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Thread: Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito

  1. #161
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    lol I keep peeking on Reddit to see what people are saying, but I haven’t downloaded the app again. unfortunately safari only lets me get so far. it’s sooo tempting

    and I feel kinda…bad…acting like this is an episode of CSI….but it’s exciting ok. It’s terrible but it’s exciting. And if I died in the same way I will have you all know, I’m totally ok with any speculation, as morbid as it may be

    anyway, now that I’ve got that off my chest, I was thinking…considering the video footage from the YouTuber, you can see their shoes back there, outside & behind the van~ both of their shoes. So I’m going to assume she was still alive with they arrived at this place…dispersed creek place whatever it’s called. I was thinking maybe they were bare footing it and got in a fight on the outside, near the creek, and he whacked her and cracker her skull or something. Or she fell and hit her head. But then I was thinking about drugs in the mix. And how he could have killed her in the van, while he was going through a bad trip and thought she was demonic or something. And then this morning I saw this article: and this all just got even weirder to me.

    because his behavior in all this is just sooo odd. The van wasn’t supposed to be parked there, and was there (I believe she said) for several days. people saw the van, and he has to have known this, and still chose to bury her bear this location (I’m assuming bury). they said it appeared the whole time as Brian was alone and acting odd and no one actually saw gabby here, despite her shoes being outside the van.

    The body expert that that saw the video footage from the Moab dispute speculated they were on a bad ‘trip’ (drugs) and she was scared of him.

    what I’m thinking from all of this is they were both tripping big time, arrived at this place (on drugs) Parked (like they were on drugs), and stayed in the back having a bad trip. Maybe they got out a wandered a bit, to use the bathroom, barf, see the sites, or all three, and then got back in the van. And right now I’m wondering if he didn’t kill her in the back of the van and let her sit back there for a while until he could use the cloak of darkness to bury her. He is obv still on drugs at this point since he’s being dumb.

    then he came home and told his parents he accidentally killed this girl and they all formed a plan. They cleaned out that van, got him a lawyer, prob their life savings, use the Florida wild life reserve as a red herring to distract the cops while he made it for Mexico or Canada. Possible the wilderness, but the longer he waits you would think the harder it would be to get out (or waiting for media fire to die down). The thing is there is no warrant for his arrest yet because they can’t find evidence he did it. I don’t know the laws about the country if a person of interest or how easy it is to get into somewhere like Mexico tbh, might be cake.

    anyway. This is my theory at the moment until more information, and then I’ll possibly have to redo the whole thing in my head…

    … RIP Gabby. she did seem like a sweet girl and he seemed to have some sadistic interest, and some issues, and pair that with drugs… we really can’t be sure what happened in that van, could be a million things.

    and yeah I just typed that all on my phone and am going to have to go back and edit the shit out of it. Bare with me (ok I think I fixed most of the worst things)
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    And THIS is why IEIs write half of all the screen plays, in spite of the fact that they make up 1% of the population.

    @reverie, download the app. You know you want to do this. Dooooo iiiiittttt. Give in to your dark side. No one will ever know.

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    Her shoes outside the van were flip flops, right? Maybe they were slipping off of her feet when he pulled the body from the van, and he decided it would be easier to move the body if he left her flip flops behind.

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    I like the "Stopped to pee, got into a fight on the rocks by the river, she fell (or was pushed or slipped on wet rocks) and hit her head" theory. He stays there for a while because maybe it takes some time for her to actually die and he doesn't know what the fuck to do because maybe he pushed her, and then he eventually just leaves with a lot of guilt but without a concrete plan.

    He really seems to have been acting like a guy without a plan.

    Low Ni is a bitch.

    Holes in this scenario: If she took some hours to actually move from concussion to death, why didn't he call for help? Guilt over hitting or pushing someone only goes so far. No phone service? Afraid to move her unconscious body to the van to drive for help for fear of damaging her further?

    I've been in wilderness areas where my phone didn't work. There are more of them than you might think.

    As for why they both left their shoes by the van, I was once in the Southwest wilderness with an ILI buddy and he suddenly said "Stop the car." I did, he jumped out and ran behind some rocks by the side of the road and returned without his underpants. Apparently, diarrhea can make an incredible mess.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-22-2021 at 04:07 PM.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I like the "Stopped to pee, got into a fight on the rocks by the river, she fell (or was pushed or slipped on wet rocks) and hit her head" theory. He stays there for a while because maybe it takes some time for her to actually die and he doesn't know what the fuck to do because maybe he pushed her, and then he eventually just leaves without a concrete plan.

    He really seems to have been acting like a guy without a plan.

    Low Ni is a bitch.

    Holes in this scenaro: If she took some hours to actually move from concussion to death, why didn't he call for help? Guilt over hitting or pushing someone only goes so far. No phone service?

    I've been in wilderness areas where my phone didn't work. There are more of them than you might think.
    yes, peeing was def involved at some point here, me thinks

    if he hit her he prob wouldn’t alert the authorities because he didn’t want to get in trouble, even if she was still alive and unconscious and in bad shape, imo. case of caring more about his ass than her life (narcissism)

    yes, he could have placed the shoes there, outside but why leave evidence someone was with him out in the open? Why wouldn’t he leave the shoes in the van? Not only that, but he also wasn’t wearing his shoes, then. Unless he thought it’s be easier to bury her without shoes. Speaking of which, where would he get the shovel. Would they have a shovel on them? Maybe? But seems kinda weird. Not like he was thinking clearly obv, but hmmm idk
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    yes, peeing was def involved at some point here, me thinks

    if he hit her he prob wouldn’t alert the authorities because he didn’t want to get in trouble, even if she was still alive and unconscious and in bad shape, imo. case of caring more about his ass than her life (narcissism)

    yes, he could have placed the shoes there, outside but why leave evidence someone was with him out in the open? Why wouldn’t he leave the shoes in the van? Not only that, but he also wasn’t wearing his shoes, then. Unless he thought it’s be easier to bury her without shoes. Speaking of which, where would he get the shovel. Would they have a shovel on them? Maybe? But seems kinda weird. Not like he was thinking clearly obv, but hmmm idk

    Yes, they definitely didn't seem to be operating as a team with the other person's welfare considered first.

    Also, why do you think he buried her? I haven't seen any indication or mention of that.

    Most people who are prepared for a wilderness trip will have a short collapsible excavation tool. It comes in handy for burying poop, covering fire ashes, and digging your car out of a ditch.

    But it takes hours to dig a grave (not that I have a lot of experience with this), even with a good shovel, and if you bury someone in a shallow grave, carnivores will just dig up the body during the night because they can smell it. I've seen this with animals.

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    i think his behavior makes sense even without drugs now that i've seen more of him... i'm not really mystified anymore by it though i am mystified by his family a bit because i guess i have this need to give them the benefit of the doubt or something... but it sure took them forever to report him missing lol. and yes saying, oh he vanished into one of the most difficult places to search on earth, is a great way to buy him more time. and obviously he was going for the escape the law path anyway since he didn't turn himself in.

    but remembering the shock i went through after losing someone close, i remember wandering aimlessly as though changing direction is space changed direction in time. i felt like i was time traveling. my mind couldn't accept it. the shock went on for like a week. i was aimless in mind. i imagine it would be so much worse if someone had killed someone. the horror, the hell, the replaying over and over in your head, the constant traveling back in time as though the outcome will change... i think mb he was trying to come to his senses and form a plan and prioritize but his mind probably wasn't able to do so because it's in collapse (in shock the mind can't put things together). all your ideals, the person you thought you were... all of it makes no sense with what you have done. how can you reconcile your own identity? your purpose? after that? maybe at first in panic he thought in a way he would disappear and leave the van... it took days to come back to his senses enough to decide what to do, and then he returned to the van and drove home. it would also be the only place he could go for a chance to alleviate some of the hell and horror in his mind, a hope for some sense of normalcy in all the insanity.

    i feel like the murder happened outside because of the way he uses the van. in the moab incident he was using the van (IMO) to further distress her by being inside it and locking her out of it. i feel like it's outside where they have this space to start hitting each other. inside the van is where the tension builds, outside is where it is released.

    i think also Fe polr makes sense for him because his controlling/abusive/whatever behavior would build her distress until she starts acting out emotionally and lead her emotions to get out of control and then he starts panicking. all the Fe! he's just "trying to calm her down." he gets more and more physical and threatening the more he tries - and she feels more and more threatened so her emotions get even worse and she actually strikes him. and in a fight he has the upper hand and if he can't turn off the Fe, push her harder, hit her harder.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yes, they definitely didn't seem to be operating as a team with the other person's welfare considered first.

    Also, why do you think he buried her? I haven't seen any indication or mention of that.
    just a picture of the tent where they discovered her body, it looked like they had shovels out and I think people near the crime scene said they were digging for a body. He may not have. I’m just kinda been assuming it. They could have been digging for more evidence. And he just left her lay there. It just seemed kind of silly to me to leave her lay there but it’s not like he wasn’t acting odd anyway. I thought it’d be easier to see a body laying there or for dogs to find if it was just laying there, especially with all the social media peeps clearly around this area. But he could have left her there and the animals got to her, nature covered it up a bit, too.
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    @inumbra, I still like EIE for her and I can now see SLI for him. That would make them Conflictors.

    Your Conflictor looks like your Dual, until you start interacting with them and find out that they're not, they're not.

    So if he's SLI, then he's now running for his life and if there's one thing that SLIs are good at, it's self-preservation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @inumbra, I still like EIE for her and I can now see SLI for him. That would make them Conflictors.

    Your Conflictor looks like your Dual, until you start interacting with them and find out that they're not, they're not.
    I saw some postcards she sent to Brian’s niece/nephew. Fe Fe Fe….Fe explosion. I’d have a hard time mustering that much Fe. It’s what I think of when I think 4D Fe
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    i think his behavior makes sense even without drugs now that i've seen more of him... i'm not really mystified anymore by it though i am mystified by his family a bit because i guess i have this need to give them the benefit of the doubt or something... but it sure took them forever to report him missing lol. and yes saying, oh he vanished into one of the most difficult places to search on earth, is a great way to buy him more time. and obviously he was going for the escape the law path anyway since he didn't turn himself in.

    but remembering the shock i went through after losing someone close, i remember wandering aimlessly as though changing direction is space changed direction in time. i felt like i was time traveling. my mind couldn't accept it. the shock went on for like a week. i was aimless in mind. i imagine it would be so much worse if someone had killed someone. the horror, the hell, the replaying over and over in your head, the constant traveling back in time as though the outcome will change... i think mb he was trying to come to his senses and form a plan and prioritize but his mind probably wasn't able to do so because it's in collapse (in shock the mind can't put things together). all your ideals, the person you thought you were... all of it makes no sense with what you have done. how can you reconcile your own identity? your purpose? after that? maybe at first in panic he thought in a way he would disappear and leave the van... it took days to come back to his senses enough to decide what to do, and then he returned to the van and drove home. it would also be the only place he could go for a chance to alleviate some of the hell and horror in his mind, a hope for some sense of normalcy in all the insanity.

    i feel like the murder happened outside because of the way he uses the van. in the moab incident he was using the van (IMO) to further distress her by being inside it and locking her out of it. i feel like it's outside where they have this space to start hitting each other. inside the van is where the tension builds, outside is where it is released.

    i think also Fe polr makes sense for him because his controlling/abusive/whatever behavior would build her distress until she starts acting out emotionally and lead her emotions to get out of control and then he starts panicking. all the Fe! he's just "trying to calm her down." he gets more and more physical and threatening the more he tries - and she feels more and more threatened so her emotions get even worse and she actually strikes him. and in a fight he has the upper hand and if he can't turn off the Fe, push her harder, hit her harder.
    This is good. Veryy good.

    lots of people die hitting their heads on rocks. It wouldn’t be hard to believe that he pushed her in that area and she hit one too hard. Idk why but I just can’t see him using a murder weapon. I think I’d be really surprised if they come to that conclusion.
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    This is good. Veryy good.

    lots of people die hitting their heads on rocks. It wouldn’t be hard to believe that he pushed her in that area and she hit one too hard. Idk why but I just can’t see him using a murder weapon. I think I’d be really surprised if they come to that conclusion.
    @reverie, I also have a hard time seeing him intentionally murdering her. Accidentally, no problem, but intentionally, it seems out of character.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    if he hit her he prob wouldn’t alert the authorities because he didn’t want to get in trouble, even if she was still alive and unconscious and in bad shape, imo. case of caring more about his ass than her life (narcissism)
    yes! that's the vibe he gives off, in pics, but the body cam vid way more so. i wouldn't be surprised if he sees things as she's a hysterical crazy person and he just couldn't get her to stop being crazy and get back the nice calm chill vibe he wants... in his mind she's the love of his life, his romantic ideals are through the moon, but she's being emotionally cray and he tries to defend himself from her, and then it led to an incident, and he's just kinda a victim in all these events and now he must run.

    and yeah, he could have left her dying... because he'd just be scared and try to save himself. how he interacts with the police seemed like he very much is trying to protect himself and appeal to them and he will say whatever about her so he will be safe...

    he wants to maintain his smug calm in which he's in control of everything and she just kept acting like someone with their own mind... she wasn't playing her part in the romantic ideal.

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    It wasnt accidental. SLIs are evil. That was in him and he knew it. Deluded himself he was normal. A lot of the normal ones are repressed evil. I have angered SLIs before. They kill so easily. ILIs are a little more controlled. His psyche was such that it allowed him to be like that. You can't fully will what you will. They kill all the ones who stand out especially then there's only the "normal" ones left.
    They are only human when they get threatened. Their victim is not only human. It's only a human.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @reverie, I also have a hard time seeing him intentionally murdering her. Accidentally, no problem, but intentionally, it seems out of character.
    yes, and I did read that people that camp in that area are encouraged to bury their trash. maybe it’s some eco thing and they seemed like eco people, so maybe him having a shovel possibly wasn’t that nefarious.

    true, about animals digging her up. Given his behavior so far, I wouldn’t be surprised if he left her laying there. It just seems ridiculous to me I guess lol but a lot of it does
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    I see some projection in this thread.

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    Having a shovel in the wilderness is just being responsible. And safe, actually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Having a shovel in the wilderness is just being responsible. And safe, actually.
    I need to go buy the essentials at Lowe’s. A shovel. Some duck tape. Zip ties. And I probably need some acid to disintegrate my trash. You don’t think they’ll get the wrong idea at check out, do you????
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    I need to go buy the essentials at Lowe’s. A shovel. Some duck tape. Zip ties. And I probably need some acid to disintegrate my trash. You don’t think they’ll get the wrong idea at check out, do you????

    Don't forget the lime. It keeps the odor down and speeds up decomposition. Also, latex gloves and a mask and some bleach for DNA cleanup. Giant trash bags and maybe a coarse blade saw and some heavy knives. You want to go full-on with this.

    I'd skip the zip ties unless you are planning something unusual. They don't decompose, even with acid or bases.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'd skip the zip ties unless you are planning something unusual. They don't decompose, even with acid or bases.
    Really. I didn’t know that. But it’s good to know
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    Really. I didn’t know that. But it’s good to know
    Polyethylene is one of those miracle plastics that don’t interact with much of anything. It’s cheap and moldable and impervious to acids and bases and bacteria eating it. About the only way to get rid of it is to burn it, since it is basically solid gasoline. They make milk cartons out of it. It’s basically everywhere and will be for a long time.

    Wait, my mistake. Zip ties are made of Nylon, but Nylon is almost as good as polyethylene. It just absorbs a bit more water.
    I’ve had zip ties outside for twenty years and they are still fine.

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    I heard an interesting point today—investigators were able to quickly classify her death as homicide and not suicide, which suggests they might have some ideas about her cause of death.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I heard an interesting point today—investigators were able to quickly classify her death as homicide and not suicide, which suggests they might have some ideas about her cause of death.

    The coroner for the northern Ohio county where I was born told me that he was asked to determine the cause of death in a case where the woman had about 22 bullet holes in her from two calibers of gun. He ruled it a suicide.

    Apparently, she was trying to kill herself with a .22 and couldn't point the gun right, so she had a lot of entry-exit holes which weren't fatal. Eventually, she got a .38 and shot herself in the head. That did it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I heard an interesting point today—investigators were able to quickly classify her death as homicide and not suicide, which suggests they might have some ideas about her cause of death.
    yes, how quickly that was announced made me think it was something pretty obvious
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    thinking about it some more (lol)

    he gets to this campsite (spread creek) acting all weird with no gabby in the passenger seat. No gabby seen at all. And it seems the van stays there for at least a few days (was it 3?). clearly she was in the van when he arrived, in the back. Alive or dead? half dead? why would he take her dead body to dispose of in such an obvious place?

    this whole thing is so bizarre

    ok, for one, there are a gazillion places he could have put her body, especially off the grid in that area. He had plenty of time to make a convincing story. But he didn’t. It seems strange that he hasn’t fudged up and given away his location considering how haphazardly he was about that escapade.

    The more I learn about this guy, the more I’m doubting he would commit suicide. From his behavior though, there is something seriously wrong with his state of mind. I can’t believe his parents basically let a wild animal loose. And not only did he murder he prob, he also got his parents dragged into the mix, not that they had to help him, but considering it’s their kid it might have made them feel obligated.
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    I downloaded Reddit. Damn it. I can’t take it anymore lol
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    Last time I was this invested in a true crime case in real time was when Sherri Papini faked her kidnapping lol

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    i feel like this is the low hanging fruit of stimulation but there is this article

    it seems BL was in a very agitated state in a restaurant arguing with staff, and GP ofc came in and apologized for him haha. who knows maybe they had been fighting more that day and she felt his mood was her fault. anyway, since this was the day of the strange text message about stan it may have been the last day she was alive (the 27th). so BL was clearly pissy that day.

    naturally i'm curious about when the text message was sent... but details...

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    i feel like this is the low hanging fruit of stimulation but there is this article

    it seems BL was in a very agitated state in a restaurant arguing with staff, and GP ofc came in and apologized for him haha. who knows maybe they had been fighting more that day and she felt his mood was her fault. anyway, since this was the day of the strange text message about stan it may have been the last day she was alive (the 27th). so BL was clearly pissy that day.
    I hadn’t seen that article before. He sounds like such an asshole.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    i feel like this is the low hanging fruit of stimulation but there is this article

    it seems BL was in a very agitated state in a restaurant arguing with staff, and GP ofc came in and apologized for him haha. who knows maybe they had been fighting more that day and she felt his mood was her fault. anyway, since this was the day of the strange text message about stan it may have been the last day she was alive (the 27th). so BL was clearly pissy that day.

    naturally i'm curious about when the text message was sent... but details...
    lol omg I was just reading that

    that article is better than the one I was reading, though

    so maybe they got into a fight over this incident and the way he was acting and he hit her while he was driving. Then he drove there. Maybe she was knocked out dead or maybe half unconscious. Maybe she tried to escape and he chased her over that area where they found her body.



    yeah I think the 27th was it, and the same day he parked the van at spread creek, presumedly not long after the restaurant incident. And she was dead by the time that text message was sent. In between then.
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    @reverie, you really should try writing some crime fiction. I'll bet it would be good.

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    it seems when Brian got back, him and his family went on a little camping trip for 3 days in mommy and daddy’s brand new camper

    my mind is all like

    trying to make sense of all this
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    I think the neighbor husband is LSI-Ti and his wife is ESE. The news reader is probably ESI.

    See? I do this with everyone I see.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    yeah I think the 27th was it, and the same day he parked the van at spread creek, presumedly not long after the restaurant incident. And she was dead by the time that text message was sent. In between then.
    although oddly schultz saw him driving alone on the 26th (unless GP was in the back). it's possible the couple that said they saw them in the restaurant on the 27th were mistaken, a lot of time passed before they reported that. also it's kinda unclear/unknown how many text messages were sent on the 26th and 27th and of them how many could be considered strange. the one about stan on the 27th was the last before the phone was shut off until the 30th when the "yosemite" message was sent. it's possible she died on the 26th i wonder and BL tried to keep up with the messaging with her family, but grandpa stan was the last straw in what must have been a stressful /pretend to be gabby/ charade.

    it's still so weird the report of him hitchhiking on the 29th. his story then was that she's still blogging with the van.

    he has no mind, no course.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I think the neighbor husband is LSI-Ti and his wife is ESE. The news reader is probably ESI.

    See? I do this with everyone I see.
    lol Adam, that’s sad haha

    i kept thinking that the women sounds like she smokes, because she has the voice of a smoker. And it didn’t seem she was very friendly or enthusiastic. I didn’t even consider their types
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    lol Adam, that’s sad haha

    i kept thinking that the women sounds like she smokes, because she has the voice of a smoker. And it didn’t seem she was very friendly or enthusiastic. I didn’t even consider their types
    My reasoning was, I know a guy almost exactly like the husband. I thought when I first met the guy that he was SLE-Ti, but no. Also, the mustache is an LSI tell. He was particularly careful with facts, hence Ti.

    She VIs Alpha SF, and since he waited for her to speak, she ruled the relationship and was probably extroverted. Her deep voice was surprising, but it indicated that she was used to using it to get her way. I also got the sense that she was making social moral judgements on the Laundries. Therefore, ESE.
    I don't think she was unfriendly so much as very circumspect when appearing before a TV audience.

    ESE and LSI are semi-duals of the social kind, not the erotic kind. They look long-married but not hot for each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    although oddly schultz saw him driving alone on the 26th (unless GP was in the back). it's possible the couple that said they saw them in the restaurant on the 27th were mistaken, a lot of time passed before they reported that. also it's kinda unclear/unknown how many text messages were sent on the 26th and 27th and of them how many could be considered strange. the one about stan on the 27th was the last before the phone was shut off until the 30th when the "yosemite" message was sent. it's possible she died on the 26th i wonder and BL tried to keep up with the messaging with her family, but grandpa stan was the last straw in what must have been a stressful /pretend to be gabby/ charade.

    it's still so weird the report of him hitchhiking on the 29th. his story then was that she's still blogging with the van.

    he has no mind, no course.
    it’s all so crazy! definitely a movie in the making
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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    it’s all so crazy! definitely a movie in the making

    Who will they get to play the parts?

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    ryan reynolds can play him lol. he plays a confused person with an edge who has an innocent act well.

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    As an aside. There's really no phone service to speak of throughout Teton and Yellowstone. It's nice imo. Unfortunately that's going to be changing as telecoms are now allowed to put up a bunch of cell towers in the National Parks. Forgot when that's supposed to start, maybe it already has started, but I think it's a shame. Losing the crutch of the internet can be really nice, and you get a reprieve from everything for a bit. I was there last summer and they hadn't put up towers at that point, so it's probably not that networked yet.

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