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    Moderator myresearch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    When LSIs are posting movie/tv scenes to illustrate the situation, is it a form of pop culture reference? If it is, I wonder if it's a mood/prevalent emotion that they recognise in the environment that matches what the video clip portrays? So can it relate to shared recognition and valuing of Fe.
    I think it is exactly that, pop culture reference. However, I don't know how this is different than any other kind of reference. If someone can do this, they can do other kind of references for other things if they get into it.

    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    How do you relate to SI?
    I don't like to cook or do house chores. I don't do those everyday. However, sometimes I do, I generally cook things that doesn't take too much time and effort. I sometimes order takeouts and eat outside in a row though.

    I generally have some kind of routine, especially after covid

    I generally like to look at harmonious, aesthetic things.

    I enjoy relaxation but not always.

    When I am at comfortable state, I tend to stay there, when I am on ready state, I tend to stay there. It is generally difficult to change my state.

    If I am at comfortable state, I know how to make myself comfortable. However, if I am working, studying, then I can forget to eat, drink water for a long time, I remember it when it is too late

    I can sit on uncomfortable positions if I am captivated by something I do.

    I don't get enough sleep sometimes. I can neglect these kind of things.

    There have been different times in my life. On some periods, people said I am going to die and right after that period, I was like a health freak. Now I am in between.

    I generally do things in extreme ways. For example, if I do a diet, I never eat anything I shouldn't. I generally go all or nothing. I am not good at moderation. This could be due to nature or nurture.

    When I am sick I sometimes ignore what I feel and sometimes I react less, show it less, continue as before. When I was a kid, when I was physically injured in a bad way, it didn't feel that bad, I never cried or reacted as people around me. One of my ex was getting sick a lot, we go to hospital, I also sometimes took tests, his tests were negative, mine were positive

    Although I dont always take care of it in a best way. I think health matters the most, I dont know what would I do if I get permanently sick or injured. We can solve everything but not that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post

    I don't like to cook or do house chores. I don't do those everyday. However, sometimes I do, I generally cook things that doesn't take too much time and effort. I sometimes order takeouts and eat outside in a row though.

    When I am at comfortable state, I tend to stay there

    if I am working, studying, then I can forget to eat, drink water for a long time, I remember it when it is too late

    I can sit on uncomfortable positions if I am captivated by something I do.

    I don't get enough sleep sometimes. I can neglect these kind of things.

    There have been different times in my life. On some periods, people said I am going to die and right after that period, I was like a health freak. Now I am in between.

    Although I dont always take care of it in a best way. I think health matters the most, I dont know what would I do if I get permanently sick or injured. We can solve everything but not that.
    Yeah It does seem like you could probably rule out LSI, who has SI demo..... and 3D valued SE (you tend to stay in comfy states)

    I think LII is still probably good for you.... you seem to need a bit of help with SI...... and you just seem rational>irrational to me......

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    I think it is exactly that, pop culture reference. However, I don't know how this is different than any other kind of reference. If someone can do this, they can do other kind of references for other things if they get into it.
    When you said you don't know how it is different from any other reference, my brain suddenly got tired out.

    But I think I follow - there are other kinds of references, such as sharing art or music that describe you or another person. Or, when someone says "Your presence reminds me of another person I have known". As with the knowledge of pop culture or movie genres you first have to understand the essence of the two objects in order to compare them.
    It can be prior study, memory of a subject that allows the references to be made and intuition does not need to be involved - what reverie said about goodreads.

    It's interesting to think of how Se-polr shows itself in people who have high Will in psychosophy. A typing thread can be considered a consensus seeking, but as you said above, having strong valued Ti means you figure out your own type eventually, after gathering more data.

    In your job do you ever hesitate/hold back on delegating a task to someone else because it feels like that would be ordering them to do something you could easily take upon yourself? Do you relate at all to preferring to complete a task to your own satisfaction rather than impose that on someone else?

    It's kind of a two-fold question - do you feel uncomfortable pressing someone, knowing that by doing so you're quickening their course of work and altering their own inner state?

    Hopefully those questions don't seem loaded or like an inquisition You don't have to answer if it's uncomfortable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    When you said you don't know how it is different from any other reference, my brain suddenly got tired out.

    But I think I follow - there are other kinds of references, such as sharing art or music that describe you or another person. Or, when someone says "Your presence reminds me of another person I have known". As with the knowledge of pop culture or movie genres you first have to understand the essence of the two objects in order to compare them.
    It can be prior study, memory of a subject that allows the references to be made and intuition does not need to be involved - what reverie said about goodreads.
    On how you describe other forum members page, LSI(pandemic candy) said one's presence reminds him a character, I forgot its name. So I don't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    It's interesting to think of how Se-polr shows itself in people who have high Will in psychosophy. A typing thread can be considered a consensus seeking, but as you said above, having strong valued Ti means you figure out your own type eventually, after gathering more data.
    Hopefully. About strong will, one IEE posted a post about it 2 years ago, linked his blog, but now it is gone. He said strong will is about self control and static types generally more prone to have it, since they rely on their own, if I remember it correctly.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    In your job do you ever hesitate/hold back on delegating a task to someone else because it feels like that would be ordering them to do something you could easily take upon yourself? Do you relate at all to preferring to complete a task to your own satisfaction rather than impose that on someone else?
    I am not prone to delegate a task if I want it to be done in a certain way sometimes. I prefer to do it myself to be sure.

    My current workplace is very lazy. I had to make people work for something required, I mailed them, called them. Some returned, some didn't. I called one person everyday a few times although he never picked up. He wrote walls of text, but didn't do the job. After some days, he picked up, he thanked me and did the job. Now someone else doing this for months %25 of the job is done. I did it in 10 days.

    There are times that I hold back a bit. It generally depends on the communication I have with that person. Example: There is one guy at this workplace. He is a good guy, a bit lazy. He likes to talk about other things, when I directly get into business, he says he cannot do it at first. So I talk about TV shows a bit, a bit crypto, then I ask it again, he says he is busy, but it would take only 15 min max. I get a bit angry inside, but I hold it back, because he is a good guy and he actually helped me a lot on some cases, like a knight. So I try to do some sweet talk then make him do it instead. But sometimes I am having 1 hour calls with him, so he can do a 15 min work. One day I lashed on him very bad though. We are good, he didn't take it that bad. I was going to use this as an example about what I don't like about Ne/Si. He is only capable to do what he finds interesting, too lazy to do what is required even it doesnt take much effort.

    This is not what you asked but a bit related imo and this is me doing things in a Ne/Si-ish way imo:

    My previous workplace was highly competetive, ranks mattered a lot, project managers were generally pushy and demanding in an unnecessary way. So when I was managing it, I used gamification methods. I wanted everyone to have fun doing it. I also used competition tactics but more in a game-y way. I wouldn't describe my managing methods in that period as harsh, pushy or demanding in any way. They were more easy to do what is required.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    It's kind of a two-fold question - do you feel uncomfortable pressing someone, knowing that by doing so you're quickening their course of work and altering their own inner state?
    If we have equal position and in the same department, if I am friends with them, then yes I feel uncomfortable. However, I do it if it is necessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Hopefully those questions don't seem loaded or like an inquisition You don't have to answer if it's uncomfortable.
    It doesn't feel like that at all. Good questions.

    I also saw the one you deleted

    I can order beverage even I am having a meeting with CEO, I know people generally don't do it, I can see it in their face, but I am shameless about these kind of things

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    There are times that I hold back a bit. It generally depends on the communication I have with that person. Example: There is one guy at this workplace. He is a good guy, a bit lazy. He likes to talk about other things, when I directly get into business, he says he cannot do it at first. So I talk about TV shows a bit, a bit crypto, then I ask it again, he says he is busy, but it would take only 15 min max. I get a bit angry inside, but I hold it back, because he is a good guy and he actually helped me a lot on some cases, like a knight. So I try to do some sweet talk then make him do it instead. But sometimes I am having 1 hour calls with him, so he can do a 15 min work. One day I lashed on him very bad though. We are good, he didn't take it that bad. I was going to use this as an example about what I don't like about Ne/Si. He is only capable to do what he finds interesting, too lazy to do what is required even it doesnt take much effort.
    This is exactly how my LII colleague deals with a certain project purchaser in the company who apparently is very hard to work with and who will on a whim decide whether to help people with their important project purchases or not, and will get sour and refuse to help if you try to go behind her back and get someone (who can't do it without her help anyway) else to help her. He'll sit on a call for an hour or two discussing pleasant things with her and meanwhile she may or may not do the job the LII has requested, but the chances are much higher than otherwise.

    My solution to this would be to tell this person do their fucking job, if they don't, I'll find someone else or do it myself. I won't let things like "only this person knows how to do it or has proper access" stop me, there's always a way if you've got the will. For some reason, the few times I've personally asked her to do something for me, she's done it immediately without issues.

    Anyway, I think the Se polr manifests as a reluctance to break social rules, offend people by being directly rude, and especially not wanting to stomp over the will of other people. For example, this person not wanting to do something - Se polr will not simply directly tell them to do it, they will try to persuade and 'soften' the approach. They don't lack willpower as in self-control, they just respect the freedom of others too much to be able to force their will on them. Another way this manifests is 'accepting their fate' when someone has provided them incorrect service (wrong meal, wrong or defective items, bad quality work, etc.), this is where their duals come in as ESE is the most likely type to go complain to a service provider about poor service or return defective items to the store.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    My solution to this would be to tell this person do their fucking job, if they don't, I'll find someone else or do it myself. I won't let things like "only this person knows how to do it or has proper access" stop me, there's always a way if you've got the will. For some reason, the few times I've personally asked her to do something for me, she's done it immediately without issues.
    When one coworker was trying to sabotage my project. He called me and told me what she was doing. She asked him for materials to find a gap in my project, so it would stop. I told him to give whatever she asks because I knew there was no gap. However, him doing this kind of thing melted my heart I have a soft spot for him because these kind of things.

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Anyway, I think the Se polr manifests as a reluctance to break social rules, offend people by being directly rude, and especially not wanting to stomp over the will of other people. For example, this person not wanting to do something - Se polr will not simply directly tell them to do it, they will try to persuade and 'soften' the approach. They don't lack willpower as in self-control, they just respect the freedom of others too much to be able to force their will on them.
    There are times I stumpted on it. But I don't feel good about it always definitely. I know this guy wouldn't do that to me and he had my back so I cannot do that to him. Except one time, I slipped and released anger

    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    Another way this manifests is 'accepting their fate' when someone has provided them incorrect service (wrong meal, wrong or defective items, bad quality work, etc.), this is where their duals come in as ESE is the most likely type to go complain to a service provider about poor service or return defective items to the store.
    I don't return things that are cheap like things from supermarket. I return other things if they cost more, etc. However, if I got a wrong meal, then I correct them.

    We were having a lunch with coworkers: ESI, EII, me and some others. Everyone got what is asked but not EII. I asked it when it is going to come for her. Then they brought wrong meal to her. She seemed dissatisfied, said that she cannot eat the things on half of the plate, she was having a diet. Then I said let's ask them to change, she said nothing. Then I was looking for a waiter and EII said it is not that important and it is not necessary to change it, however, her face was dissatisfied as hell. So I asked the waiter to change it. Then, EII and ESI said it was unnecessary, me going against EII for EII bothered them both. I thought I broke some Fi code.
    Last edited by myresearch; 09-22-2021 at 11:16 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    There are times that I hold back a bit. It generally depends on the communication I have with that person. Example: There is one guy at this workplace. He is a good guy, a bit lazy. He likes to talk about other things, when I directly get into business, he says he cannot do it at first. So I talk about TV shows a bit, a bit crypto, then I ask it again, he says he is busy, but it would take only 15 min max. I get a bit angry inside, but I hold it back, because he is a good guy and he actually helped me a lot on some cases, like a knight. So I try to do some sweet talk then make him do it instead. But sometimes I am having 1 hour calls with him, so he can do a 15 min work. One day I lashed on him very bad though. We are good, he didn't take it that bad. I was going to use this as an example about what I don't like about Ne/Si. He is only capable to do what he finds interesting, too lazy to do what is required even it doesnt take much effort.
    At this point there is nothing constructive I can add that would suggest you are another type with strong Ti. It wonder if your responsibilities in the workplace, too, have helped to balance out your functions.

    Have you thought about the intertype relationship between you and the colleague mentioned above - whether your ITR could contribute to the patience you have to spend extra time on the phone with him? even taking into account the influence of Se-polr on you putting your foot down.

    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    I also saw the one you deleted
    That's because you are sharp/lucid and don't seem to miss anything. I think that might be non-type related though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    At this point there is nothing constructive I can add that would suggest you are another type with strong Ti. It wonder if your responsibilities in the workplace, too, have helped to balance out your functions.
    It might. But I think it was mainly my nurture, I had an unusual one and I witnessed too much things that most people don't due to my parents, for example I interacted with lots and lots of different kinds of people as a kid. Some life changing things happened in my life that affects my psyche. So I probably have enhanced and/or repressed functions. I just can't distinguish which is my main valued function. I like and dislike some aspects of both Se/Ni and Si/Ne. I will write them down later.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    Have you thought about the intertype relationship between you and the colleague mentioned above - whether your ITR could contribute to the patience you have to spend extra time on the phone with him? even taking into account the influence of Se-polr on you putting your foot down.
    I think he is Si/Ne-dom, but I am not sure which one, probably not SEI though.

    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    That's because you are sharp/lucid and don't seem to miss anything. I think that might be non-type related though.
    I thought you were being thoughtful to extract it, but I am ok with anything you ask and it was a good question. Lots of people get anxious when someone come in asks if they want anything at meetings sometimes even if they have a high rank. However, most people who have the highest rank doesn't have any problems with it. I understand where they are coming from but it is just a beverage and we are all human imo

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