Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
You are very LII to me, because you support numerous ways to interpret things logically.

With Ne and Ti ego, I get an underlying message of "don't shoehorn this thing if it has characteristics/qualities of its own right, which separate it from the rest"
That's how Ne ideas keep on branching out, and something like a socionics IE can be viewed in a different light. e.g. Both Ni and Ne are used when we predict movie plots.
I agree and I think I fit to this.

Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
What is your speaking style like, when you discuss something you feel competent in?
It depends . I can get into details to point something to make a point. I can also connect what I discuss with another thing to make a point. I can get into some layers further to discuss it.

Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
Something I noticed with Ben Vaserlan (LII) is that as he refers to his own system of types (or describes a feature/position of IEs), he'll draw a previously unknown to him connection.

He will talk about Artisans SPs in Kiersey's system and their language style having a focus on consonant use - next connection he draws is that many musicians/singers have an Artisan temperament. There will be more unplanned things "uncovered" in this style as he speaks, with the end takeaway being that the video lecture is rich in detail but sometimes hard to follow if he doesn't return soon to the main point. The details he points out are interesting enough to become their own dedicated video. Is that anything like your speech in real life - do you go on tangents?
I think I can. In comparison to ENFx though, I am nothing For me, they sometimes jump from topic to topic too much in a way it is hard to track and misses the main point. Some also use it in a way to change the topic and perception of others.

Ne draws parallels and Ti makes connections. It is sometimes difficult to seperate them, this is the reason of my main confusion. LSIs also do some of the things I thought I did it because of Ne. For example on this forum, LSIs can share movie/tv series scene in order to illustrate the situation. I thought using completely another material to make a point was TiNe but I was wrong.