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    thistle's Avatar
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    @myresearch when I read the list you made comparing yourself to your LSI friend I think it is very unlikely for Ne to be your polr. It makes more sense to me that it would take at least 2D Ne to identify as many examples of differences that have the potential to be independent of each other and useful for a type diagnosis.

    Might be related: I took a test recently which asked whether I prefer giving essay style answers to questions, or to select from multi choice. I chose multi choice, because sometimes I just don't know the relevance of something until it is singled out to me as relevant.

    Above you mention that your LSI friends adds on to things that have been said in a social group - that's how I am too, usually, and I identify most with ESI type.

    Have you ruled out ST for yourself, in your mind?

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    Moderator myresearch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thistle View Post
    @myresearch when I read the list you made comparing yourself to your LSI friend I think it is very unlikely for Ne to be your polr. It makes more sense to me that it would take at least 2D Ne to identify as many examples of differences that have the potential to be independent of each other and useful for a type diagnosis.

    Might be related: I took a test recently which asked whether I prefer giving essay style answers to questions, or to select from multi choice. I chose multi choice, because sometimes I just don't know the relevance of something until it is singled out to me as relevant.

    Above you mention that your LSI friends adds on to things that have been said in a social group - that's how I am too, usually, and I identify most with ESI type.

    Have you ruled out ST for yourself, in your mind?
    @thistle I also don't see myself having 1D Ne. But I can't also see myself as 1D Se. I don't get feedbacks from others that suggest I might have 1D Ne/Se. That's why this typing thing is confusing for me. As I said before, my nurturing conditions were different in a way which can increase Ne, Se and Fe a bit. I am not sure which one get increased or whether they decreased or stayed neutral etc. Hence, right now I can't eliminate anything in my mind, I want to find a type that clicks or understand how my current type clicks with me.

    I think I fit IJ temp the most, however, I can be wrong. I am going to give Fe and Fi examples also. Maybe that can clear up certain things, it can suggest another type besides a Ti-dom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    I can't also see myself as 1D Se. my nurturing conditions were different in a way which can increase Se
    I know things like toughness and aggression are linked to SE, but I just see those things as potential tools for an SE which they may or may not even need, or have.....

    non SE ego can have/use those tools too, because of.... low SI.....self defense

    How do you describe your SE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by rtht View Post
    I know things like toughness and aggression are linked to SE, but I just see those things as potential tools for an SE which they may or may not even need, or have.....

    non SE ego can have/use those tools too, because of.... low SI.....self defense

    How do you describe your SE?
    I can get agressive when I am angry or sometimes when it is needed. At work, I am generally not aggresive, however I can be, again person's rank doesn't matter. For example, I opposed to my manager and get angry just a little bit, then after we calmed a bit, after a few mins, he told me that he knows I am a good person but there is this dominating part of me.. If you missed my other posts, there is no way that he can be objective or on my side in any way. So there is no reason for me to hold back that much. However, again, I only do such things, after some lines have been crossed. I am not going to fight with him or his lover for every single petty thing.

    In my close relationships and when I am outside with strangers, I am more prone to show this side.

    Generally I use it for defense and there are some other things that makes me angry, for example, a person touching, taking, using, changing the position of my stuff without asking for my permission. If I warned someone about something for a few times and if they keep doing that again and again I can get angry.

    I generally hold back, I don't go all in, my anger increases until other person gives in or gives up or some mutual understanding established.

    I spent a lot of times with different kinds of people, I am generally calm as a person. Some people generally never makes me angry, however, I get agressive towards some people regardless of me liking/disliking them.
    Last edited by myresearch; 10-13-2021 at 09:19 PM.

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Tonight on voice chat, on the new server, I have been on voice chat with myresearch.

    It had been discussed that she is an SLE based on results.. I being higher in Ni, was initially suspicious, given a self-typing of LII—an Se PolR, versus the Se base of SLE being a major discrepancy.. Also of her self-typing 5 being withdrawn and out of logical alignment with being a far more extroverted type.

    I went into my interrogative mode, and began an intensive questioning.. Asking her if her culture factors unto the results at all.. If she was focused on the test whilst having of its taking…

    Then I went into why she sees herself as good with Ne..

    Immediately, I noticed that the way she goes about the Ne, is a very 6 core reminiscent way of approaching.. I asked her if she could see herself as a 6 core, from this, but she wanted remain focused on my Socionics assessment…

    It became clear that the way of her approaching things is a very strong Te way of going about things, but it is not valued.

    When asked (by me) of why she would be more successful of her mother, she had said because she knows how it works, and the companies and people.. Which to me, shows stronger Te, and also Se with having to put oneself out there to see and experience those connections.

    Poor self-awareness, saying, “I don’t know” was reflective throughout my questioning, indicative of weaker, unvalued Fi.

    She had too, initially when I had asked why she is reserved, said she is so out of fear things can be used against of her… Then she had talked about accruing enough money to resist against future possible illness.. Then when I asked her how she would approach someone in need of helping on the street, in her deciding of whether or not to help them, how she would, she had said based on if she felt genuinely they were in need, or if or not, they were conning. This screamed 6 behaviors and then upon her saying she used to be extroverted prior to age 14 (after I had asked her if she felt any trauma can be making her appear more reserved and withdrawn than is she) I broke in and told her that I believe that she had become an E6 from her trauma, and mistakes being introverted and also of having Ne, as the result of her traumatic happening.

    I believe Beta ST is quite feasible, and any Ne and withdrawn behavior is resulting from her own trauma, and with her being a clear 6 core.

    How she doubts her own self-typing and wants others to give of their input, even over course of three years, can even be seen as an E6 manifestation.

    I was skeptical of the test being a reliable metric.. But it was a 600 question one. And also, she when I asked if had she been focused in its taking, said she gave an 80%, and the results were well beyond marginal in their results.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    Also, how she had said she had issue with the seeing how it would be 100 years from now, shows weakened Ni.. Even though she values it.. As I asked her if she prefers expand or limit.. She said she tries predict far more, which is Ni>Ne.

    It is weakened, but valued.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyStoleMyBike View Post
    We just think very different about these things. I don't think you're ending up in a good position in the way you do things when all is said and done. That is all.
    I see. But I already did those things, I ended up in the best position. This is happened, I don't assume it, I know it.

  8. #8
    Moderator myresearch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyStoleMyBike View Post
    Your knowledge is not absolute. Neither is mine, I don't know you, your situation or anything. You're in the best position according to your assesment of the situation, which might be flawed.
    GM offered me to open my company and he said he would support me, I think it doesn't get better than that. I haven't heard such a thing, wasn't expected. I may not be able to do it though, there are lots of complications, unknowns etc. I am trying to dig something right now.

    I understand that you don't know the situation.

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