Quote Originally Posted by EIE View Post
It seems like a pretty open and shut case . I was just curious if it was that obvious or if there's anyone else.

Brian seems like a beta male passive type who just snapped. Probably felt pushed into doing things or something but instead of taking ownership of much, resentment festered and things escalated.. in a twisted way, it would not surprise me if he felt entitled to do what he did. He has this empty victim-y vibe in his pictures. Covert narcissism would also fit into that type of narrative.
very much agree. He seems like he thinks very highly of himself. Serious entitlement.

Oh, and I meant ‘who else could it be???’ In a ghostly hushed tone and not a crappy one, just didn’t want you to get wrong idea. Sometimes it’s hard to convey the right tone in text . When I read it again, I thought, I hope she didn’t take this wrong