Quote Originally Posted by Aria View Post
Waiting to hear from the ones here who are in dual relationships....
Also would be cool to hear from people in non-dual relationships..I’ve read so many old threads and posts on this forum and people don’t seem to comment much on their successful non-dual relationships (only ones that ended). I guess they might feel a bit uncomfortable because of all the dual hype.

I know of quite a few dual couples. Two dual couples I know of seem a bit out of touch with reality in some ways. They don’t seem to get ‘normal people’ problems.

Duality would be good but having friends of several different types can be the next best thing.

I do wonder what type I’ll end up with because I don’t feel in a position to go dual-chasing. Probably a semi-dual or look-alike. Semi-dual would be better technically but I’ve been through some difficult things and my heart is saying look-a-like. I don’t know whether that’s my heart telling me what I need or want haha