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Thread: How and why most ILI's aren't Narcissists

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Default DENIAL

    The fact the previous thread got toxic is proof of malignant shadow elements. They should be exposed and taken care of.

    Convenientlyignore all the clues and factors coming together to form the truthand keep spreading ur delusions. ILIs dont own up to shit most of thetime. You keep misassesing everything and putting up only what u wantto believe in ur narrow scope of cognition that's about keepingurself surviving because u never saw anything higher in life.Delusions as replacement for meaning and truth. Betas keep swallowingshit. You keep dodging repsosnibility. Ur IEI/EII is the scapegoat.Just because u havent said anything doesnt mean u dont believe it.Just because u havent murderer someone YET doesnt mean u are not amurderer. Just because it's conveninet for you to deny the truth doesnot mean it's a lie. Keep biting the hand that feeds you you willstarve and that's what you deserve. In the end you'd delude urselfwith thinking that's exactly what you wanted.

    Ittook you how many years to figure this out about women? How abouteverything else you're wrong about that's convenient to delude urselfwith. How about all the other issues you would never solve because itdoesn't help you in your narcissistic exploitation. Of course no oneis perfect but you take that as a justification for your personalinferiority. Why didn't I have that stupid delusion about whores uheld? ILI wants their friend to succeed on ILI's terms. What ILIs seeas success is not what is success. What ILIs see as good is not whatactually good. Yeah ILIs do have deep emotions insecurity about beingthe victim, everyone preying on them. My insecurity along with thatwas being the kind of person to abuse someone in their own delusionsabout being a victim while being the oppressor. One acts out ofentitlement. The other one acts out of responsibility. What I had iscalled conscience that's again consciousness and selfawarenss.

    Narcaccusations lost impact huh. The factors and information is there.Throwing a label around shouldn't have had any impact in the firstplace. What matters is the logistics. If you refute someone justbecause they used the label "narc" that's signifying yourpersonal flaws of assessment.

    Andthe links i posted was an ILI who said they became aware of their ownnarcissism and started to turn things around. Stupid ILIs kept beingmad insecure because they hand't gotten to that point in theirunderstanding perhaps because it's painful to change and admit howwrong you've been. A lot of them don't figure things out enough fastenough about themselves. You came here to toot ur own horn because uwanted validation. Forget about ILIs not caring what others think. Ifthat was the case why did they even respond to my thread. It's soobvious how far down the rabbit hole you are. You put urself there asa justification to drag others down.

    Stoptrying to forget your responsibility to smear the consequences ofyour actions. Do you know how much pain I'm responsible for? Do youknow what's it like for someone like me to watch someone like youegoistically walk over others so much while telling yourselfyou are a good person because you changed one little thing abouturself in how many years?

    ILIsdo keep things in closet. Their closet sometimes becomes a Te closed.Real world fortress that defends them. IEIs dont have that luxurybecause they chose to expose themselves to the dangers of reality bybeing prosocial instead of only looking after themselves. ILIentitled brat hid themselves. Their Te fortress closet is theexternal world validation for their narcissism showing them how smartand capable they are unlike those morons on the outside who exposethemselves to danger. And they are socially inept. They can't protecttheir sensitivity like that. They have poor self control and selfunderstanding. IEIs cant force everyone into submission through hardimmediate confrontation. That would be attention-seeking narcissism.ILIs dont have to hide some things because it wouldnt inconveniencethem. They are sensitive to other's criticism but only when overtlydisplayed. Due to being socially inept AND getting off on pissingother people off narcissistically, they won't need to hide somethings. Due to shutting the door (feelings and feelings of others) tothe prospect of considering what someone foreign feels or thinks, itdoesn't bother them. It's narcissistic self-defense. They are sobothered and incompetent that they have to be shut off prospects ofbeing considerate at all.

    Pedostory. he became insecure about how women would view him. He turnedto children because they are innocent and pure. They wouldn't havecriticisms and preferences he has to conform to. He wouldn't want tobe played by someone older than him (as it was his coming of age,meaning all the women/girls that would be appropriate for him wouldbe his age or older which means POWERFUL). He wants to explore hisfeelings of inferiority by externalizing what others more powerfulthan him would to to him on children. His experiment to make himselfunderstand his feelings through a proxy - a child. The child issupposed to bear his feelings for him and he to analyze them from theoutside while he plays the role of the powerful (secure) one. Hedidn't tell me any of this. He is openly a paedophile and makes jokesabout it to piss people off because they deserve it for hating himfor no reason. So so a lot of things are in the closet for ILIs butit's obvious. Due to him not opening up to me, it prevents me fromfiddling with his psyche to make him understand. My job is to notallow him to conduct his experiment.

    Anotherone listens to metal. Likes knights and vikings. he got bullied as akid for having a rich imagination. he became closeted, then saved akid from being bullied, then hated on gay people for "playing"victims, denying that they are getting often beaten in EasternEurope, and made fun of their committing suicide as being "weak".This is his delusion of superiority for not commiting suicide whilehe is rejected by most people and dealing with trauma. He plays longRPG games skipped most of school. He denies everyone's problemssaying they are not trying hard enough. Again his own trauma of beingbullied. The RPGs are gruelling grinding that's also keeping his mindat peace distracted with something mind numbing that's also achallenge of patience and effort. Should I have to explain how thistranslates into being right-winger capitalist that someone said weretired of hearing about ILIs on the previous thread? I suspect a lotof ILIs are among pedos. Programmers software engineers, know how toavoid getting caught. Know how to navigate the dark parts of theinternet. He didnt come to school because he was traumatised/anxiouslike the gay people are. What's out of closet about that? I couldn'tafford to be a fucking idiot like him.

    Therewas a gay kid with second ILI in class who refused to sit in class.Teachcer said he would punish the whole class if he doesnt. SecondILI hated gay kid for getting in the way of the class. So did most ofthe class. That's called scapegoating. They should have hated theteacher. Gay kid refused to sit because he didnt feel safe and wastrying to become more confrontational due to severe anxiety thatwould chase him as long as he was acting like a pussy. He wanted tochallenge himself to be strong. Class hating him proves his beinginsecure about being accepted. They would pretend to accept him aslong as he doesn't act in their face - this always implies they hatehim anyway. Being gay translates into things he has to constnatlythink about not displaying that he naturally would otherwise which isreally stupid to ask of someone. There's no such thing as being "intheir face". It s provoking them because they have a weak senseof self so they get dragged into his antics which is their personalfault.

    ILIteacher wouldnt ask for help or protest against the wrong the worlddid to her. Why because she would get too much into others way? One,because if she had power she would be pissed at someone trying totake it away from her by being helped. 2 Because that means admittinginferiority admitting weakness. It's against her ego. She'd ratherfuck someone up than help them because helping them would bedisrespectful.

    @rebelondeckif u dont care about the consequences of ur behavior u can also beovert with worldviews. ILIs dont care how they affect others. Theirworld view is confrontantional. If you are prosocial instead thismeans being careful with what you express. IEIs are also way moreinclined to change their worldview meaning unconfident in what theyalready believe in so why would they voice it just to bring attentionto yourself, be shit on for it, while pissing people off. That's theopposite of IEI intentions. Then ILIs only express them when theywon't get messed up by everyone else. meaning when convenient. Beingselfish means they were less dependent than what others think of thembecause they were building their own fortress while IEIs were busysolving other people's problems, people that hate IEIs.

    Peoplewho don't hate themselves. People who don't seem themselves as verybad. They are not self aware. They are the real narcissists. Then ofcourse ILIs would deny their feelings of self hatred as it isinferiority. That's what I mean.
    @shazaamits not ironic he was gamma NT. They shut off their own emotionsbecause of narcissism. they think its weak and disrespectful toexpect someone to care about you. if you are crying it means you aretrying to make someone care for you which takes away their freedom toabuse you. They removed their own feelings which allows others toabuse them without the NT being resentful about it. If you cry you"manipulate" them into feelings which makes them weak sothey want to hurt you more.
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 09-26-2021 at 10:45 AM.
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  2. #2
    roger557's Avatar
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    1. Are these people supposedly exhibiting narcissistic behavior really ILI's?

    2. Could the supposed "narcissistic behavior" be misinterpreted (and be simply, for example, a tendency to call out people on their bullshit)?

  3. #3
    Rebelondeck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    ......@rebelondeckif u dont care about the consequences of ur behavior u can also beovert with worldviews. ILIs dont care how they affect others. Theirworld view is confrontantional. If you are prosocial instead thismeans being careful with what you express. IEIs are also way moreinclined to change their worldview meaning unconfident in what theyalready believe in so why would they voice it just to bring attentionto yourself, be shit on for it, while pissing people off. That's theopposite of IEI intentions. Then ILIs only express them when theywon't get messed up by everyone else. meaning when convenient. Beingselfish means they were less dependent than what others think of thembecause they were building their own fortress while IEIs were busysolving other people's problems, people that hate IEIs.....
    I didn't notice this until now. I think that most ILIs do care how they affect others but many only realize this after the confrontation. I've known more than a few who could be described as gentle spirits albeit stubborn. IEIs don't seem to change their world view, but unlike most ILIs, many deliberately neglect to put it out there in order that their company would erroneously think otherwise. The other Ips tend to be as firmly entrenched as ILIs.

    a.k.a. I/O
    Last edited by Rebelondeck; 09-26-2021 at 12:28 PM.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    I didn't notice this until now. I think that most ILIs do care how they affect others but many only realize this after the confrontation. I've known more than a few who could be described as gentle spirits albeit stubborn. IEIs don't seem to change their world view, but unlike most ILIs, many deliberately neglect to put it out there in order that their company would erroneously think otherwise. The other Ips tend to be as firmly entrenched as ILIs.

    a.k.a. I/O
    i cant see how its possible to not change ur world view. Change is learning. If you have a brain you're gonna change somehow. You can make all the excuses about ILIs you saw a bunch of them claiming they don't care. It's downright insane how much they can delude themselves. Don't miss the spoiler. HAHA at OP. There' nothing humble like calling yourself humble and denying your own narcissism.

    At the same time, they sometimes can be prophetic, prescient, and profound in their visions, and sometimes reflect a far more rebellious, aggressive, or outspoken demeanor.
    IEIs may feel strongly about these types of causes and some may expend considerable effort towards expressing their avidity towards them, even posing toxic criticism to those that do not share these deep moral callings. However, many other IEIs may lack the impulse or motivation to take this type of action at all.

    ILIs can, in certain situations, act very tentatively. In many situations they are inclined to hesitate prior to taking any action or making important decisions. They may commonly be pervasively plagued by gnawing doubts on any topic that they contemplate. They may also prefer to observe and gather an understanding of a situation rather than actively participate

    This is from the socionics site. Yes IEIs may not say some things. And there are things they are not fully convince in so why would they assert them. It's nothing different from ILIs. Do you really see an ILI consistently getting inside groups of people who'd tear them apart if they voiced their beliefs? No. IEIs are way more willing to mingle with people who'd disagree with them in which case you're supposed to gently guide them towards understanding the IEI vision instead of voicing the most shocking thing (which again IEIs DO depending on the damn circumstance) that would result in something bad. This could happen way more today because media technology spreading everything around. ILIs don't want to harmonize with others. They want enemies to destroy because ILIs TEND to be fundamentally anti-social. They make enemies with stupid assumptions towards them like other people would do to IEIs. There's no attempt at understanding and harmonizing (Ti + Fe) because again they don't care (and again they do. but they are too narcissistic to admit this and their dependence on everyone else, they look down on everyone because it makes them feel safe. It's fun to make ILIs cry by dissecting them and exposing their idiotic vulnerability.)

    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 09-26-2021 at 01:10 PM.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
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    if I was better you’d be better

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