*sigh* reign it in a bit @VewyScawwyNawcissist. I highly doubt she's guilty of all those things you are projecting onto her like a creepy Hannibal. I feel like this thread is getting just as toxic as the other one. Remember that Big Daddy can shut this thread down with his Genie Powers just like he did the other one. If you want to just go on tangents that aren't about the topic at hand- use your 'off my chest' thread for that.

And please don't use spoiler tags to personally harrass other members. That's not what they are for.

Obviously a severely bullied school shooter is both a victim and an offender at the same time (and there are a million other examples) - but nobody is going to listen or care about his pain once he chooses to attack others. And nor should they. Delta virtue signaling nonsense maybe, but all quadras have their place in society.