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Thread: What types are most prone to slander?

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    Dazu's Avatar
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    Default What types are most prone to slander?

    Randomly accusing people of racism, pedophilia, or even accusing people of rape or sexual harassment. I assume anyone with an unscrupulous character would do such a thing, but by any chance could type be a predictor of such behavior?

    I'm assuming inert bold ethics, especially , could be culprit.

  2. #2
    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    I'm sorta doubtful this is type-related as I think it tends to have more to do with having something specific to gain from said slander, and anyone can act out of self interest.

    That being said, I'd say it's very unlikely to come from Ti egos at the very least
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    It is about what one gains, that's true. Anyone can slander, but I do believe certain functional attributes would lead to more predictable behavior. Some have noticed, and as have I, that SLIs do tend to make random snap judgements about people's character, and worse, they are uncompromising about this.

    That said, what makes you think Ti egos are the least likely?

  4. #4
    RBRS's Avatar
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    Probably more related to ethical values, gain from it, social acceptation of that specific slander, and ideology.

    I'll take a look at this thread though, and the one that comes out by colloquiallism might be my conflictor.

  5. #5
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    At the residential treatment facility I was in there was an Unhealthy LSE-Te who would falsely accuse boys/young men of sexual harrassment almost every day. She somehow in her delusional brain thought I was staring at her tits once and I wasn't and she got in my face and said 'Who are you trying to groom?' in a hateful and serious voice like she was some cop bitch in those law and order shows lol. I had already told her I was gay so why would I be staring at her boobs? Must be wishful thinking on her part, I have no idea but she was crazy.

    She also said that boys exposed their penis in the church when they didn't do this. She would often say things like "Just be honest Dustin, you had anal sex with Brandon didn't you?" (names changed) when that never happened. "Tell the group what happened so we can help you- or you'll be escalated to a Maximum Security Facility." (it was medium security)

    So she got off on trying to get people to admit shit so she could file the paperwork that would put them in a rougher place. I think maybe - I guess , she was just trying to do the right thing-or she was abused herself and was trying to somehow make amends, but obviously how she treated people was wrong- and she had no objective critiera with any of this stuff- it was all Fi.

    ((She was also the one that would imprison the kids that didn't need it and would send bad kids on home visits where they really would sexually abuse and/or stab others- because she judged all of that shit completely with Fi and nothing else...))

    To be fair- the flipside is some unhealthy Betas really actually do fucked up sexual shit, of course. But Unhealthy Deltas make crap up I think because it makes them feel morally superior. Or they twist other things people know are morally wrong in order to come out 'on top.'

    This woman was also very, very narcissitic and those dumb idiotic Te News people liked her even though her heart was black. I think with her 4D Te she easily manipulated Karen society. To the outside world she looked like the 'perfect person' but interpersonally she was a complete cunt. None of the healthy Deltas liked her much either or anything - so I want to be clear here and say that I don't think this woman is a representation of all deltas or anything.

    Yeah we hated each other sooo much lol I could write multiple books about it....

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    At the residential treatment facility I was in there was an Unhealthy LSE-Te who would falsely accuse boys/young men of sexual harrassment almost every day. She somehow in her delusional brain thought I was staring at her tits once and I wasn't and she got in my face and said 'Who are you trying to groom?' in a hateful and serious voice like she was some cop bitch in those law and order shows lol. I had already told her I was gay so why would I be staring at her boobs? Must be wishful thinking on her part, I have no idea but she was crazy.

    She also said that boys exposed their penis in the church when they didn't do this. She would often say things like "Just be honest Dustin, you had anal sex with Brandon didn't you?" (names changed) when that never happened. "Tell the group what happened so we can help you- or you'll be escalated to a Maximum Security Facility." (it was medium security)

    So she got off on trying to get people to admit shit so she could file the paperwork that would put them in a rougher place. I think maybe - I guess , she was just trying to do the right thing-or she was abused herself and was trying to somehow make amends, but obviously how she treated people was wrong- and she had no objective critiera with any of this stuff- it was all Fi.

    ((She was also the one that would imprison the kids that didn't need it and would send bad kids on home visits where they really would sexually abuse and/or stab others- because she judged all of that shit completely with Fi and nothing else...))

    To be fair- the flipside is some unhealthy Betas really actually do fucked up sexual shit, of course. But Unhealthy Deltas make crap up I think because it makes them feel morally superior. Or they twist other things people know are morally wrong in order to come out 'on top.'

    This woman was also very, very narcissitic and those dumb idiotic Te News people liked her even though her heart was black. I think with her 4D Te she easily manipulated Karen society. To the outside world she looked like the 'perfect person' but interpersonally she was a complete cunt. None of the healthy Deltas liked her much either or anything - so I want to be clear here and say that I don't think this woman is a representation of all deltas or anything.

    Yeah we hated each other sooo much lol I could write multiple books about it....
    Seem even worst than Umbridge. I really hate some ESE but they are not as bad as this one...

  7. #7
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Seem even worst than Umbridge.
    Yeah, unlike Umbridge she was objectively very attractive. She looked kind of like a narcissistic brunette barbie doll or something? I think that is part of how she was effective at manipulating others and making them think she was right- and to lure males on her side.

    I thought she was this cool, interesting person when I first met her probably based on looks alone ((and like how Conflictors are at first drawn to each other)) and she could kinda charm people like Teal Swan does lol. I think you would ruin the essence of her if you cast her in a show and you had a conventionally unattractive woman play her. As that's been done to death imo, 'Oh they are ugly and fat, so they must be evil' Disney level stupidity.

    I suppose though the aggressive ness in her eyes gave her away. She always walked like a military commander - with the most serious and bitchiest of faces lol. She wasn't really 'adorable and soft/shy' pretty or anything. And she always just looked mad about something 24/7.

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    I feel like Fi is highly relevant...

    However all the ethical types I suspect are more likely to slander.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    At the residential treatment facility I was in there was an Unhealthy LSE-Te who would falsely accuse boys/young men of sexual harrassment almost every day. She somehow in her delusional brain thought I was staring at her tits once and I wasn't and she got in my face and said 'Who are you trying to groom?' in a hateful and serious voice like she was some cop bitch in those law and order shows lol. I had already told her I was gay so why would I be staring at her boobs? Must be wishful thinking on her part, I have no idea but she was crazy.

    She also said that boys exposed their penis in the church when they didn't do this. She would often say things like "Just be honest Dustin, you had anal sex with Brandon didn't you?" (names changed) when that never happened. "Tell the group what happened so we can help you- or you'll be escalated to a Maximum Security Facility." (it was medium security)

    So she got off on trying to get people to admit shit so she could file the paperwork that would put them in a rougher place. I think maybe - I guess , she was just trying to do the right thing-or she was abused herself and was trying to somehow make amends, but obviously how she treated people was wrong- and she had no objective critiera with any of this stuff- it was all Fi.

    ((She was also the one that would imprison the kids that didn't need it and would send bad kids on home visits where they really would sexually abuse and/or stab others- because she judged all of that shit completely with Fi and nothing else...))

    To be fair- the flipside is some unhealthy Betas really actually do fucked up sexual shit, of course. But Unhealthy Deltas make crap up I think because it makes them feel morally superior. Or they twist other things people know are morally wrong in order to come out 'on top.'

    This woman was also very, very narcissitic and those dumb idiotic Te News people liked her even though her heart was black. I think with her 4D Te she easily manipulated Karen society. To the outside world she looked like the 'perfect person' but interpersonally she was a complete cunt. None of the healthy Deltas liked her much either or anything - so I want to be clear here and say that I don't think this woman is a representation of all deltas or anything.

    Yeah we hated each other sooo much lol I could write multiple books about it....
    I have known an LSE (but male) for 8 years, that description doesn't fit, not even a little bit. Usually LSE's are regarded as restrained and moderate in social situations. Your typing is probably wrong.

    On the other hand, I've seen Se leads slander constantly.

  10. #10
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    LSE-Si are more that way. LSE-Te not so much because Te is aggressive and fast and mobile (dynamic) ... so is Se but Te can also often be that way, even more so.

    The definiton of Slander is that it's actually false- and so I easily see Ni polr being this way.

    It's not slander if somebody is cussing you out and they are 110% right about everything they say- and you just don't want to hear it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    LSE-Si are more that way. LSE-Te not so much because Te is aggressive and fast and mobile (dynamic) ... so is Se but Te can also often be that way, even more so.

    The definiton of Slander is that it's actually false- and so I easily see Ni polr being this way.

    It's not slander if somebody is cussing you out and they are 110% right about everything they say- and you just don't want to hear it.
    The LSE I'm talking about is probably LSE-Te, and it's still that way. This LSE is my partner's brother, and she had an economics teacher which she inmediately recognized as an LSE through non-verbal, the ways he talked, how he processed things, etc.

    This other LSE had some behavioral differences that could be associated with Si subtype, on comparison, the LSE-Te is more rational, collected, ordered, and far less prone to informality and harsh jokes (while still doing it) while the LSE-Si is more open, discursive, informal, cracks more jokes... This might be because of an enforced rational VS irrational IM, although it could be about education.

    False slander would not be related to Ni-PolR if the slanderer knows it's pure slander, which I think is usually the case.

    Anyways what you describe, in my experience, is outside of LSEs as I've come to know them.

    I'm also noticing you tend to not follow the correct in-depth definitions and model of socionics and rather do a superficial analysis or your emotional impressions to determine someone's type, hence why you would type the girl in Park's thread as LSE due to her self-description related to the corporate world, when most things were pointing towards ethical. You might be mistyping ESE's as LSE, take into account that the moment you find the actual LSE you will be a wallflower to each other and conflict would only arise at some psychological closeness, which is usually rare in conflict relations.
    Last edited by RBRS; 09-18-2021 at 08:32 AM.

  12. #12
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    Ips have the processing configurations that can be conducive to cloistered thinking - imagining the worst and or thinking they're right, which tends to makes them somewhat critical and or suspicious of the behaviours of others. I'm quite sure that all types have their moments when they're very critical of others but the siege mentality of many Ips can turn more than a few of them into various reincarnations of Archie Bunker.

    a.k.a. I/O

  13. #13
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Anyone who slanders me is my conflictor.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    Also this:

    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  15. #15
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    I know EII didn't slander but got slandered because they wanted her to have slandered and be slandered. SxE love to slander but I'm not even sure if they are aware they are slandering? They misunderstand a lot making assumptions form there. I know ILIs love to slander. IEIs like to talk shit about someone but from what I've gathered it's their way of moving on after they have tried to be prosocial before that. Still bothers me tho. EIE was slandering gay people for not conforming/being unnatural. SxIs slander, 1D Ne. xSI would totally slander for some kind of just revenge or getting on top? ESE joins in on slandering IDK if they are aware it's slander. LII would tactically slander, even if not particularly good at it. If EII slanders then it's also tactical or emotional moment thing. LxE is pointless to mention.
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