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Thread: Question to gammas

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    roger557's Avatar
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    Default Question to gammas

    Briefly describe what you think your role is in society, or what you are supposed to contribute to society.

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    Maybe I'm a Lion Great's Avatar
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    Workhorse, apparently. And I hate that.

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  4. #4
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    i think they are good at technical/mechanical problem solving
    ordering things for proper function
    this also includes making space for fun, aesthetics in ESI or ILI homes that I've seen.
    educating people when the gamma knows how to understand people and communicate to them so that they understand
    except they are completely blind to some things especially concerning the big interrelated picture of their influence where everything's fine on their own narrowly focused end while that's supported by the gammas parasytism of others. that someone tells them about it which they take as offensive, punish, ignore, deny. which is their own invalidating their own contribution to society by hurting instead of helping.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

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  5. #5


    Id like to provide something innovative in the future if i am able to but other than that society is a means to keep order and coexistence and nothing more.

    Depending on the social environment i may choose to contribute or barely partake if i see no value in it. I am definitely way more focused in providing for myself and my people (friends , family) if i can than how to contribute to society, especially since corruption for the most part makes it not worth the effort. That said it depends on the system i am part in. If i see that its worth it then i d happily invest.
    I also would rather maintain a basic human decency and expect that from my peers / colleagues etc as well. The fact that i see the world the way it is doesnt mean that i want to cause more damage to it.

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    Okay, the ones that have answered... it seems the usual roles gammas have is supporting their duals and just getting by however they can. But I ask this because I believe gammas actually have a very important role in society, which I will reveal as this: I suspect they're supoosed to be the ones to keep everything in check and makes sure nobody "crosses the line". Like sort of a backup/restorative module. This, and upholding truth and justice. Does this resonate with any of you guys?

  7. #7
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    This is kind of an open ended question because the "role" one has in society is essentially subject to change (contrarily to type)with circumstance, profession, age, and the society one actually lives in.

    To answer it, I would see my role as someone who gathers knowledge, and imparts it to others, at least those I care about (who also enrich my existence in one way or another).
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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Okay, the ones that have answered... it seems the usual roles gammas have is supporting their duals and just getting by however they can. But I ask this because I believe gammas actually have a very important role in society, which I will reveal as this: I suspect they're supoosed to be the ones to keep everything in check and makes sure nobody "crosses the line". Like sort of a backup/restorative module. This, and upholding truth and justice. Does this resonate with any of you guys?
    The first one - yes, I can definitely see myself making sure others don't cross the line. Upholding truth and justice seem like they would be beta priorities - yet they resonate with me deeply - hence my confusion about my quadra. Perhaps you can't have every role...
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    I think my personal role in society is to refrain from doing huge amounts of damage in the course of my daily activities, but then, I don't have an ESI who is looking over my shoulder, so I'm hyper-aware of this danger.

    If Gammas have a "role" in society, it is probably to innovate in practical ways, and to implement those innovations. The problem with innovation is that, while innovation is one of only two ways for a society to get richer, it also has the potential to disrupt society in huge and potentially catastrophic ways.

    I think that the other thing that Gamma Quadra does for/to society is to move power from Individuals (Beta fealty) to institutions (contracts).

    LIE: Finds new opportunities for growth and innovation and figures out how to get the resources to fund and implement the opportunities.
    ESI: Supports the discovery process in detail but mostly vets the new opportunity for practicality and for moral hazard.
    SEE: Sells the idea to investors and the public.
    ILI: Keeps close track of the money, but mostly watches out for and warns against potential problems in the implementation process.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 10-12-2021 at 07:58 PM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Okay, the ones that have answered... it seems the usual roles gammas have is supporting their duals and just getting by however they can. But I ask this because I believe gammas actually have a very important role in society, which I will reveal as this: I suspect they're supoosed to be the ones to keep everything in check and makes sure nobody "crosses the line". Like sort of a backup/restorative module. This, and upholding truth and justice. Does this resonate with any of you guys?
    Not sure about the former, I guess you'd have to be more specific as to what you mean.

    As for the latter, I'm an advocate against abuse and I feel strongly compelled to help abuse victims. I also will sometimes derive a sick and twisted sense of pleasure from being a predator to predators while liberating, protecting, educating, and strengthening their prey. I don't claim that's the healthiest thing, and in most situations I won't be like that.

    Frequently, I challenge societal ideas, judgments, views, beliefs, values, and logical evaluations. Things that are untrue and hold no merit in reality, but are broadly accepted anyway because of social conformity and what I see as a failure to think autonomously. I challenge traditions, customs, and social norms a lot in general. For example, I can't stand it when people assume that when a woman wears less clothing, it somehow automatically equates to having low self-esteem and self-respect. I don't understand such evaluations because it's judging the inside based on what's on the outside (despite that the inside remains the same regardless of how the outside is adorned). Also, I see it as yet one more way society designates gender roles and expectations. It shames women into being unable to freely enjoy their natural, carnal sexuality. It's simply one more way in which men are normal for having a carnal nature, while women are shamed for it. I suppose this does fit into the truth/justice upholding theme. It's advocating for fairness against hypocritical social expectations/traditions that somehow go unquestioned.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 10-12-2021 at 07:25 PM.

  11. #11


    When I was younger I probably would've questioned why I should contribute to society in any way at all. Since then, however, I have become more consciously mindful of the temporal nature of my life. Thus, I've become more focused on future generations (especially the youths). They're important to me. Not only are they able to be influenced, but they are also the future of the human race and the entire planet. In some ways, they are the future of every living organism on earth; just look at global warming.

    Influencing/impacting future generations psychologically is something I would like to do. I believe that the psyche is foundational to health in everyday living and all other aspects of our lives. A healthy psyche can directly impact every decision one makes; who we partner with, how we raise our children, what we spend our money on as well as whether we are resourceful or wasteful with it, when and why we reproduce, and so much more. It impacts problems such as teen pregnancy, bullying, and domestic violence. It impacts everyday matters such as basic priorities in life. The psychological states of individuals are what shape the entire world, and it isn't esteemed to be as important or relevant to everyday living as it actually is. The world is falling apart, and I believe that at the heart of most problems is the health of individuals' minds. I see a world that is suffering from a massive trickle-down effect that results from inadequate integration of psychological education.

    I hope to enkindle this type of change in society for the betterment of future generations. Our lives are short. We are here and gone. Children are the future; we are leaving everything in their hands. How we manage things influences how they handle them, and how they manage things influences how the following generation handles them, and so forth. Working toward this as opposed to enjoying one's own life leisurely is merely being responsible, as I see it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ori View Post
    The more you involve yourself in society, the more you owe to it. I live quietly, away from most people, I try not to waste much and not be an annoyance, not take more than I need. As far as I'm concerned I've paid my debt to society
    Dude you sound so much like me a year ago it hurts. You're dismissive/avoidant in regards to your attachment style. Yeah, you've paid your debt to be sure, but did you ever owe it in the first place? If that society, say, was custom built to make you miserable and die alone wife/husbandless and childless how would you feel if someone told you you were indebted to it?

    Ask not what you owe society in this instance, ask what has that "society" done to earn your loyalty and sense of indebtedness. In regards to your own family (i.e. attachment issues), ask not about the long train of abuses they've rained down upon you. Ask instead how and why they were visited not just upon you but also your parents and theirs in turn. I don't have a conspiracy board but it really is all connected and next to none of it is intentionally anyone's fault.

    If you're not some billionaire trust fund baby anyway. If you are, well, good odds that you wouldn't be posting here. The "faith" of the true ruling elite would ensure you didn't. You'd not have survived long enough to do so...

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I think my personal role in society is to refrain from doing huge amounts of damage in the course of my daily activities, but then, I don't have an ESI who is looking over my shoulder, so I'm hyper-aware of this danger.

    If Gammas have a "role" in society, it is probably to innovate in practical ways, and to implement those innovations. The problem with innovation is that, while innovation is one of only two ways for a society to get richer, it also has the potential to disrupt society in huge and potentially catastrophic ways.

    I think that the other thing that Gamma Quadra does for/to society is to move power from Individuals (Beta fealty) to institutions (contracts).

    LIE: Finds new opportunities for growth and innovation and figures out how to get the resources to fund and implement the opportunities.
    ESI: Supports the discovery process in detail but mostly vets the new opportunity for practicality and for moral hazard.
    SEE: Sells the idea to investors and the public.
    ILI: Keeps close track of the money, but mostly watches out for and warns against potential problems in the implementation process.
    I disagree a bit. While "advancement" may risk catastrophic disruption it ain't like anyone can prevent it. Once people figured out how gunpowder and rifled barrels worked even slightly the days of the sword, stone walls, and full plate mail were numbered. A very disruptive event but also one that could not be prevented. Other quadras do things differently but raw logic and predictive capability are not the sole domain of , , , and alone. These hit upon the "prophetic" archetypes hardest and fastest yes, but that doesn't mean other combinations cannot likewise deliver stunningly accurate levels of prophetic wisdom in a given time and context.

    For example, my LII cousin loves how, in his mind, I'm the most analytical (whatever he means by that) mind he's ever met and I in turn value the totally out there perspective he provides from my end. Dude is nutso in all the most interesting of ways. We often come up with similar predictions for the future as well if we really put in the effort. We have very different and sometimes conflicting ways of trying to lay it out for the normies but our predictions are, at the end of the day, very similar. I'm also lucky his dual doesn't mind me talking to him. ESE that gets the point and knows when to just back off and let others hash it out instead of seeking to correct the "enemy" of their quadra. If only they all did...

  13. #13
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Dude you sound so much like me a year ago it hurts. You're dismissive/avoidant in regards to your attachment style. Yeah, you've paid your debt to be sure, but did you ever owe it in the first place? If that society, say, was custom built to make you miserable and die alone wife/husbandless and childless how would you feel if someone told you you were indebted to it?

    Ask not what you owe society in this instance, ask what has that "society" done to earn your loyalty and sense of indebtedness. In regards to your own family (i.e. attachment issues), ask not about the long train of abuses they've rained down upon you. Ask instead how and why they were visited not just upon you but also your parents and theirs in turn. I don't have a conspiracy board but it really is all connected and next to none of it is intentionally anyone's fault.
    What they're describing sounds like someone who wants to live detached from society/the world, perhaps in the likes of certain Christian or Vedic hermits and ascetics. I have an SLI/ILI relative who lives this way, and she seems pretty happy.

    That's what it evokes for me at least - not necessarily dismissive/avoidant attachment style, or a past history of abuse. We all have our own story though, and perhaps I'm missing something or perhaps you are projecting negative aspects of your own past onto them.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    What they're describing sounds like someone who wants to live detached from society/the world, perhaps in the likes of certain Christian or Vedic hermits and ascetics. I have an SLI/ILI relative who lives this way, and she seems pretty happy.

    That's what it evokes for me at least - not necessarily dismissive/avoidant attachment style, or a past history of abuse. We all have our own story though, and perhaps I'm missing something or perhaps you are projecting negative aspects of your own past onto them.
    If you are called to the religious life you are called to that and will be happier for answering to it affirmatively. Not everyone is meant to be married just like not everyone with the capacity is meant to be a priest/monk/nun/etc. Furthermore, such people can have very healthy attachment styles. Saint Padre Pio was very healthy in this regard. He never had sex but you can't tell me he didn't care and was fully capable of bonding with other human beings in ways similar to how deeply a husband loves a wife.

    In regards to his charitable works they were related to the Great Wars as well. This is important as I believe the deep attachment issues we in the west suffer were inflicted upon us by design. The Two World Wars were timed such that the living memory of the world before the full industrialization of Western/Global society was completed had zero chance of being passed on to the critical mass of people required to ensure it remained cognitively and culturally significant. Pio did what he could and many were benefited by it, but such is now and is the Devil's hour. Perhaps a greater dawn could have been realized if the memories of the before times would have been preserved through tales told as only those who lived them by great-grandparents to their great-grandchildren. Sadly, this fate was not to be. Satan has learned through each iteration of his attempt at rebellion against God and has at last arrived, he foolishly thinks, at a master stroke that will defeat the undefeatable.

    People like me are in a similar aspect/node of importance I fear yet may also be the key to undoing Satan's arrogance. I (and many others here I'd wager) have clear and vivid memories of a world before the internet and smartphones. Where the best connection you could get was 56k and getting it meant sacrificing your capacity to send or receive phone calls from you land line number (i.e. the only number we or most anyone had a chance of reaching others on). A time where movies were only on VHS and if the local Blockbuster or Video Rental store was out of copies to lend out, well, you'd just have to wait. It applied to games too as you had to have a console to enjoy most new games. I had an MS-DOS computer that could play "Empire" and "Doom" and that was awesome but the concept of "Steam" was but a distant dream.

    I could go on and on if y'all would like. I am a missing link of sorts. A generation forgotten by all but the most attentive of scholars who truly seek out what really happened over wanting to find confirmation of their own theories...

  15. #15
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    If you are called to the religious life you are called to that and will be happier for answering to it affirmatively. Not everyone is meant to be married just like not everyone with the capacity is meant to be a priest/monk/nun/etc. Furthermore, such people can have very healthy attachment styles. Saint Padre Pio was very healthy in this regard. He never had sex but you can't tell me he didn't care and was fully capable of bonding with other human beings in ways similar to how deeply a husband loves a wife.

    In regards to his charitable works they were related to the Great Wars as well. This is important as I believe the deep attachment issues we in the west suffer were inflicted upon us by design. The Two World Wars were timed such that the living memory of the world before the full industrialization of Western/Global society was completed had zero chance of being passed on to the critical mass of people required to ensure it remained cognitively and culturally significant. Pio did what he could and many were benefited by it, but such is now and is the Devil's hour. Perhaps a greater dawn could have been realized if the memories of the before times would have been preserved through tales told as only those who lived them by great-grandparents to their great-grandchildren. Sadly, this fate was not to be. Satan has learned through each iteration of his attempt at rebellion against God and has at last arrived, he foolishly thinks, at a master stroke that will defeat the undefeatable.

    People like me are in a similar aspect/node of importance I fear yet may also be the key to undoing Satan's arrogance. I (and many others here I'd wager) have clear and vivid memories of a world before the internet and smartphones. Where the best connection you could get was 56k and getting it meant sacrificing your capacity to send or receive phone calls from you land line number (i.e. the only number we or most anyone had a chance of reaching others on). A time where movies were only on VHS and if the local Blockbuster or Video Rental store was out of copies to lend out, well, you'd just have to wait. It applied to games too as you had to have a console to enjoy most new games. I had an MS-DOS computer that could play "Empire" and "Doom" and that was awesome but the concept of "Steam" was but a distant dream.

    I could go on and on if y'all would like. I am a missing link of sorts. A generation forgotten by all but the most attentive of scholars who truly seek out what really happened over wanting to find confirmation of their own theories...
    This interesting.

    I personally think the attachment issues are the result of a philosophical error. Social media is what is causing the attachment issues and these platforms are designed by tech entrepreneurs, who usually see only the positive aspects of technology. They should probably read more science fiction (or take it to heart if they have).

    Or maybe that's wrong - Mark Zuckerberg didn't allow his own teenage kids to use his own platform - that tells you something. Maybe people like him are not optimistic except about their paychecks.

    Yes, I too remember when things such as video games didn't have to use the internet to work. When you had to call someone (not text) or talk face to face if you wanted to see their reaction. Some people still had attachment issues, but not like today it seems.

    I don't really see all this as a the work of an evil force. Nietzsche talked about the nihilism ensuing what he called the death of God, in other words the progressive loss of authority Christianity has on society, especially in a moral sense. Crowley spoke of humanity in the wake of his new eon of Har-Wer (supposedly one of spiritual individualism) being like lost children seeking authority desperately, and turning to fascism and communism as a result of that.

    I'm afraid we're not done being lab rats in experiments either - with authoritarian regimes (China, Turkey, Russia, Brazil) seemingly popping up like mushrooms everywhere (though their appearance is not random) I get that people still crave a return not only to conventional religion with traditonal morals - but also short-lived authority figures to enforce it, or simply some other form of authoritarianism. Or, if we escape regimes, we end up experiments in some silicon valley tycoon's ambitions, like we have with social media.

    All of this to say it's kind of a mess...
    Last edited by Ave; 10-15-2021 at 09:59 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    This interesting.

    I personally think the attachment issues are the result of a philosophical error. Social media is what is causing the attachment issues and these platforms are designed by tech entrepreneurs, who usually see only the positive aspects of technology. They should probably read more science fiction (or take it to heart if they have).

    Or maybe that's wrong - Mark Zuckerberg didn't allow his own teenage kids to use his own platform - that tells you something. Maybe people like him are not optimistic except about their paychecks.

    Yes, I too remember when things such as video games didn't have to use the internet to work. When you had to call someone (not text) or talk face to face if you wanted to see their reaction. Some people still had attachment issues, but not like today it seems.

    I don't really see all this as a the work of an evil force. Nietzsche talked about the nihilism ensuing what he called the death of God, in other words the progressive loss of authority Christianity has on society, especially in a moral sense. Crowley spoke of humanity in the wake of his new eon of Har-Wer (supposedly one of spiritual individualism) being like lost children seeking authority desperately, and turning to fascism and communism as a result of that.

    I'm afraid we're not done being lab rats in experiments either - with authoritarian regimes (China, Turkey, Russia, Brazil) seemingly popping up like mushrooms everywhere (though their appearance is not random) I get that people still crave a return not only to conventional religion with traditonal morals - but also short-lived authority figures to enforce it, or simply some other form of authoritarianism. Or, if we escape regimes, we end up experiments in some silicon valley tycoon's ambitions, like we have with social media.

    All of this to say it's kind of a mess...
    Social Media exacerbated the issues and threw them into overdrive, but they didn't cause them. Made them more visible and worse is the correct way to look at it though I understand your perspective.

    The loss of Christianity's authority over society was also by design (also took both World Wars to make happen to the extent it has as well). As was the rise of Fascism and Communism. The PTB want us all to believe in anything save Christ and his Holy Church. For they are, as I term them, Gnostic Luciferians. That pretty much sums up their "faith" as I have come to describe/understand it. They have one (as do we all) and if you know about Gnosticism and you slot in Lucifer as the "true" God and Christ/The Christian God as their "demiurge" you're well on your way to getting the thought process of these vile evil fucks who currently rule over us.

    Jettison any notion of benevolence you might think they have for anyone not in "the big club" as it were. Benevolence is only for those fully initiated into the "inner cult". Everyone else? Yeah...

    I like to think of myself as having a way with words. Of being the kind of person who can, if I put in the effort, paint a detailed picture in the mind with my eloquent and expansive vocabulary. Yet even I fall well and truly short of the verbiage necessary to describe the full extent of their absolute and all consuming hatred for anyone who isn't them (i.e. Us). Acknowledge this and act accordingly.

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    Roles are silly. It's not what you do for society, it's what society does for you. I simply exist to profit off this equitable relationship, and I'm doing so quite well.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    I don't owe the world anything. That being said I do try to motivate those who will listen to me to achieve the things they want to achieve, and to be an example for the next person in their lives. To help them overcome their fears. I do It because I think its right, not out of some obligation to society.

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    Don't care much, can be anything. I really don't give a shit.

    I focus more on my role when I'm working on a team. A team is just more real, more connection...
    Last edited by Tarnished; 11-05-2021 at 04:59 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i think they are good at technical/mechanical problem solving
    ordering things for proper function
    this also includes making space for fun, aesthetics in ESI or ILI homes that I've seen.
    educating people when the gamma knows how to understand people and communicate to them so that they understand
    except they are completely blind to some things especially concerning the big interrelated picture of their influence where everything's fine on their own narrowly focused end while that's supported by the gammas parasytism of others. that someone tells them about it which they take as offensive, punish, ignore, deny. which is their own invalidating their own contribution to society by hurting instead of helping.

    Any personal experiences with the latter part of that?

    I think Beta quadra takes the most issue with my way of doing things. I don't see how I, one person, not partaking in a social event or activity derails the whole thing. I can understand If I had an assignment or responsibility tied to It, but otherwise Its just one dude "sitting this one out"

    What you said makes me think though. Maybe the status I gained in that group gave birth to the expectation that I'd be there. Like an important person is missing. I'm flattered, but I didn't ask for that.I'm usually confused when people show such dissapointment due to me not wanting to partake.Like "What document did I sign that I'm not aware of, and what conditions am I breaking?"
    Last edited by CptLandhawk; 11-05-2021 at 01:38 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CptLandhawk View Post
    I don't owe the world anything. That being said I do try to motivate those who will listen to me to achieve the things they want to achieve, and to be an example for the next person in their lives. To help them overcome their fears. I do It because I think its right, not out of some obligation to society.

    I think you should leave the world better than how you found it.

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    This question typically isn't worth asking, and attempts to answer it do more harm than good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mfckrz View Post
    This question typically isn't worth asking, and attempts to answer it do more harm than good.
    Why? I'm just trying to determine if there is some common role in a grand scheme that each quadra has to fulfiill, and also if it lines up with the hindu varna system correlation I made.

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    The responses so far make me think that either: 1. the gammas here have lost their track for some reason and are not aware of what their role is dupposed to be 2. Gammas are sort of a undefined amorphous quadra with undefined values.

    Think about it: imagine you were to ask this same question to betas or alphas. Alphas would say that they have come here to cherish life, invent stuff, have fun,etc. Betas would say (i guess) that they intend to revolutionize, control, triumph, etc. So what are gammas's supposed to do?

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    The responses so far make me think that either: 1. the gammas here have lost their track for some reason and are not aware of what their role is dupposed to be 2. Gammas are sort of a undefined amorphous quadra with undefined values.

    Think about it: imagine you were to ask this same question to betas or alphas. Alphas would say that they have come here to cherish life, invent stuff, have fun,etc. Betas would say (i guess) that they intend to revolutionize, control, triumph, etc. So what are gammas's supposed to do?
    Lol. Can't talk for other Gamma, so just my opinion. I'll make it simple: I want to have fun and enjoy my life, with my close friend and family... So what the f*** it has to do with my role in society? With all the people I'll never care about (7.8 billion people?)

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    Quote Originally Posted by roger557 View Post
    Why? I'm just trying to determine if there is some common role in a grand scheme that each quadra has to fulfiill, and also if it lines up with the hindu varna system correlation I made.
    Because better to focus on self & family, rather than asking about one's 'role' in society at large.

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    Either resource extraction on one end or pressuring institutions to uphold moral standards. The idea of corrupt, exploitative/negligent and powerful entities being completely crushed by corrective action from more “legitimate” institutions of power (democratically elected governments within their own soil, regulatory agencies, unions, etc.) appeals to me a lot
    Last edited by Averroes; 11-06-2021 at 03:17 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    Either resource extraction or pressuring institutions to uphold moral standards. The idea of corrupt, exploitative and powerful private entities being completely crushed by corrective government regulations and sanctions appeals to me a lot

    ESI confirmed.

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