Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
There are times that I hold back a bit. It generally depends on the communication I have with that person. Example: There is one guy at this workplace. He is a good guy, a bit lazy. He likes to talk about other things, when I directly get into business, he says he cannot do it at first. So I talk about TV shows a bit, a bit crypto, then I ask it again, he says he is busy, but it would take only 15 min max. I get a bit angry inside, but I hold it back, because he is a good guy and he actually helped me a lot on some cases, like a knight. So I try to do some sweet talk then make him do it instead. But sometimes I am having 1 hour calls with him, so he can do a 15 min work. One day I lashed on him very bad though. We are good, he didn't take it that bad. I was going to use this as an example about what I don't like about Ne/Si. He is only capable to do what he finds interesting, too lazy to do what is required even it doesnt take much effort.
This is exactly how my LII colleague deals with a certain project purchaser in the company who apparently is very hard to work with and who will on a whim decide whether to help people with their important project purchases or not, and will get sour and refuse to help if you try to go behind her back and get someone (who can't do it without her help anyway) else to help her. He'll sit on a call for an hour or two discussing pleasant things with her and meanwhile she may or may not do the job the LII has requested, but the chances are much higher than otherwise.

My solution to this would be to tell this person do their fucking job, if they don't, I'll find someone else or do it myself. I won't let things like "only this person knows how to do it or has proper access" stop me, there's always a way if you've got the will. For some reason, the few times I've personally asked her to do something for me, she's done it immediately without issues.

Anyway, I think the Se polr manifests as a reluctance to break social rules, offend people by being directly rude, and especially not wanting to stomp over the will of other people. For example, this person not wanting to do something - Se polr will not simply directly tell them to do it, they will try to persuade and 'soften' the approach. They don't lack willpower as in self-control, they just respect the freedom of others too much to be able to force their will on them. Another way this manifests is 'accepting their fate' when someone has provided them incorrect service (wrong meal, wrong or defective items, bad quality work, etc.), this is where their duals come in as ESE is the most likely type to go complain to a service provider about poor service or return defective items to the store.