Lots of similarities

1. We love humanity and hate human beings
2. We can both discuss the process or the time line of stuff happening. I as an EII focus on character judgements and they as Fe valuing focus on the cultural process of what is happening; take the pandemic they were able to forecast and foresee the middle American states having a Covid surge since they saw this as a costal city problem at first. They can look at the happenings from above so to say.
3. With regard to climate change I can foresee with horror the actual catastrophe of floods and landscaping destruction that don’t involve human life harm so I tend to scream out “move now” take action now before it comes and IEI can simply see cities that will disappear like Miami FL in the next 15 years. And they can see other migrations happening. I want to shelter people and implement change prior to these events hitting home. They see the people element… like “when you move you will be met with hostility as a part of the migrant crisis” also IEI statement “I don’t see Vegas lasting till 2040!” But they are able to focus in on the human conflict while I am a bit more positive in a wishful way saying “we can make homes for everyone “

There’s a reason why Socionics often says they can be confused for the other