(Excuse for my bad english).

I have read quite a few articles and pages of Socionics ...
I am 100% sure with my main function Ti and Fi as the role function. But I can't decide if I am really LII.

Things LII:
. I am an individualistic person.
. I don't like being ordered around. I avoid getting involved in groups or relationships that affect my free lifestyle.
. I prefer to work alone. I try not to resort to or depend on other people.
. My decisions and observations are based on my intuition and imagination. I rely on analysis, deductions and hunches. And, I prefer to plan for eventualities, than to attack or launch myself by brute force.
. I tire of dramatic emotions. I hate aggressive, temperamental, disrespectful and impulsive people. I avoid and criticize violent and abusive groups or individuals.
. In conversations and social relationships, I prefer comfortable, quiet, and friendly environments. I do not deliberately participate in discussions or competitions. I consider the "who is the best / superior" talks stupid.
. Natural ability to ignore provocations, and control my emotions. In general, I avoid unnecessary fights; isolating myself, and calming my mood in quiet areas. I only expel my anger in extreme cases.

Things not so LII (maybe LSI):
. I am motivated to achieve goals and objectives.
. I like to show discipline, order and determination.
. Direct and frank. I understand how to handle and control situations being "guy cold and logical". I execute my ideas, and I am not afraid to order, scold or confront people in necessary situations.
. I like the practical and physical work. And I feel quite satisfied to be rewarded for hard work.
. I am aware of my condition and appearance. I always try to look neat and elegant. I dislike disorderly people, who neglect their apparence or health.
. I don't openly expel my anger, but I can be severe, ruthless, and intolerant of people I dislike. And I can get quite aggressive if they hurt my loved ones.

. I have a lot of respect for SLE bosses, and I don't dislike fellow SEEs. In my experience, healthy SLEs and SEEs are mature, franks, and effective.
. I only show my "geek and immature" side to my closest friends. But for the most part, am i guy very serious. I am polite and kind, but I must admit that if I had a higher leadership position it would be more cold, severe, and unfriendly (my desire to rise and be an imposing boss).
. I like to associate with ILEs and IEEs for fun, but they are not my first choice to ask for help or trustworthy them.
. I don't identify with the Alpha quadra, and I definitely don't consider myself Beta. I relate more to Delta.
. I do not agree with the "relationship table". ESEs don't like me, and I don't like EIEs. My best relationships have been with SEEs healthys and SLIs (I'm not ILI).
. I can be perceptual, and work using my strength and will. I work comfortably in physical, "rustic" and manual things. I'm not that good at rambling on too complicated, improvised, or weird theories.
. I like to get my hands dirty, use tools, assemble, disassemble and do maintenance (mechanical, electrical, or electronic work). I avoid the theories, and the exaggerated philosophical and intellectuals enigmas. I don't consider myself so spontaneous and creative.
. I like the military. His seriousness, manly image, codes, discipline, rudeness and elegance.
. I only get depressed and collapsed by failing at a goal or objective.
. I HATE being forced to express emotions. I dislike being around corny and emotional people.

Do you know any other LII who act like this?