Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
lol Adam, that’s sad haha

i kept thinking that the women sounds like she smokes, because she has the voice of a smoker. And it didn’t seem she was very friendly or enthusiastic. I didn’t even consider their types
My reasoning was, I know a guy almost exactly like the husband. I thought when I first met the guy that he was SLE-Ti, but no. Also, the mustache is an LSI tell. He was particularly careful with facts, hence Ti.

She VIs Alpha SF, and since he waited for her to speak, she ruled the relationship and was probably extroverted. Her deep voice was surprising, but it indicated that she was used to using it to get her way. I also got the sense that she was making social moral judgements on the Laundries. Therefore, ESE.
I don't think she was unfriendly so much as very circumspect when appearing before a TV audience.

ESE and LSI are semi-duals of the social kind, not the erotic kind. They look long-married but not hot for each other.