Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
yes, peeing was def involved at some point here, me thinks

if he hit her he prob wouldn’t alert the authorities because he didn’t want to get in trouble, even if she was still alive and unconscious and in bad shape, imo. case of caring more about his ass than her life (narcissism)

yes, he could have placed the shoes there, outside but why leave evidence someone was with him out in the open? Why wouldn’t he leave the shoes in the van? Not only that, but he also wasn’t wearing his shoes, then. Unless he thought it’s be easier to bury her without shoes. Speaking of which, where would he get the shovel. Would they have a shovel on them? Maybe? But seems kinda weird. Not like he was thinking clearly obv, but hmmm idk

Yes, they definitely didn't seem to be operating as a team with the other person's welfare considered first.

Also, why do you think he buried her? I haven't seen any indication or mention of that.

Most people who are prepared for a wilderness trip will have a short collapsible excavation tool. It comes in handy for burying poop, covering fire ashes, and digging your car out of a ditch.

But it takes hours to dig a grave (not that I have a lot of experience with this), even with a good shovel, and if you bury someone in a shallow grave, carnivores will just dig up the body during the night because they can smell it. I've seen this with animals.