This entire case makes me think there is a weakness in the FBI/law enforcement always tracking everything on the internet and being much poorer at real world tracking as a result. The Matrix has weakened real ST security for everybody. Obviously at this point he's at least smart enough to know he can't go online or post any messages anywhere or stay at a hotel LOL. And if he really at good as surviving like they say- he'd know how to keep the dogs scent off him as well etc.

I have this bad feeing he might actually be able to outsmart and evade authorities for quite some time- especially if he manages to get some help. ((How much is his family helping him escape and stay off the grid etc.)) And yeah he's still not the brightest tool in the box- but so are a lot of people that are in authority. =/

Wonder if people will use this as evidence that everybody should just be microchipped/'internally/eternally ankle braceleted' for society's own good. Internet communications/cell phone already does that naturally anyway.