Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
I agree with @BandD, I think you are SLE-Ti

I thought you were SLE-Se but, thinking about it more, I am pretty sure you are SLE-Ti. Most likely Dominate or Creative.

I can't see you as Gamma as you really dislike Fi. ALways going after that EII meat

You seem to have 4D Te and 3D Si in my opnion. Why? First, you get pissy at my grammar and spelling lol (im not offended I have accepted my shit weakness). Like ILE with Te, you're not afraid to instruct nor help in that area. You want to help but not take charge nor do you seem overly offend by it if I were to turn my nose up on it lol. If you were an LSI, you would rather take control of your ignoring when pushed to it. I get like that with Se.

You don't seem to get very controlling in a Te way or get on the offensive when pushed to it. I can see that with Si. I also view ignoring as the "fantasy function" in terms, I 'fantasize" about Se stuff, like being a badass assassin or pushing to the limits when I cant, but I will always choose Si instead. In daily life, I will always choose Si. You have always seemed the opposite to me in that regard. You don't seem to play around with Si that much and enjoy it in a minimal way. If you were LSI, I think you would be more...understanding and appreciative of Si if that makes sense? Especially when you mentioned on that chat one time about engaging in some Si stuff for a day.

You don't come across as a Ti dom to me. After watching @myresearch and @FreelancePoliceman interact on here and seeing their thought patterns, I cant see you as a Ti dom. You are obviously rational without a doubt. Just, the underlying thinking patterns and orientation towards Fe is different.

You are also more sensitive to Fi then an LSI and you wouldn't care about it as much if you were an LSI. In the sense, I think we are more vulnerable and aware of our POLR then we would like to admit. We lookout for that information more then we realize. I get that way with Te and can get overly rigid with it. You also seem to have a stronger distaste for Fi then Ne. Plus, you are very much Fe seeking. More so then SLE-Se. While you often Ni seek, even this post I would categorize this as Ni-seeking, you also need strong Fe approval of the group overall. Though, I think you are dual Ni seeking at the end of the day. I mean, you worship the wonderful @BandD lol

You hate Ne but you seem to be able to be a little more flexible in it then you realize. Therefore, not a POLR. You are able to recognize a lot more "possibility" then most SLE I know. You don't like it but you are at least aware. Plus, I think you would be living in a bunker right now with Ne POLR

We also get along pretty well. I know I tease but it is out of Fe care As an SEI-Fe, I tend to get along best with Ti doms and subtypes. I don't really see the benefit relation between the two. It feels more like a mirage at times. I kinda want to automatically help you with Si, Fe, and Fi. I think you kinda do the same for me sometimes with you're Se, Ti, and Te. But we are not duals so we are both looking for that Ni/Ne guidance but are not getting that from one another I can try and Ni but its wonky at best

That is my general perspective.
You make some great points, Ducki. Thanks for your valued response. I'd like to add a few things though:

1. I used to think I was Se sub, but I realised how I still yearn for organisation, rather than just flat out ploughing into things with attack. It's like the Se has a heavy tint of Ti, if that makes sense. It seems like Se is the main outer ring, focus and the interior is the Ti under the Se.

If you look at the stucture of the Valued (blue) sections and the unvalued (orange) sections of the psyche, and 4D Se/4D Te being the ones with the most coverage, you can see how the average psyche in the SLE is -supposed- to manifest itself, based on value, coverage area and strength/usage. The Se sub would have even more and Te space used up and less Ti space, more than likely. It would have some of the Ti and Si sucked away. It would be more of an expansive type, imo. Also, imagine that Se has more area taken yup, too lazy to redraw that, but you get the idea.

2. Yeah, lol. My Dad's LIE and even his Fi annoys me. ESI-Fi are so annoying to me, tbh.

3. Yeah that's a general pet peeve of mine lol. I want to instruct you, yes. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty in that aspect. I am a bit of a control freak, yeah, but I'm not gonna snap your neck if you don't accept my help. Mostly

4. Yeah, my LIE Dad can be a SUPER control freak at times lol. I think he is also Te subtype, but he has a healthy dose of Ni. His plans are a lot more long-term and detailed than mine will ever be. He's all about timing and I'm not lol. I think my love of food/creating recipes with a combination of similar ingredients i.e. pineapple yogurt porridge, strawberry bagels etc. is my Si coming out, and wanting to watch TV series/videos after my daily grind as well. I like to relax and be a lazy bastard, but I'd rather get things done first you know? xD

5. That is a reasonable point, but don't forget that they are both most likely LII. You have been observing your activity partners more than LSI (but tbf, we don't have many active LSi here do we?).

6. Yeah, I used to be called and think I was Ti PoLR because I wasn't being overly rational here about the theory, but I realised that it was me not understanding the theory enough due to being a lazy bastard and not studying it indepth enough, and not critically examining what I knew. But once i understood what Fi and Ti actuall were, I figured out the Fi i tried to force when I was "SEE" was stressing me out. And having watched some of the Vampire Diaries and this show Gang Related I'm watching now with BAndD, I've realised that ESI-Fi are blergh to me (not as bad as EII, though), especially when they have strong morals and senses of justice. I want to punch some logic into them, especially when they go on their won moral crusades. No. As for Fe group approval, I'm pretty much a lone wolf. I do enjoy the group's company at times, but I'm not really seeking their approval most of the time (this could be seen as a rare example I guess). And BAndD is pretty cool, ok? Honestly? I can sniff out EIE and IEI very well to activate/dualise with. Maybe EIE would be the more overbearing of the two to dualise with.

7. That's interesting you say that. I've always thought of myself as a pretty rigid person, and joking aside about the Ne PoLR living in the bunker but I think that Ne is more hopeless in xSI, if that makes sense. It confuses and annoys them, with all the potential shooting out. As Ji is the antithesis to Pe, and vice versa, the differing energy sources and flows can cause a sort of meltdown in the circuitry after a while, if the currents are fighting against each other. They need a linear, direct current in order to survive.

8. Of course we get on well xD We would have to, after all the meat exchanges lol. Joking aside, interesting that you say that. Yeah, you can't get Ne from me, and I can't get Ni from you lol.

Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimonia View Post

Do I activate you, bb?