It’s been a while since I have replied to this thread, and I have calmed down a lot. I’m also less depressed and more functional, and in a good rhythm so I am gonna use this questionnaire, because the other one was badly translated and made no sense. Here it is:


Your significant other just ended your 2 year relationship quite suddenly and with no apparent explanation. Up until this point you had both been talking about marriage and last week you even went to look at rings together. Now he/she won't even return your phone calls or texts. After talking with his/her family you find out that he/she has just been diagnosed with terminal stage 4 cancer.

- Describe how this scenario would make you feel as well as what sort of influences and motivations lie behind those feelings. Why do you feel the way you do?

I have no idea, but I think that I would try and make sense of things because I would be confused why this so called person who “loved” me wouldn’t tell me about their cancer. I’d think about the events leading up to it, and try to connect them to what was happening. What the cause of the break up was. What is the most likely reason.

I think that I would be confused because they just up and left me and didn’t tell me about the cancer. If they aren’t answering me or giving me a reasoning, then I will continue to be confused. I would want to know why they broke up with me, instead of telling me and I’d probably press for a bit until I got the answer.

The motivations behind this are the sudden break up. Why not tell me? I want to know the truth, and where we stand. I don’t like it when people suddenly leave me out of nowhere. I want to know the reasons why. I don’t usually know the reasons. I’m generally not very good at keeping relations in general or forming bonds.

- In this scenario what would you honestly say the primary focus of your feelings would be?

What does this question even mean? I think it’s poorly defined, unless you mean "am I focusing my feelings inward or outwardly to decipher the scenario?" I think that I’d be more inclined to focus on the outward reaction so that I can understand things better.

I’m not good at the whole ‘mind reading’ thing and understanding people’s intentions and true moral fibre and character all of the time. I tend to avoid people and analysing them for long periods of time.

I mean, I have opinions on things and occasionally would make comments that are considered "judgemental” to a point but aren’t really character judgments. I haven’t actually assessed the person to make one. It’s mostly just me making jokes about dumb things they wear, and say. It’s superficial and for a laugh.



You are in college and this semester both you and your roommate end up in the same class together. You and your roommate get along fairly well and the living situation works but you aren't particularly close. You both typically do your own thing and are rather indifferent to each other. As the semester progresses you excel and become one of the top students in the class whereas your roommate is struggling significantly to grasp the material. The professor assigns a fairly challenging take home test that is a significant portion of your grade. He/she makes it clear that while it is open book, students are to work alone. Later your roommate comes to you begging for help after struggling with the test most of the weekend. You have already completed the assignment and he/she isn't asking to copy your answers, just to help tutor and mentor them as they struggle to complete the test, so there is no way your professor would ever know. However, this is the first time your room-mate has asked you for help this semester. He/she makes it clear that how they do on this test could mean the difference between passing and failing this class.

- How do you respond to your roommate’s request and why?

I would probably question them more and ask them why the needed the extra help, when everyone else can get on fine. I’d also ask them why they took on the class if they found it hard, and why they didn’t switch to something easier. I’d question them a bit, and poke them. It doesn’t make sense for someone to take a class that’s too challenging for them, or something that they’re lagging behind in. Especially if the end semester test is the difference between passing or failing.

If they gave me an excellent reason i.e. money concerns, the class is necessary for my degree etc, I might consider helping them, but if it’s a lame reason and they have been slacking, then I probably wouldn’t help them. I think that’s also stupid because they should have invested that time into studying and saved their partying for the next weekend.

- What sort of things in this scenario stand out to you as far as having a strong influence on your decision making and why?

I find it very suspicious that they’ve come to me after all this time looking for help. They have had all year to come to me, so why are they trying to take advantage of me at this late point?

- Describe the flow of your decision making process.

I’d also want to know what they were doing, and why they couldn’t understand it. What methods they were using etc. I mean, if someone as average as me can understand it and probably get most of the answers right, what are they doing? If it was course related, then why didn’t they figure out the course wasn’t for them before that? I want to make sense of it all, and why they are coming to me this late.



Your boss calls you into his/her office in order to assign you to a new project. He/she gives you a choice between two.

Project 1 is a rather broad, expansive project covering multiple areas of company operations. It has the potential to have a very significant impact on company operations but it would require a collective effort and an extensive amount of group work where you would be logically thinking through the project together with the group of individuals your boss has also assigned to it.

Project 2 has a much more specific and narrow focus and would require a significant amount of in depth individual analysis to work through the problem. You would be working alone and the completion of the project may or may not have much impact on company operations. However, after complete the process and problem you were working on will be streamlined and fundamentally understood.

- Which project appeals to you the most, as it relates to the way you prefer to logically process information? Why?

Project one because it has a point to it, logically speaking. Although I don’t always like working with people and having many ideas going at once, it makes sense to go for the group project if it actually did things and made an impact in the company. It would be worth the effort if everything was organised competently, and everyone knew their roles and what the end result was, and the kind of information they were researching etc, if the project was broken down properly and roles were delegated (that’s how I would do it anyway).

If I knew what I was doing, I could go off and work on that part alone, and analyse everything and work out what needs to be done and then come back the next day with everyone else and pies everything together so far. From past experiences, it works out smoother that way in terms of organisation and work flow.

- What sort of things in this scenario, across either project, stood out to you as having a strong influence on your decision? Why?

In terms of the effort - outcome ratio, it makes sense to pick that job as well. Why waste time on something that requires a lot of effort with little outcome, compared to task two? Doesn’t make sense at all. Project two sounds more like a hobby that is done in your spare time, rather than a full-scale project that a business would spend/waste resources on in comparison to project one. I would also be questioning what the sense of doing project two was on the overall business, specially if it was a more vague job that may/may not have an impact on the business and moving it forward.

Understanding things and figuring out how they work in order to solve a problem that doesn’t need solved, is vague, or is meaningless and doesn’t get you anywhere much is stupid. It’s a waste of energy as well. It’s better to focus your energy on things that need done because those have a point and need prioritised and maintained much more than the pointless ones to keep things running.



Your college professor has assigned you to a group project with 3 other individuals. All 3 of these individuals have a good strong work ethic and desire to contribute to the overall success of this project. You are at the first meeting of your group and the other members are tossing around valuable ideas as to the nature and direction of this project.

- Describe your behavior in this situation as you process and think about the ideas they are presenting.

If they are idea people, I would want to organise the ideas in order of relevancy to the project on the page. I would also want to eliminate the terrible ideas, and pick the best one (all in agreement of course). I think organising the ideas is important so that we all know what we are striving for, as his having an overall theme.

- Describe what major influences drive this behavior.

I am more of an organiser and an implementer than an ideas person, to be honest. I’m not very creative in that way. I like to refine things and organise them and make something new through editing. I am quite a remixer and a creator that way. Also, organising things ensures that we know what we’re doing and can keep the project going. It is also more efficient this way in terms of completing the project and not backtracking on it.



It has been a very long week and you feel mentally and emotionally drained, but good news! It is Saturday and you have nothing significant that needs to be done. You FINALLY have some free time to yourself to recharge your batteries and do whatever you want.

- Describe what sort of activities would help you to recharge. What would you enjoy doing after a long week and why?

I enjoy listening to music, mostly weird music that is different and doesn’t really always follow a complete structure, and I can just look at it and enjoy the crazy visuals. It’s my way of letting go, and refreshing my mind and not thinking for a while, after thinking about things and doing things. Lets me loosen up a bit too. I find listening to stuff like CA7RIEL, BBNO$, “Meme songs”, Arca, Conan Osiris, Mahmood and Sevdaliza are good for stuff like that. It also engages creativity in the loosen, ‘unconscious’ mind at times.

At times, I like to drink as well when I listen to music. It lets me get into it and focus on the madness more and not overanalyse things.

I like to watch TV shows and YT videos to unwind and relax for similar reasons. But sometimes I deliberately watch terrible shows to analyse and make fun of them, or videos of people analysing them and making fun of them. At the moment, I am doing that to Roswell, NM.

I like to also write stories and plan them in my free time. Unleash some pent up creativity whilst doing so.

- What sort of things do you feel you draw non-physical energy from doing?

All those things mentioned above that I don’t have to use much brain power on, or analyse much.



You have a meeting with your college career counsellor to discuss potential careers that interest you. He/she offers you a list of the following careers and asks you to pick your TOP 3. He/she asks you to take money out of the equation. Imagine all of these careers received equal compensation. Focus instead on where you would truly feel most happy and fulfilled.

Artist, Scientist, Actor, Engineer, Musician, Lawyer, Counsellor, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Manager, Psychologist, Computer Programmer, Analyst, Clergy, Child Care, Medical Doctor

- What were your top 3 choices and what aspects of these careers appeal to you?

To be honest, from what I have experienced and know, most career advisors aren’t that good at suggesting jobs, but for the sake of the hypothetical question, I will answer it. Alright, how much do they make? Will we say $100,000 each? (For arguments sake, ok). So now it’s up to what you find easiest for your current skillset and are competent enough at doing. Out of them all (in no particular order):

- Analyst
I enjoy analysing things, specially data and finding trends in things, believe it or not. I like organising and sorting it out too. I find it all very interesting. And yes, I split this one into two separate jobs because I would like to be a data analyst, and that has nothing to do with computer programming, per se.

- Musician
I actually tried this one as a course and got a qualification from it, and found out that I was very good at producing and composing music. I like to use DAWs and program beats in them and make music. I tried making a few full songs, and they need more work. I know quite a lot about how songs work, and are structured and I also know a bit about the industry. Also enjoyed researching and finding out about other music genres through it too.

- Scientist
I like the researching and problem solving aspect of science, and discovering things. And making hypothesis and measuring things. Experiments seem cool as well. Also like the data aspect and reading papers as well.

- Was it difficult or easy to pick only 3 and why?

It was easy because most of the jobs there are generic and not well thought out for questions like these (introverted/extroverted thinking, feeling). You could have went and picked two jobs each based on groups (NF, SF, ST, NT) to make it more balanced and give a better scope of types but anyway, it was easy for me to eliminate the jobs that involved caring about people and being around them too (child care, counsellor, teacher, actor, psychology and clergy) because I’m not good at that sort of thing. Those tap into my weaknesses, and I tend to get very tired dealing with people after a short period of time.

Being a lawyer and entrepreneur would be alright, but putting in the long hours would take a lot of investment and grunt work to get the businesses off the ground. There is a lot to learn and memorise for those jobs. Managing and delegating things would also be alright, but I think I’d need a bit of experience for that job.

Being an artist and a doctor would be alright too but I’d run out of ideas for the artist for concept pieces very fast. I’m not amazing at sculpting or drawing though. Being a doctor would also take a lot of memorising and knowing what to do in a crisis and under pressure (not good at that). You also have to help people and try to save them.

- Prioritise the aspects of your career choices that influenced your decision, what things mattered most to you, where do you imagine finding the most fulfilment and why?

Out of them all? I think that I would have to go with being a Musician because I have the most experience in that field already, and because it satisfies my programming, analysing and problem solving skills in the form of making music.


Click on the image below and pay close attention to the things that jump out to you, objects, thoughts, feelings, impressions, ideas etc. What do you see?

- Describe the main things that stand out to you in this picture.

The canyons and the contrast between the darkness and the light of the caves and the sunlight.

- Why do you think/feel you focused on those things?

Because of the contrast between the darkness of the night.

- Describe the strength with which this photo did or did not appeal to you and why?

It’s just a photo I was made to look at, I don’t care for it.