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Thread: DEAD, I'm going to punch your fat head in...

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    In all fairness us ILE are known to simplify...
    Yeah, and people don't see that underneath the dumb stereotypes which are prepetuated by more extreme examples of ILE in pop culture, such as Rick Sanchez. Are there ILE like him? Yes. But do I think he should be held as the baseline, like the SLE who happen to enjoy fixing cars are? No. Are those activities that people with Se+Ti can gravitate towards? Of course. Like I have said many times before, it's about the IME. About how the person functions and makes sense of the world which is the most important thing. Not the stereotypes, nor the ITR. It's about programming on humans, not archetypes and there are many vairables that need to be organised and made sense of within the context of socionics. Like many subjects/topics with raw data analysis, there are going to be some anomalies within the graphs, aside from the average and the low end of the types. Subtypes can help explain the differences to a degree, as can other established elements.

    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Even if you do you won’t be listened to lol the game is rigged inumbra.
    The game has been rigged from the start, since everyone started putting biases into the equation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Hm hm hm I wonder who actually put the bias in the equation

    Well, both sides. One side is biased toward the SEE typing, the other the SLE. If we want to be precise.

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    Default Equations:

    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Aren't you tired of those sides? Just claim LSI, that's what I did for ESI. Or trade your type with me, I'm open for ESI takers!
    If I'm being honest, I know I value Se, have weak Ne and Fi, which rules out any Alpha and Delta Type, and strong SF Gamma type, due to the Fi.

    Out of that, that leaves: SLE, LSI, IEI and EIE as well as ILI and LIE. My Fe isn't strong (either 1D/2D), which takes Beta NF out of the running.

    Although I have strong Si, I don't value it like Se, so that means that it's either Demonstrative (4D, strong, unvalued) Ignoring (3d, unvalued), Role (2D, unvalued) or PoLR (1D, unvalued and weak).

    On top of that, I think that my Ni is weak, but valued, which leaves it between Beta ST as my most likely type. Out of the functional order and functions being valued, that leaves SLE > LSI > LIE > ILI as my most probable types. You can see that despite having Strong Si and Te being the most probable of the 4D/3D functions, they are "unvalued, thus Delta ST is left out of the running. But if we were going by function strength, regardless of value, then it would be (most likely): SLE> LSI > LSE> SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    There you go, SLE. Have you thought why you keep on doubting your type?
    It's more to do with the fact that I am more:

    • Calculated
    • Analytical
    • Less impulsive, irl
    • I don't really "seek" Ni, I'm more into seeking Fe.

    The points that contradict this are:

    • I can be more unhinged online (I think this is more me winding down than focusing, and having a bad week irl, and having genuine difficulty with processing/forming relationships and emotions)
    • IEI seem to mesh better with me than EIE in terms of "completion", which I think is a better word than duality *

    * I know that ITR aren't the end all and be all, but from observation, it seems that way.

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