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Thread: Do we NEED Duality?

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  1. #19


    ESI/LIE drawbacks:

    ESI - craves closeness, connection
    LIE - gets too caught up in projects, etc. and ESI hates that they always have to be the one who initiates closing the distance/reviving or maintaining closeness, always chasing even while together

    ESI - Needs connections, prioritizes them above all else in their lives while sort of helpless to change that fact. Connects through exchanging deep, intimate contents, rather than shared activities.
    LIE - Struggles to open up, share intimate aspects of themselves/their lives, expects ESI to always do the initiating.

    ESI: tries to share analytical thoughts about human/relationship dynamics just to chat and connect and share thoughts about a personal interest (relationships/human dynamics) (which is often their biggest, most important interest, even, not just some trivial one), feels like LIE just doesn't get whatever ESI is saying and it causes arguments (LIE opposes/argues what ESI is saying because LIE doesn't actually get it, it wasn't broken down enough by ESI, misunderstandings about what is being said create conflict), ESI doesn't want to talk to LIE about the subject that is the most important thing to them anymore, seems like can't have a casual, laid back, non-teaching, conversation with someone as an equal in this department, without having to explain every little thing. Lack of connecting via "Finally, someone actually gets it!"

    I fail to see how this is the most desirable relationship pairing in the typology system for these two types. Personally, I'd much rather get with some other ESI (preferably female, since females aren't culturally influenced to be less emotionally open). Both big on self-improvement, both big on challenging selves/others, both crave connections, etc. Shared values. Pretty much capable of being a power couple, tbh.

    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki
    want to take on a different perspective for the hell of it. Do we NEED duality? Is duality always the best? Are there drawbacks to duality that nobody talks about?
    Hell no we don't need duality. Hell yes there are drawbacks. And as for filling our own weak spots...we can work on our own weaknesses and get by in life. We don't need to go around unifying to become masters of all, people specialize in their specific areas for a reason. Society is a whole that covers all needed aspects, you don't need to do that in a relationship with others 1 on 1 in addition to it.
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 11-02-2021 at 11:05 PM.

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