Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
but it's not an excuse I don't know if any explanation would satisfy you? I do believe I could be wrong about this, if that helps. What I know most clearly is you are EP temperament and definitely not ILE. IEE is also unlikely. I think you are probably Se ego and you agree with that? I just can't explain easily. And even if I tried it would fail.
You could even give something simple, like Chriscorey did below:

Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
Usually when I'm writing an introvert I control the conversation. Or I understand that I can control the conversation if I want to. With you, you were more in control of the conversation.

Well, maybe I just think I'm in control of the conversation with introverts.
If I look at all my conversations with introverts and compare it to all my conversations with extroverts, you seem more extroverted to me.
I see, that makes sense. In control in a logical, or Se sense?

Quote Originally Posted by PseudoRandomBSGenerator View Post
No, you are a delta NF with a brain tumor.
Impossible, Delta NF don't have brains to begin with