Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Personally if I come across books I like I upload them to libgen because I don't care about imaginary property (IP), and I reason that if their work is worthwhile, it's best to facilitate access to as many people as possible. I do voluntarily pay authors when I think their work is worth the money.
I tend to agree with this approach. Indeed, it has been proven in studies that "giving away" your work tends to actually increase sales (this is a good reason why the first book or two in a series cost nothing to one single dollar on Kindle). I mean hell, they used to decide which anime series got dubbed by observing which ones were getting the most attention from the fan subbers and their viewers. They likely still do, though now that kind of traffic is more overt and open than back in the day. My primary complaint on that front is that they used to do actually faithful adaptations whereas now it's not uncommon for the bastards at companies like Funimation and Crunchyroll to insert woke political BS into the work where it wasn't present in the original. What the death cult cannot converge or destroy they will choke off access to. This is currently in the process of happening sadly. Thankfully one cannot stop the signal. It's just gonna be a hell of a lot harder to access unadulterated content from that sphere going forward.

Rant aside, the dude is doing the equivalent of that. The book's not free, but he's got that whole youtube channel and that is. Ads are active but hey, that's what the Brave browser is for. No ads for it blocks them automatically. Hell, ads don't work anyway. Studies show that as well. People tune em' out, skip em', or otherwise resent them. Word of mouth is the winning marketing strategy. Loud annoying ads don't move product. The word of people's close friends and family does however

But boomers gonna boomer and they run things ATM and the way things are shaking out it looks like they won't stop running (and ruining) everything until the ossified fossils in charge do us all the favor of dying. "Interesting times" ahead as the Chinese proverb/curse would put it...