Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
The following is 100% pure speculation and assumptions I drew while watching the video:

What I got from this video is that he doesn't like that she's vlogging, wants her to pay more attention to him, and is slightly irritated the whole time. She's annoyed with his clinginess because she's doing this as her job. A sad moment was when she said, "I love the van!" He started to brighten up for a second, like, oh she loves me! and then she said "the van" He feels like he's ignored, unimportant, and playing second-fiddle to her audience. She doesn't really even like him that much, and there's a lot of passive-aggressive comments and body language between the two of them. The whole granola thing for example. Then they put on their bright fake smiles and pretend like everything is great. . .
I can see this interpretation. Kind of makes me wonder if it was indeed a supervisory relationship.