to find out.... I just can't be like some people who could treat someone they dislike nicely or the other way around. And I totally dislike people who have wicked wishes for other, and sometimes even for their best friends.
    Fi > Fe preference, besides weak Fe.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    I have some friends, but yeah a few only and I'm lazy with maintaining weak ties with people.
    Typical IP.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    If I am mad, I just fly off the handle. And, when I'm in love, I am romantic to a fault. Weak Fi?

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    I quite believe that I my Ti is stronger Te. I was once a tax return preparer. I was the absolute WORST you can find in the world. I have studied the tax regulations of three different countries but still have trouble doing the job. The details are just overwhelming. I'm a scatterbrain, I just can't cope with all the facts. I like stats and am pretty good at it, but I think stats uses Ti, too. I'm generally good with concepts. Like I am okay with theories in physics and chemistry but not the lab.
    Your being good in theory and statistics but bad with tax return and the lab suggests actually weakish Si to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    I'm not sure if I am an N or an S, but my S is very weak. I dress horribly and simply don't care. Okay, the fact is, I have tried before but I just couldn't dress myself right so I just gave up. I'm completely clueless with fashion trends. So, My Si can't be too strong? But I am a couch potato. I used to watch TV all day long until 11 or something, did my HW and that's it, that's my day! I could slave for something I want but am a total bum in aspects that I don't give a damn about (Si??). And I think I generally act like a neanderthal. I'm totally not lady-like (I have high testosterone for a woman) and I am just blunt and clumsy with my actions. It's hard to put into words, but my actions just lack grace. And, I'm forever knocking things over. You know, I'm kinda like a nerd being clumsy and all....
    What you're describing sounds like weak Si but not PoLR, and IP behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    This is a bit too long already.... My apologies if I get some functions wrong because I"m not very familiar with socionics yet.

    The thing is, I do not see myself as S, but N doesn't seem to fit, either. I know Ni is totally out of question. As for Ne, I'm nowhere nearly as creative as an average ENTp in type descriptions. I like to brainstorm for sure and I do offer impractical solutions but everytype can do that, right??
    Why would Ni be out of the question?

    You seem INTp to me.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    You sound like my INTP friend.

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    Expat, aren't INTps supposed to be efficient? Well, I am not. I study slowly because I have to reword a lot of things and I have to highlight titles with different colors.... These things take up a lot of time and are not exactly value added, but I have to do it because if I don't, I get lost in all the text. And, it can take me forever just to finish say a term paper either because I overthink or because I do it half-heartedly; that's not efficient. I can't work if I don't feel like doing so!

    The reason I never considered Ni is, I don't think I make predictions all the time. Nor do I find myself having a particular good sense of time. And when I was younger, I thought history was useless cause the past has passed.

    And, can you tell me what my inability to fill out tax returns and do lab work has to do with weak Si?

  8. #8
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    I am going to say sth diff.....I feel that sara is INFp as a whole.

    btw, not discussing abt sara's type this time, can I safely conclude that an ***p looks more "playful" and writes more "freely" when writing an essay, and an ***j looks more "serious" and writes in a more systematic way. Is this criteria a sure way to differentiate between an ***p and ***j?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    I thought history was useless cause the past has passed.
    lol a sense of time is a more Sj thing, Sp's get caught away in impulsive activity. NTj's are awesome at planning a schedule and sticking to it disciplined. Also history in some cases can be considered interested to N-types, in specific I love hearing about history because I find it fascinating hearing about the stories that occured in the past and trying to imagine what went down, also on a more NT note its useful for understanding political and social evolution of society. I think an Sp is a likely canidate for that statement.... overall you sound a bit like an ISTp or INTp, you seem pretty balanced in Intuition and Sensing, if you weren't intuitive you'd probably find theories boring and not be on a psychological type forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    Expat, aren't INTps supposed to be efficient? Well, I am not. I study slowly because I have to reword a lot of things and I have to highlight titles with different colors.... These things take up a lot of time and are not exactly value added, but I have to do it because if I don't, I get lost in all the text. And, it can take me forever just to finish say a term paper either because I overthink or because I do it half-heartedly; that's not efficient. I can't work if I don't feel like doing so!
    INTps aren't necessarily efficient, what you described sounds like IP behavior.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    The reason I never considered Ni is, I don't think I make predictions all the time. Nor do I find myself having a particular good sense of time. And when I was younger, I thought history was useless cause the past has passed.
    Well that does sound odd for an INTp.

    Quote Originally Posted by sara
    And, can you tell me what my inability to fill out tax returns and do lab work has to do with weak Si?
    Attention to specific details, in documentation as well as in physical work, can be related to Si.

    Well, now I don't know. Perhaps I have misinterpreted your earlier description.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  11. #11
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    INFp... or INTj.

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    And for whatever it's worth, I think ISxps are more interested in what they like to wear than they are in what's trendy. They have specific likes and dislikes. My ISTp mom, for example, wears the most horrible clothes. There are patterns, however. She will only wear short sleeves (or sleeveless) and seems to prefer elastic waistbands. She LOVES really bright colors... I believe "dayglow" describes what I'm referring to. Yet however outdated or simply unattractive her clothes are, she always really likes what she's wearing.

    (and the thing with highlighting could be a Te PoLR... or a learning disorder)

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    Would filling in tax forms be Te anyway? I mean, it's money, but on the other hand it's regulations, rules, putting the right info in the right space, etc. That could be Ti.

    You could be a lot of types. It doesn't sound to me like you have weak Ne. And I agree that your Fi sounds stronger than your Fe. You could be INFj, though it seems like an INFj probably wouldn't look for a job filling out tax forms. INTj could be right. But INFjs aren't stupid and can do well in math and science fields. There tends to be an "nf = not able to handle math and science" stereotype, and while some certainly do have trouble with that, some INFjs seem to study medicine which involves a lot of math and science.

    And I totally dislike people who have wicked wishes for other, and sometimes even for their best friends.
    That sounds Fi-ish to me.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz
    NTj's are awesome at planning a schedule and sticking to it disciplined. Also history in some cases can be considered interested to N-types, in specific I love hearing about history because I find it fascinating hearing about the stories that occured in the past and trying to imagine what went down, also on a more NT note its useful for understanding political and social evolution of society. I think an Sp is a likely canidate for that statement.... overall you sound a bit like an ISTp or INTp, you seem pretty balanced in Intuition and Sensing, if you weren't intuitive you'd probably find theories boring and not be on a psychological type forum.
    er yeah i am INTj and am really not good at sticking to schedules. I think in general i have weak Se and am pretty paranoid about it and really focus a lot on Si.

    Sara, that is why I get confused if i am a perceiver up to this day.

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    I think "schedules" are more of a sensory thing than rational/irrational. Could be Si, could be Se, depending on the person. Se seems more likely.

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  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz
    NTj's are awesome at planning a schedule and sticking to it disciplined. Also history in some cases can be considered interested to N-types, in specific I love hearing about history because I find it fascinating hearing about the stories that occured in the past and trying to imagine what went down, also on a more NT note its useful for understanding political and social evolution of society. I think an Sp is a likely canidate for that statement.... overall you sound a bit like an ISTp or INTp, you seem pretty balanced in Intuition and Sensing, if you weren't intuitive you'd probably find theories boring and not be on a psychological type forum.
    er yeah i am INTj and am really not good at sticking to schedules. I think in general i have weak Se and am pretty paranoid about it and really focus a lot on Si.

    Sara, that is why I get confused if i am a perceiver up to this day.
    STj's do a better job at practically sticking to a routine, but if asked to plan out something in entirity they would have trouble, since they are more detailed, they'd have to take in account every little peice of information, where as an NTj can easily incorporate major systems and concepts together seamly in a plan and works well with contingents. However an NTj has problems doing stuff just for the routine, being the ultimate pragmatics they find it difficult to do extra nonsense details, they are more connected with the objective rather than the routine. Any j is going to be more disciplined than a p which is more impulsive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    (and the thing with highlighting could be a Te PoLR... or a learning disorder)

    not really, just poor focus. i did this for a while, too.
    6w5 sx
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    Raise your hand if you have observed that INTps are generally more "impulsive" than ENTjs (or that INFps are more "impulsive" than ENFjs).

    Or perhaps it would be a good idea to define "impulsive".

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