Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
I saw some if it, yeah where she was crying. I felt bad because they are both young with unrealistic expectations. She quit her job to do this. He was apparently downing her on some of her work for the vlog and neither seemed to have planned ahead for this or had reasonable expectations. I mean, a year ago, my wife and I picked up our RV which was getting fixed in Kansas and we drove it back home to FL because it was fixed enough to drive and that trip we got on each other's nerves because of my poor planning (I was trying to work while on the road but the outlets in the RV didn't work and the shocks on the RV were really shot so the thing was a super bumpy ride to where our dogs were freaking out). But I know from other experiences how tough a road trip can be and God forbid you don't have money because it is expensive.

I think what bothers me the most, aside from taking her van and not saying shit to her parents who are worried sick, is that he most likely was the one editing her IG posts and seemingly fabricating shit. Something about that just really pisses me off. I mean what is the point? Just a very strange set of priorities.

But what were your thoughts on the video? As said, I only saw parts of it.
I fast forwarded through some parts but this is my understanding of what happened:
- Gabby spent the morning working on her blog. She says BG is unsupportive and doesn’t think she can do it.
- BG gets dirt in the van while Gabby is trying to clean.
- Gabby, who claims to have OCD, is triggered. Fight ensues.
- BG locks Gabby out of the van with no food/water. Its August, and they’re in the desert. He claims he locked her out to get her to calm down.
- Gabby gets in the van and attacks BG by slapping him and scratching his face. She tells the police that she did this to get him to stop telling her to calm down.
- BG pushes her away in self defense.

- Until more information comes out, I’m holding off judgement on BG. I would be surprised if he murdered her in cold blood.
- BG doesn’t want Gabby charged with DV, which suggests that he’s looking out for her in some respect. When the cops ask him the van swerved when they pulled Gabby and BG over, BG claims that Gabby pulled the steering wheel. When the cops ask Gabby the same question, she says that she was hitting his arm. I think this discrepancy also shows that BG is trying to minimize Gabby’s violence towards him (probably to protect her from getting arrested).
- I think the cops did a good job in deescalating the situation and separating the two for the night.
- I feel torn on BG staying silent. I think her parents deserve answers, but at the same time we don’t know what happened in the desert. The cops will likely pin her death on him. This kind of situation is why 5th Amendment exists. He’s acting on the advice of his lawyers.
- Both looked really tired like they haven’t been sleeping well.
- Telling someone to calm down NEVER works lol.
- I think Gabby saw their trip as a business venture, and BG saw it more as a lifestyle.
- Mostly I just feel sad for both of them. I don’t want to judge them too harshly for the cringey vlog or their poor planning because they’re both so young and inexperienced.
- Gabby is uncomfortable driving her own van. If you’re going to live the van life, you should be comfortable driving a van.
- Living in a van during the months of July and August is a really bad idea if you’re going to the desert.
- Heat + lack of sleep + thirst/hunger + stuck in a van with another person + boredom is a recipe for disaster.
- If they were duals, this wouldn’t have happened (jk)