Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
I like her ! Even if some of her overbroad takes on narcissism made feel like one (which made me feel very uncomfortable cuz I'm not !). I kinda vibe like her when I speak freely with close people (essentially family members) but my natural way of being when I'm out in the wilderness (i.e. in public space !) is that of a man of very few words. In fact, these words are so few that I can make an exhaustive list of all the sentences I use since outside since 2016 in my native tongue :


- Bonjour
- Au Revoir
- Merci
- Par carte s'il vous plaît ("by credit card please" to the cashier)
- Assalamu Alaikum
- Wa alaikum Assam
- Une Pizza au fromage s'il te plaît
- Une Pizza aux Anchois s'il te plaît
- Une Pizza moitié-moitié (half cheeze half anchovy)
- Harissa mayonnaise salade oignons grillés
- Un tournedos
- Un kebab
- Cinq-cents grammes de viande Hachée

That's about it.

I didn't mentioned cigarettes since I quit smoking about 6-7 years ago. I didn't mentioned the conversations I have with my Doctors, Psychiatrist, social worker for obvious reasons.

Hey, lets get Adam to type you, i think it would be close.