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Thread: Adapting to change

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    persimmonism's Avatar
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    Default Adapting to change

    Which types do u think are best and worst at navigating change and why?

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    depends on what type of change ur talking about. "Change" over-all is both Te and Ne. So that would make LIE & ILE the best at it and SEI & ESI the worst at it. But Beta is the only quadra that dis-values both Te & Ne giving it the stuck-ish Hell energy it's known for. I actually like the stuck Hell energy though- I think it's quite romantic. Like a beautiful picture u can see yourself being eternally frozen in. Betas use Se & Ti though to perfect things where we don't have to change and any change would actually be for the worst for us.

    te polrs are bad at adapting to change on the surface but the 3D ignoring function (Ne in IEIs and Se in SEIs) 'kicks in' during stress responses and helps the Te polr navigate things they normally are trying to avoid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Shazaam View Post
    depends on what type of change ur talking about. "Change" over-all is both Te and Ne. So that would make LIE & ILE the best at it and SEI & ESI the worst at it. But Beta is the only quadra that dis-values both Te & Ne giving it the stuck-ish Hell energy it's known for. I actually like the stuck Hell energy though- I think it's quite romantic. Like a beautiful picture u can see yourself being eternally frozen in. Betas use Se & Ti though to perfect things where we don't have to change and any change would actually be for the worst for us.

    te polrs are bad at adapting to change on the surface but the 3D ignoring function (Ne in IEIs and Se in SEIs) 'kicks in' during stress responses and helps the Te polr navigate things they normally are trying to avoid.
    The type of change I'm wondering about is adapting to new life circumstances/situations. For example moving to a new city. Getting a new job. Suddenly losing a close friend. Graduating university. etc Basically how adaptable one is to new life conditions. And also-- some people are good enough at adapting, yet only some are able to thrive.

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    Change is fun

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    Ne and Te seem to have an easier time adapting compared to Si and Ni it seems. I would say that the people who struggle with change the most tend to be SLI, SEI, IEI, and maybe ILI. Ni types tend to need a bigger “push” to change when they are stuck in a rut. Si types struggle to change cause they need help knowing that there is possible good opportunities and they are stuck in the rut. BUT! I think short term all of then cans adapt real quick but not marathon adapt.

    I know I can struggle with long term change but in a crisis I move and adapt easier. I am stressed but I can move my ass and make sure things get done. I think adapting is hard on the IP types simply because they are so subjective so adapting to an objective and changing environment is extremely stressful and plays on their heavy weaknesses. IJ seem the best with change in comparison.

    Fi types can be extremely stubborn too but it depends on the situation and their health levels. Very heavy heavy Fi people are probably the least adaptive to change IMO.

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    I admit changing is one of my weak points... but I mean that's kinda why I changed user names & user name colors. =D A very superficial change but ummm it helps a little. and I think yeah Ni (Time) is a very consistent pattern type of thing.

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    I will force change to where I feel like I need it, but I want to return to some form of routine quickly. I don't like to live in constantly changing circumstances, I like routine.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    LSE have a hard time adjusting course after they made plans. The will, but it's slow moving and they will complain.

    I feel for their duals it's like no wonder they have to be so idealistic to put up with someone like that.

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    Ehhh the older I get, the less I want to deal with change. When I was younger…a lot more open to it. Even in my mid 20’s was trying to talk my husband into moving out of state where we don’t know anyone. Now, in my mid-30’s, and have a hard time with the idea of moving to a house 20 minutes away

    certainly, in different chapters in my life, I’ve had varying attitudes towards it all….

    also, some changes feel different than other ones. Some seem small or big maybe, and some can change us a lot, even if it’s small, which just shifts everything about. But honestly life seems like a succession of small changes that amount to big changes, and some are sudden changes (like the death of a loved one) and maybe not as easy to bounce back from.
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    In Fi terms it is like "let's abandon this ship for the sake of this". In Ti terms it is like "sometimes change is not for good when it is the end goal".
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    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    We wouldn't be much as humans if we couldn't really adapt. However, Ips seem to be the best at adapting or at least rolling with the punches, Eps seem to be the best at accepting change even though they would require practice, Ejs seem to be the best at effecting change even when they may not fully understand it, and Ijs seem to understand change but don't really like it unless it improves their conditions. Why - would take too long.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Exxjs seem to like change for other people not so much themselves? Because they are enthusiasts (ESE), entertainers (EIE), entreprenurers (LIE) & executives (LSE). (lol instead of 'REEEing' it's 'EEEEing!') All of that is trying to evoke a reaction out of people and Ixxp can be quite ultra contained and obstinate/stubborn about not responding or reacting to something. Exxj-Ixxp energy clash is often something like Exxj: 'Respond!' Ixxp: 'No. Fuck off.' An LSE I knew would always say "'Learn! Change! Grow!'" to Ixxps but I don't think the bitch could really do any of that patronizing preaching herself. It's like a game of 'No, you first you asshole.' Well I get along with EIEs the best in this situation but even still there's this dynamic (just nowhere as bad as the other quadras I think) As I'd much, much rather be entertained than those other three things.

    It's kind of a complicated (but interesting) question cuz I see a lot of parts in play. Yeah despite the Te/Fe polrs I see Ixxp inertia as being able to navigate through some chaos as well. I'm not sure anybody would like their entire life being uprooted in one grand gesture at once. Unless it was really depressing or toxic or they lacked their own authority too much.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
    Which types do u think are best and worst at navigating change and why?
    Irrationals are much better at quickly adapting to and navigating change than rationals are. Why? Because rationals are more one-foot-in-front-of-the-other sorts, focused on one task, going start to finish etc. Otoh, irrationals almost need to switch things up, go to different tasks, break up the flow.

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    I say brilliant things sporadically BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    I don't adapt to change, I'm the change itself
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    best: EP
    worst I guess would be debatable. it also depends how quick the change is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    We wouldn't be much as humans if we couldn't really adapt. However, Ips seem to be the best at adapting or at least rolling with the punches, Eps seem to be the best at accepting change even though they would require practice, Ejs seem to be the best at effecting change even when they may not fully understand it, and Ijs seem to understand change but don't really like it unless it improves their conditions. Why - would take too long.

    a.k.a. I/O

    I would switch Ips and Eps. Eps are better at rolling with the punches so to speak, extroverted irrational functions would prove to be more reactive to outside events. Ips can reflectively accept change easiest because their dominant introverted irrational functions makes management of their subjective experience easier.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hardR View Post
    I would switch Ips and Eps. Eps are better at rolling with the punches so to speak, extroverted irrational functions would prove to be more reactive to outside events. Ips can reflectively accept change easiest because their dominant introverted irrational functions makes management of their subjective experience easier.
    Eps are too detached whereas Ips aren't. Because Eps aren't nearly as reactive; their moves tend to be more strategic and often more successful because they take the time to take it all in unless their backs are against the wall.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Eps are too detached whereas Ips aren't. Because Eps aren't nearly as reactive; their moves tend to be more strategic and often more successful because they take the time to take it all in unless their backs are against the wall.

    a.k.a. I/O
    In what instance are EPs more detached? Ne and Se are objective functions, I do not see them being more detached from the environment compared to an introverted subjective function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hardR View Post
    In what instance are EPs more detached? Ne and Se are objective functions, I do not see them being more detached from the environment compared to an introverted subjective function.
    Note that my reply isn't from Socionics theory. The input processes of Eps and Ijs operate separate and distinct from output processes (rationalization); this open-loop configuration facilitates objectivity but stifles real-time processing. Ejs and Ips use closed-loop feedback configurations, which facilitate interactivity but stifle objectivity.

    a.k.a. I/O

  20. #20
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    Depends on what kind of change, if it's in-the-moment change then I'd say Ps in general do well with that, and some Ejs and Ijs due to an ability to rapidly replan (although this breaks down depending on the impact of the change). If it's large-scale change like changing lifestyle, profession, beliefs, etc. I have to agree with Eps, but specifically ENTps followed by ENFps. I think IPs would be pretty resistant to this. So in the moment, Ep, Ip, Ej, Ij. Large scale, ENp, ENj, ESp/ESFj, INj, ESTj, Ip, ISj, loosely.

  21. #21


    Tbh I don't necessarily think any one specific type is less or more changeable per se. Maybe it depends on the type of change. Much like some people are good at music, some at math, some at language, and so on, perhaps different types may excel at different kinds of changes. Alternatively, maybe different types simply take different approaches to change, but the end result is capable of being the same.

    In theory, I would expect Se types to be good at it in general.

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    I am somewhat resistant to (externally enforced) change, especially small pointless changes. Some degree of order and routine in life is okay.

    But on the other hand I make life-changing decisions on a whim. Stuff like moving to a new city/country, following a new career path or drastically changing my lifestyle. And I adapt to new situations very quickly like a true Ne-lead.

    I think deep inside every Ne ego (and to a lesser extent other Statics) there's a fear that bad situations will continue to be the same forever. For types like LII and EII, I guess they "endure" the hardship as much as possible until they find something new or the situation gets resolved. But ILE and IEE seem to go full Ne or full Se and either: Fight the situation head on (Se) or find new prospects and flee as soon as possible (Ne). I know that many of my biggest life choices were triggered by relatively minor setbacks in my life that I didn't want to confront. However I can say those choices improved my life immensely so sometimes enduring or confronting a situation isn't the optimal solution.

    I think there's another factor to adapting to change and that's Neuroticism. Neurotic types have lower stress tolerance and more stress accumulation so changing situations probably affect them more. I'd say a calm LSI/ESI tolerates change better than a neurotic ILE/IEE.

  24. #24
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Changes in life situations, as in everything else, is best experienced by irrationals. Introverted irrationals adapt to change, extroverted irrationals provoke it.
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  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Changes in life situations, as in everything else, is best experienced by irrationals. Introverted irrationals adapt to change, extroverted irrationals provoke it.
    Sorry to burst your bubble here, but people do both. It's an essential quality for successful leaders, and it is a part of emotional intelligence.

    Adaptability is an Emotional and Social Intelligence Leadership Competency that entails having the flexibility to handle change, balance multiple demands, and adapt to new situations with fresh ideas.

    An adaptable leader can meet challenges as they arise and adjust strategy or style based on what is needed most. They are not halted by sudden change, remaining comfortable with the uncertainty that leadership can bring.

    Adaptability is about a person’s ability to change their behaviour or perspective authentically and appropriately. Adaptive people know how to manage interactions, and they do this by showing empathy, flexibility and social adaptability.

    Someone with an adaptive mindset might say, “To solve this dispute, I will change my approach” or, “I need to change my behaviour to account for differences in others”. It’s not about changing who you are at a fundamental level, but more about understanding when to modify your approach or behaviour to benefit yourself and those around you.

    Adaptability is also closely related to resilience, which can be defined as bouncing back from adversity. “[Resilience] is about a general openness in our lives, being flexible and adaptable in our thinking, flexible and adaptable in our relationships, flexible and adaptable in our career.”
    Last edited by Fluffy Princess Unicorn; 10-11-2021 at 09:30 AM.

  26. #26


    Adaptability is a SOFT SKILL--meaning it is something people of any type are able to learn. That said, there is no such thing as a type that is best/worst at navigating change. It's relative to one's skill level and emotional intelligence.

  27. #27
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix Fire View Post
    Adaptability is a SOFT SKILL--meaning it is something people of any type are able to learn. That said, there is no such thing as a type that is best/worst at navigating change. It's relative to one's skill level and emotional intelligence.
    According to socionics yes, there are types that are better at it.

    Note that I'm not saying socionics is right - it might be wrong but you can't have it both ways. Also a soft skill does not mean something unrelated to type. I do think that any type can learn a soft skill, but some types will always be more et ease and better with certain soft skills than others.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix Fire View Post

    Sorry to burst your bubble here,
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  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    According to socionics yes, there are types that are better at it.

    Note that I'm not saying socionics is right - it might be wrong but you can't have it both ways. Also a soft skill does not mean something unrelated to type. I do think that any type can learn a soft skill, but some types will always be more et ease and better with certain soft skills than others.
    Fair enough, but Socionics wise, it refers to changes in decisions rather than changes in general. OP didn't delineate the type(s) of change in question. Also, introverts adapting and extroverts provoking is contradictory to other Socionics information. The first examples that come to mind are the introverted Creative Se irrationals.

    There's another point I want to make, but I'm struggling to articulate it clearly without using myself as an example. It's difficult to imagine anyone being more changeable than me in psychological self-improvement because of how rapidly I grow and change. I also tend to influence others a lot in psychological matters. However, I can be opinionated and stubborn when it comes to being on the receiving end of some changes. I also am uncomfortable with being in new situations, such as moving to another place, meeting new people, and so on (though I do push myself outside my comfort zones and get over it). So when inquiring about one's tendency to change, I think it's safe to assume that whether it is in the context of initiating or receiving is relevant. Just because a type is not receptive to changes from others doesn't mean they aren't initiating changes in their own lives.

    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
    Thank you for the rays of enlightenment here. Shall I build an altar in your honor, oh druidess?
    Tried to think of a witty response, but humor is not my strength.

  29. #29
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix Fire View Post
    Fair enough, but Socionics wise, it refers to changes in decisions rather than changes in general. OP didn't delineate the type(s) of change in question.
    No they didn't and it's kind of a problem when trying to debate this topic lol.

    Yeah, the way I understand it, decisions has something to do with it - irrationals are stimulated into action by change and rationals by their own decisions in reaction to change - or something alone those lines - is the definition. But what does this mean in reality? I'm not sure..

    Also, introverts adapting and extroverts provoking is contradictory to other Socionics information. The first examples that come to mind are the introverted Creative Se irrationals.

    You mean creative Se rationals? I did say introverted irrationals - introverted rationals are a different animal altogether.

    There's another point I want to make, but I'm struggling to articulate it clearly without using myself as an example. It's difficult to imagine anyone being more changeable than me in psychological self-improvement because of how rapidly I grow and change. I also tend to influence others a lot in psychological matters. However, I can be opinionated and stubborn when it comes to being on the receiving end of some changes. I also am uncomfortable with being in new situations, such as moving to another place, meeting new people, and so on (though I do push myself outside my comfort zones and get over it). So when inquiring about one's tendency to change, I think it's safe to assume that whether it is in the context of initiating or receiving is relevant. Just because a type is not receptive to changes from others doesn't mean they aren't initiating changes in their own lives.
    To the last sentence - I agree. And I see.

    Tried to think of a witty response, but humor is not my strength.
    Lol, witty humor isn't mine either - I'm surprised I pulled that one off, haha.
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